Three More to go

As the Rin-shi pounced at Aruma at the same time, Aruma cleverly ducked and rolled away. All the Rin-shi's rammed into each other. Aruma stood up cleaning his pants and looking for a bottle of sake around his waist.

" No drinking " said Varmi 

" Ok sorry " said Aruma as he locked his eyes at Ryo 

A Rin-shi ran towards Aruma as he stood firmly. With a determined gaze, Aruma unleashed a torrent of swift movements, each strike a dance of precision and power. The Rin-shi was stunned for moment but as soon as he raised his hands to attack Aruma he fell to the ground. As his spirit emblem was crushed he vanished in thin air leaving behind a residue of dust and smoke. 

" I CAN TAKE YOU ALL " shouted Aruma 

The demons, once confident in their numbers, faltered as Aruma effortlessly dispatched them one by one. His movements were a symphony of martial prowess, a testament to years of disciplined training and a spirit forged in the crucible of adversity. Each demon fell under the weight of his expertise, their dark forms dissolving into nothingness. 

" It's " said the figure

" Impossible " said another

" This can't " said the third 

" Be " said the fourth one 

" RIN-SHI'S USE YOUR WEAPONS " shouted the 1st one.

Rin-shi summoned a ton of weapons ranging from sickles to even sticks and spears. Some had sword forged in the darkest pit of hell while some carried a mace made with human bones, dipped in amalgamation. The rushed at Aruma, shouting and shrieking. 

" Weapons? I having got any " said Aruma 

" Unleash me " said Varmi

" Oh yeah " said Aruma as he mustered all his strength.

With a deep breath, Aruma opened his eyes locking his eyes with the hoarde of approaching demons. He stood still and summoned Lord Varmi, one the greatest general and a profound bodyguard of the heavenly ministers. 

" Animal Fury!! Spirit Unleashed ! " shouted Aruma as he clapped his hand and took a martial art defence stand.

Varmi, the spirit of the Armadillo, whose Armor is gifted to him by Lord Benzaiten sama herself. It is said to be made from the same material that she used to create hope for the human beings. Along with his trusty Kung-fu Guan Dao given to him by the lord of weapons himself after he helped him find the diamond forged in the deepest cave of the universe. The tip of the Guan Dao is made from the same diamond. As Varmi pushed back the attacking hoarde, Aruma eyes shined bright as a grin ran across his face.

" Just like the old days " said Aruma 

" Merge and we shall share the same energy as we used to " said Varmi 

" Yes Varmi..Sorry...Lord Varmi " said Aruma 

" From here, it's upto you Aruma, save that child and avenge Kae..may God bestow you with the things you'll need for your journey " said Varmi as he grabbed Aruma's hand.

Aruma stood tall in the middle with Varmi's armour covering his body. A long red ribbon on the tip of his helmet flickered around like a flag. He grabbed the Guan and started swirling it and pointed it towards the Rin-shi's 

" LET'S FUCKING DO THIS " said Aruma as he charged at the Rin-shi's with all his might 

The clash of steel echoed through the desolate landscape, punctuated by the Aruma's rhythmic breaths. As the first monster lunged forward, its sword gleaming malevolently, Aruma swung the Guan Dao in a mesmerizing arc. The weapon, an extension of the master's skill, sliced through the air with a resonating hum. The clash echoed as steel met steel, but the master's precision proved superior, disarming Rin-shi with a swift maneuver.

More Rin-shis charged at Aruma, their weapons raised in a chaotic symphony of impending danger. Undeterred, Aruma twirled the Guan Dao, creating a defensive whirlwind that deflected the onslaught of blades. Each calculated movement showcased the Aruma's expertise, a dance of martial mastery amid the chaos.

" Still got this shit " said Aruma 

" Oh you are sooo dead " said the figure as he rushed at Aruma.

The formidable demon brandishing two wickedly sharp swords lunged at Aruma.The air crackled with tension with Aruma's every movement echoing a silent determination. The clash of metal reverberated through the desolate battleground as the Guan Dao met the demon's dual blades. Aruma's eyes gleamed with a steely resolve, countering the relentless assault with a dance of calculated precision. The Guan Dao's blade swept in elegant arcs, creating a defensive barrier that deflected the demon's onslaught. The demon, however, moved with an otherworldly grace, its twin swords a deadly blur in the moonlit night. The battleground became an arena of contrasting styles – the master's disciplined strikes against the demon's chaotic frenzy.

" The Master within me has risen again and he will fight to save Ryo and avenge my friend. I will start it by sending you back to the demon realm, you here me " said Aruma 

" We will see about that , you two attack him and leave the boy " said the figure 

Both of his swords crossed against the Guan were emitting sparks as they clashed. Aruma and the demon were pressing the weapon intersection towards each other like tug of war, trying to overpower and trip one another.

As the two demon charged at Aruma, the first demon started to overpower him.

" You want to take me down? Well then, here you go " said Aruma as he laid down letting the demon overpower him. 

As soon as Aruma was completely on the ground, he kicked the demon in the groin. The demon lost his grip and Aruma kicked him in the air. The charging demons crashed with the demon kicked up in the air by Aruma. 

" Haha idiots " said Aruma as he smirked 

Aruma stood up and started to march towards Ryo.

" You fool " shouted the three demons as they attacked Aruma from behind at the same time.

Aruma grabbed his Dao and turned around. As he attacked the demon, he used his Guan Dao that traced a path through the air, striking the demon with a forceful blow. The arc was strong enough to slash the demons in half.

" There's the core " said Aruma as he swinged his Dao.

He grabbed the Dao bottom handle and striked the core. The Arc sliced the core, slicing the core into 2. The arc travelled a specific distance, even slicing through the illusion, clearing the path and breaking the magic in that specific region. 

" NOOOOOO !!! " shouted the three demons as their body vanished.

" I...I...I... didn't even do anything " shouted the fourth one as he disintegrated into dust.

" Their souls were connected by 1 core.. that's funny " said Aruma as he rushed at Ryo.

Using his Guan, he slashed the Rin-shi's arms, freeing Ryo from their grip.

" Ryo...are you ok??? " asked Aruma 

" Ohh... what is ...what is going on " said Ryo

" You are alive... " said Aruma 

" I don't remember anything Master " said Ryo 

" YOU ARE ALIVE!!! " shouted Aruma as he hugged Ryo.

" What happened all of a sudden? " asked Ryo 

" Nothing absolutely nothing " said Aruma 

" I can't breathe Master please loose the grip ...I can't breathe " said Ryo as he coughed 

" My bad son " said Aruma as he grabbed Ryo and carried him on his back. 

Aruma turned around and saw the figure that resembled Kae. The figure nodded at Aruma, as Aruma nodded at the figure. Aruma with teary eyes, marched through the eclipse formed by the Dao arc and escaped the illusive maze. His armour and his Dao vanished leaving a green aura behind.

" I need to go to the Pyre " said Aruma 

" I need water " said Ryo 

" I hope everyone is well " said Aruma as looked in sky.

The Full moon was radiating it's aura in the sky, lighting the darkest forest with it's light. The moon slowly turned red. 

" The Lunar Eclipse is about to begin " said Aruma as he started to run towards the pyre.