
A pair of green eyes shined in the dark that caught the red suit's attention.

The newbie and Alina weren't aware of it, so when the red suit looked past the newbie's shoulder, they looked back too.


The newbie's eyes widened in shock— as if he had seen a ghost, and stepped back a little. While Alina sighed in relief as though all her worries had vanished.


"Green… eyes," the red suit muttered as he recalled what his boss had said.

"How is that possible—!"


The next instant, the red suit was out of the house.


As soon as Ziro opened his eyes, he saw the red suit pointing his gun at Alina. He got up and dashed to the red suit. And with the speed of light, he kicked the red suit.

The red suit was standing in the middle of the room— right where the room's door was located. So when Ziro kicked him, the red suit flew out of the room and bounced in the living room downstairs. Then got hauled outside the house by the force of Ziro kick and got slammed onto the truck.

Everyone in the room— including Alina, was baffled by this. They glanced at each other and pointed his gun at Ziro.


They charged the gun and pressed the trigger.

Ziro grabbed Alina and pushed her into the closet. Then, he picked up the sword lying on the ground and dashed at the men while dodging.


"What the hell?!" the red suit grunted and stood up.

"What just happened? I was in the house, and the next instant, I was outside."

He repaired his suit and rushed to the jamming device.

"Huh? It's off?" Red suit checked his signal, but it was still being blocked.

"If this device is off, then who is jamming the signals?"

He turned on the device, pressed the green button on the screen, and another screen popped up.

[Please Insert Your Code Name.]

The red suit inserted 'R E D S U I T' as his codename, and another screen popped up with three prompts on it.

[1. Call For Backup.]

[2. Nuke The Current Location.]

[3. Kill All the Allies.]

The first option would call for a backup. The second option would launch missiles at their current location. And the third option would kill all the allies by using the chip planted in their suit.

The red suit tapped on the first option and waited for the response.

[Back up Is On Its Way.]

He then rushed to the truck and took out a small rectangular box. "Finally, I will get to use this."

He opened the box and took out a syringe filled with a blue liquid.

"I will be invincible now," he muttered with a smirk on his face.

He unlocked the syringe and stabbed it on his chest.

"Argh!" He fell on his knees and grunted in pain.

His veins and eyes turned red as if his entire body was about to burst. After a while, his suit started beeping, and it turned black and red.

[Relic Installed.]

[Synchronization 30%]

[Time Limit 3 Minutes.]

[Power level 60%]

The red suit cracked his neck, and walked into the house. With one jump, he reached the second floor from the living room and entered Ziro's room.


There he saw a bunch of corpses lying on the ground dyed red with blood. Out of the 30 men, only 13 were alive.

Red suit glared at Ziro and aimed his gun at him.

[Power charge 60%]

[Power charge 70%]

[Power charge 80%]

[Power charge 90%]

[Breaking The Limit Can Be Dangerous.]

[Power charge 100%]

The gun was usually at a 30% power charge, and it always charged up to its 50% limit. But the red suit was able to charge it up to 100% because of the relic and suit upgrade.

Ziro noticed the red suit and grabbed two men as his shield. But the red suit pressed the trigger without caring for his allies.


The upper body parts of the two men were turned into ashes, and not even a bone was left.

The red suit's body and the suit were damaged by using a high power level, and he fell to the ground.

The red suit fired again, and Ziro tried to dodge, but his right arm was razed. All of that happened in split second.


One would hope for blood to gush out and Ziro to scream in pain— but nothing happened.

Not even a single drop of blood came out of Ziro's body, and when the red suit looked at Ziro, his arm was regenerated.


"Impossible!" the red suit exclaimed, "Not even the relic can do that— even with 80% synchronization and 90% power level."

Even Ziro was surprised to see that. He moved his right arm up and down and formed a fist

to see if it was working well or not.

Ziro kept his fist closed but raised his middle finger and pointed it at the red suit.


'This is bad,' red suit gulped down in fear. 'He seems to have a system— just like the boss.'

'But thankfully, I called for the backup, and they should be here soon.'

The red suit fired again, but this time Ziro didn't care to dodge.


The rest of the men were also firing at Ziro, but he was too fast to get hit.

He was running with a superhuman speed that naked human eyes couldn't follow. And he had superhuman strength as well.

Ziro was using a sword, but because of his superhuman speed and strength, fighting the men was like cutting a premium quality butter with a sharp knife.

After killing everyone, Ziro walked to the newbie who was standing in the corner, and started choking him.


"I… am… innocent," he stuttered and struggled to breathe.

"I was… helping… you."


ZIro raised the newbie in the air while choking and frowned his face.

"Ask… the… girl…"


Ziro wasn't aware of anything. But all he knew was that these men were trying to hurt Alina.

Ziro didn't feel the hostility he felt from the rest of the men, so he let go of the newbie by pushing him against the wall.


But before Ziro could ask or do anything, the newbie's body turned into ash.

"Heh! I told you that I would kill you! Haha!" red suit laughed out loud.
