Battle of the Pyre :- I

" I will do my best my lord " said Okami as he harnessed his energy into Hiro's body.

" Oh the guardians of the celestial abode of my lord, guide this body and use me as a map. Forgive the boy for he doesn't know his destiny. I shall lend him my power temporarily, so that he can defeat the upcoming enemies. Lend him the knowledge and his body the energy to withstand the battle " said Okami 

" This is upto you Hiro, you may not remember what happens but it will leave a mark. Rise and shine " said Okami as he merged his consciousness with Hiro.

Despite Hiro being unconscious, Hiro's body was acting on his own as if it was controlled by a spirit. 

" That...kid is something... " said Abel 

Abel was overwhelmed by the weight of Rin-shis. Abel wasn't able to retaliate with any sort of attacks because Rin-shis were not attacking him directly. Abel tried to lift them up but the weight continued to pummel Abel. A heap, slowly turned into a pile which turned into huge plateau of Rin-shi, climbing on each other to bury Abel under their weight.

" What's wrong with this fella now, his vibe is different " said Hobeo as he stood up and fixed his jaw.

" After finishing this ignorant cocky bastard, kill that boy " Hobeo added as he turned around and started to walk towards the burning pyre in the ground.

Some of the Rin-shi diverted their attention to attack Hiro. In the midst of chaos, Hiro who was fueled by his rage and guided by Okami, took the stance to fend of the relentless onslaught of the Rin-shi's. His every move echoed with primal fury, blending martial prowess with the fiery command of Okami. Hiro rushed at the swarm, moving left and right swiftly dodging every attack. Flames danced around him as he unleashed a torrent of strikes, pushing back the horde with a raw, untamed power.

" WHAT THE FUCK " said Hobeo as he turned around. 

The air crackled with the clash of steel and the roars of Rin-shis as they attacked Hiro one after another. Hiro became a whirlwind of relentless assaults. With each step, he left scorching footprints on the ground. His fists blazed with searing flames as he unleashed rapid punches, sending waves of fire through the demon horde. The air crackled with the heat of his strikes, and Rin-shis were thrown back by the sheer force of his unleashed power. As Hiro continued his onslaught, Okami's influence intensified. With a primal howl, the flames enveloping him surged, forming a blazing vortex. Rin-shis found themselves ensnared in a spiraling inferno, their forms distorted and consumed by the relentless fire.


The plateau of Rin-shis rushed at Hiro, giving Abel the chance to crawl and exit. Abel stood up to catch his breath as he gasped for air.

" These fools almost had me " said Abel as he took off his mask 

" Why is it hot here all of a sudden? " said Abel as he looked around.

Abel was shocked to see Hiro, tapping into his inert power and using Okami's spirit to fight the hoarde. 

" This....kid... Did he actually did no it can't be " said Abel as he grabbed his Kusari-gama.

" Let's do this " Abel added as he put on his mask and rushed at the hoarde.

The battlefield transformed into a storm of embers and dissipating shadows. Few Rin-shi found the gap between Hiro's blind spot and attack range and charged at him to initiate an attack. Abel jumped in between and scared the charging Rin-shis. With swift and precise movements, Abel swung the chain in wide arcs, creating a perimeter of danger around them. The metallic clinks echoed as the chain connected with Rin-shi's body, throwing them off balance. Hiro and Abel took a step back fighting the hoarde, and they stood still with their backs touching each other.

" Listen, I don't know how you are doing it but do remember it, if we are forming an alliance today, it's just situational. We.. I mean you and I are never teaming up again..just so you know.. It's situational " said Abel 

Hiro who was unconscious, remained silent and took a fighting stance. 

The battlefield became a dance of fire and steel as the two of them worked in harmony, pushing back the demonic horde with a relentless and synchronized assault. Hiro who was attacking the hoarde was getting protected by Abel's Kusari-gama. Hiro was caving in the wall formed by Rin-shis to encircle them. Abel strategically swinged his Kusari-gama to form an arc slicing the arms of the Rin-shis, however the Rin-shis grabbed the chain in order to pull Abel towards them. 

