Reminiscent of The Past

" I must avenge Thum " said Rhy to himself

" I will..I surely will " he added

" You will fail " a voice echoed

" Who's there " asked Rhy

" You don't know me ? Well I guess after turning into a demon you forgot about your past life as well " voice echoed again

" Show yourself " said Rhy

A 6ft tall figure appeared infront of him. It's face was blurry and his head was upside down

" YOU DON'T REMEMBER ME DO YOU DO YOU?? " asked the Figure

" Who...yo...I remember now " said Rhy

" You are the reason I'm a monster...You are the reason I'm like this " said Rhy

" So you finally remembered huh..You are nothing just like your mother you are just a piece of entertainment of the are his slave like your mom " said the figure

" SHUT UP!!! " shouted Rhy as he burst into tears

Multiple appendages erupted from Rhy's body and rushed at Hiro and his friends.

Fast and Swift movements of the appendages destroyed everything in it's path. Everyone tried their best to dodge them but Rhy's speed was too much for them to handle. Rhy's body was a grotesque tapestry of sinew and shadow, from which sinewy appendages sprouted, writhing and twitching with malevolent intent.With a guttural roar that echoed through the battlefield, Rhy lashed out. His appendages, slick with a vile, dark ichor, moved with the speed of vipers. Aruma tried to block the upcoming attacks, deflecting some of the appendages with his spear, but Rhy sprouted more pairs to attack them. An appendage wrapped around his throat, lifting him off the ground before slamming him down with bone-shattering force. Blood spurted from his mouth as he lay crumpled, his spear clattering uselessly to the ground.

Jetchi and Ryu quick on their feet, darted in to strike. They swung their weapons in a coordinated attack, but Rhy's appendages moved with preternatural agility. One tendril snaked around a Kanako's leg, yanking her off balance and dragging her towards the demon. She screamed as another appendage slashed across her chest, the razor-sharp edge cutting through her kimino and flesh alike, spraying crimson arcs into the air. Mimiko rushed to heal Kanako, but one of the appendages rushed at Mimiko with lighting speed. Mimiko closed her eyes accepting her fate but to her surprise she was unfazed. Hiro stood infront of her, still unconscious due to the exertion. Hiro using both of his arms, grabbed on to his appendage. Rhy swinged him across but Hiro tightened his grip. Rhy using all of his might, slammed Hiro on the ground but Hiro used his legs to absorb the shock. Rhy tried his best to throw Hiro away but Hiro wasn't letting him go. Hiro growled in anger as his body started to glow.

" Damn it...I think his body already reached his limit " said Abel

" What do you mean by that " asked Hiroshi

" When you use your animal spirit for fighting a specific amount of energy is released. This energy is directly proportional to your body strength and stamina. The stronger you get the more energy you can harness. Since Hiro's body isn't used to harness such energy on his own will, the amount of energy would be random. Sometimes, it might be the perfect amount but if he overuse it, there is a very high chance that he is body might not be able to which stand such amount of energy and will start to destroy itself. He has already used all of his stamina and he is pushing past his limits, his emotions would have helped him fluctuate the amount of energy however he is unconscious thus the possibility of the randomness can be his death. " said Abel

" So he is like a time bomb but with no actual clock the amount of energy that he will emit can be random can be a boon or his death sentence? " asked Hiroshi

" Pretty much more like a nuclear reactor but the thing is that we need to do something fast otherwise Hiro would be the one who will be killed " said Abel

" JUST DIE ALREADY !! " shouted Rhy

The remaining fighters, desperate and determined, launched a frenzied assault. Abel armed with his Kusarigama managed to slice through one of Rhy's appendages, black ichor spurting from the wound. But for every limb severed, two more seemed to take its place, each one more frenzied and vicious. Rhy's eyes glowed with sadistic glee as he relished in the chaos. His appendages flailed and struck with deadly precision. As Abel was attempting a retreat to get a higher ground, he was impaled through the back, the appendage bursting through his chest in a spray of blood and viscera. He fell to his knees, gurgling his last breath as everyone watched in horror.

" ABEL !!! " shouted Hiroshi

" Nooooo " shouted Mimiko

" ABEL!!! " shouted Ryu

With a final, mighty sweep of his appendages, Rhy cleared the battlefield of his remaining foes. Bodies lay strewn about, torn and broken, the ground soaked with their blood. The demon stood amidst the carnage, his appendages dripping with the lifeblood of the fallen, his grotesque form casting a shadow over the silent, blood-soaked earth.

Hiro stood firmly as he grabbed onto his appendage.


Rhy directed all of his appendages towards Hiro. 11 appendages rushed at Hiro with lighting speed. Hiro, his eyes burning with resolve, lunged forward and grabbed one of Rhy's writhing appendages. The demon snarled in rage, his hideous face contorting as he directed the remaining eleven appendages towards the lone fighter. His body surged with the primal energy of the beast, his muscles rippling with newfound power. As Rhy's appendages closed in, Hiro's fists ignited with searing flames, the fire element he commanded blazing to life.Three appendages lashed out, aiming to ensnare and crush him. Hiro met them with a ferocious intensity, his fiery fists burning through the first appendage, the demonic flesh charring and disintegrating upon contact. He spun with the grace and speed of the wolf, dodging another strike and incinerating the second appendage in a burst of flame and ash.The third appendage came from above, but Hiro was ready. With a fierce upward strike, he set it ablaze, the fire racing along its length, consuming it in a fiery inferno.

But the effort took its toll. The sheer exertion of wielding such powerful elemental forces drained Hiro's strength. His body collapsing, and his knees buckled. The remaining appendages, sensing his weakness, surged forward in a deadly dance of shadow and flesh.Hiro collapsed to the ground, his body trembling from exhaustion. The fire in his fists flickered and died, and the spirit of the wolf, though powerful, could not sustain him any longer.

" NOW DIE !!! " shouted Rhy

As Rhy was about to pierce through Hiro's body, his appendages withered. Rhy took heavy breath as he also fell on his knees.

" WHAT....IS HAPPENING TO ME...WHAT IS... " said Rhy as he took heavy breaths

Rhy looked down to see a gape in his chest. Black ichor blooding gushing out of the wound, draining his energy. Rhy screamed in pain as the voice echoed through the battlefield flickering the Pyre's fire.

" HOW!!!!!! " said Rhy

" Well you know you should always double check when you kill someone.. actually triple check " said Abel as he stood up

" You are alive !! " exclaimed Hiroshi

" How did he survived that " asked Ryu

" I don't know..bro " replied Jetchi as he coughed some blood

" How did you survived that " asked Rhy

" Well that's one little devilish secret...that is one of my Ace " said Abel as he closed his distance between him and Rhy

Abel leaned in and looked directly into Rhy's face.

" I'll tell you my secret in hell " said Abel

" You... little runt " said Rhy

" I'm all will die " said Rhy

" Sure blud " said Abel as he pierced Rhy's eyes with his Kusarigama

A huge shock wave slashed through Abel's arm, pushing him away from Rhy.

" Woah the fuck was that " said Abel was he grabbed his shoulder to stop the bleeding.

" There is no fucking way " said Ryu

" Look..the zither " said Hiroshi

Thum's lower half was standing at a distance, with the zither on top on his abdomen. The zither was attached to the other half with veins arteries and muscles.

As Rhy healed his eyes, he pushed away Abel further more creating a large distance between him and Abel.

" You underestimated us " a voice echoed

" I remember that voice " said Abel

" Yes, you do " said the voice

Rhy's gape started to heal but instead of forming ribs parallely and horizontally, ribs emerged from the medial side of his thoracic cavity, forming teeth like structure from the ribs. Soon, mass clustered around the gape and formed a mouth and a tongue.

" I am still alive " said Thum

" You are? You bastard I thought you died, I was gonna avenge you " said Rhy

" Yuen almost got me the same time she got me 30 years ago..but unfortunately she forgot that I learn from my mistakes "