" Hey what the heck " said Abel as he pulled the chain towards him.

" KILL THEM !!! " shouted Hobeo

Hiro grabbed the chains as he stared at Abel. 

" Your eyes aren't even open " said Abel 

A blue colour flame, engulfed Abel's Kusari-gama. Contrary to Abel's expectation, the fire neither burned Abel's arm not engulfed him. The hook that was attached to Rin-shi caught fire as well however it burnt them instantly. As they were turned into smoke and dust, their soul cores dropped and caught fire. Abel instantly jumped on them to break it. 

" Didn't asked for your help but ok I guess.. I can handle this on my own " said Abel 


" That is it...YOU BOTH ARE DEAD " shouted Hobeo as he rushed at Hiro and Abel.

Hobeo using his illusion formed three clones of himself, running towards Hiro and Abel.

Hiro, wreathed in flames, lunged forward with primal ferocity. His fists, now intensified by blue flame clashed with the sickle arms of Hobeo. Meanwhile, Abel spun his Kusari-gama in intricate patterns, creating a defensive barrier against the agile adversaries. The metallic clash of the chain meeting sickles reverberated through the chaotic battlefield.

" YOU BOTH ARE DEAD " shouted Hobeo as the third one jumped in the air and rushed at Abel.

Hiro's fiery spirit helped him anticipate Hobeo's agile movements. Hiro kicked the first clone and speared the third clone mid air. 

Abel with a blend of agility and precision, exploited openings in the demons' defenses and realised that the second one was the real Hobeo while the other two have a delay of 5 seconds before their next attack.

" Haha...your energy is getting weak, isn't it you fool? " asked Abel.

" What do...what do you mean?? Weak? " asked Hobeo.

" You divided your energy into trapping our allies in three different sections. With one section destroyed, your power that was already 1/3rd of it's original started to mess with our animal ki. Then you used up your power on creating the Rin-shi clones and now you are using your last bit of wonder you are worried about it. The energy that was bestowed to you by your mistress that chameleon..was too much for your body to handle and as a result you divided it..but your plan backfired...idiot " said Abel.

" No...NO...NO...NO..NO! " shouted Hobeo.

" Oh yeah? Then why are you sweating? Scared eh? It's over " said Abel.

" You two finish him " said Hobeo.

" Hiro.. let's go " said Abel as he looked at Hiro.

Together, they engaged in a complex dance of combat, countering the sickle-armed adversaries with a combination of controlled fire and deadly chain attacks. The battlefield became a symphony of flames, metal, and intense martial prowess as the warriors confronted this unique and challenging trio of foes. In a synchronized display of skill, Hiro and Abel struck Hobeo's clone with precision, converging their attacks on two of them. Okami guided Hiro's strikes, while the lethal chain of the Kusari-gama controlled with calculated grace was guided by Fuku, the owl spirit.

Hiro's fiery punches collided with one demon, engulfing it in a blaze, while Abel with expert accuracy, found its mark on the second demon's vulnerable point. The simultaneous demise of these adversaries created a momentary pause in the chaotic battle. Hiro who was unaware of Hobeo's attack, finished the first clone with a powerful primal punch hitting the soul core and burning the clone instantly.

" HIRO !!!! LOOK OUT " shouted Abel as he rushed at Hiro.

Hobeo, who was filled with rage and frustration at this point in arrogance, closed his eyes and slashed what he thought was Hiro's nape. However to his surprise, Abel was standing in front of him. Hiro turned around and gained his consciousness.

" ABEL!!!?!?!? " exclaimed Hiro 

Abel head fell on the ground as his lifeless body, slided against Hiro's back before Hiro caught it and kept it on his lap.

Hobeo was surprised as he took a few steps back.

" I did it...I did it ???? I DID IT !!! " shouted Hobeo as he raised both his hands in excitement.