HPMRS Ch 4: Diagon Alley and Unexpected Acquaintances!

   The next day after breakfast, Mr. Lambert took Ryan to address on paper by subway, which was only about half an hour away from their home.

  On the way, Ryan has been thinking about the world of Harry Potter.

   Like many light novels, this magical world is not the kind of higher-level magical world in which demigods are as many as dogs, liches walk all over the continent, and supernatural beings dominate. But from another perspectives, the extraordinary side of this world is not so simple either.

   For example, in terms of longevity, there is a magic stone that can make people live forever. A time-turner that is used by a little girl, transcending time just to be present at two classes at the same time, to study harder. In the field of space, space expansion spells and teleportation services like floo network is already popularized by adult wizards. There is even that lucky potion that transcends karma and concentrates good luck from future to change destiny. These things, especially some popular spells regarding space and time, can be said to be hundreds, if not thousands of years ahead of the world's technological side.

   The magic of this world may not be as simple as imagined. After all, Rowling fairy tales, are only a part of the magical world.

   As for the wizard's combat effectiveness, even Peter Pettigrew, a wizard who is considered a bit lame and inferior, can blow up half a street and leave no traces. This only shows that the wizarding world is not something that he is capable of fighting against, but many things related to combat have been deleted from the school's curriculum, and that kind of knowledge is only passed on through prominent wizarding families.

Ryan breathed a sigh of relief when he thought of this. Fortunately, he has Myriad Realm General Store, which should be able to make up for the lack of knowledge as an ordinary person, a muggle. After all, he's going to the school in the same year as the savior. If you think about the original text of the novel or movie, you know this, It will definitely not be super safe even in Hogwarts in years to come.

   It seems that the previous life planning needs to be changed. Now the urgent goal is to improve the strength. After all, even in the magical world, strength is fundamental. Otherwise, why would Dumbledore be the leader of wizards instead of Fudge.

  As he was thinking, suddenly Mr. Lambert walked ahead and stopped.

   "Here, this is No. 24 Charing Cross Street... No. 28, eh, why is there no No. 26?"

   Ryan raised his head and saw an old and shabby bar in front of him, with a wooden sign on it that said Leaky Cauldron Pub, between a record shop and a bookstore.

   "Dad, hold my hand." Ryan took hold of his father's hand and pushed open the door of the bar.

   "This is amazing." Mr. Lambert exclaimed, looking at the room in front of him. This is a medieval-style bar. It doesn't look very tidy and the lights are a bit dim. Some people in robes are drinking or playing dice.


Dishes served at the Leaky Cauldron:

Dish Price

House, House Soup 5 Sickles

House Leaky Soup 4 Sickles

House Soup Leaky 3 Sickles

Leaky House Soup 3 Sickles

Leaky, Leaky Soup 5 Sickles

Leaky Soup House 4 Sickles

Soup House Leaky 3 Sickles

Soup Leaky House 4 Sickles

Soup Leaky, Leaky ?????????

Soup, Soup Soup 5 Sickles

Pea soup ?????????

Pickled eel 1 Galleon

Roast hog 1 Galleon

Game pie 2 Galleons



Beverages served:


Exploding lemonade





Gamp's Old Gregarious

Berry Ocky Rot


Pure Malt Whisky

Tongue Tying Lemon Squash

Fishy Green Ale

Dragon Scale

Beetle Berry Whiskey

Wizard's Brew

Blishen's Fire Cinnamon Flavoured Whisky

Swott Malt Whisky

Pure Malt Whisky


Mulled Mead


Maybe they had been standing at the door for a long time. A man with almost stripped hair and looking like a shredded walnut appeared in front of them quietly: "I am Tom, the owner of the Leaky Cauldron. It seems that you need help." After speaking, he glanced at Ryan: "Are you a Hogwarts freshman?"

   "Yes," Ryan said. "We have never been in contact with the magic world before. How do I get to Diagon Alley? I need to buy things for school."

   Boss Tom showed an ugly smile: "Diagon Alley, come with me." After speaking, he took Ryan and his father to the backyard. Tom took out his wand and pointed it at the back wall. "Count three pieces on the trash can, then count two pieces sideways... three times!"

   With Tom's percussion, the wall shook and began to move, and finally, a wide archway appeared, leading to a winding cobblestone street with no end in sight.

   "You'd better go to Gringotts first, just walk straight and when you reach the tallest white building, go there to exchange for wizard's currency." After that, Tom put away his wand and left.

The father and son walked along the cobblestone street towards Gringotts. There were the noise of bargaining and some strange animal calls from the shops on both sides of the street. Mr. Lambert showed the curiosity of a writer. Ryan had to pull him away from the glass wall where an exquisite golden astronomy model was displayed.

   Soon, they came to a snow-white building towering high above the surrounding shops. Next to the shiny bronze gate, stood a goblin wearing a scarlet and gold uniform (Mr. Lambert chimed in Chinese: "Is this a goblin? Is it a goblin that looks like a human."). The goblin looked up at them, and then said weakly: "Are you new at Hogwarts? For currency exchange, go to the special window. There is a sign to guide you."

   Entering the golden hall of Gringotts, there is a counter in the corner of the hall with a Hogwarts currency exchange sign hanging on it.

   "Hello." Ryan walked to the counter and greeted.

   "Are you new, say your name."

   "Ryan Liang"

   "Confirm, you are on the list." The goblin looked at a piece of parchment and said.

"New students can exchange up to 200 gallons per year." After he said that Mr. Lambert took out a wad of 50 pounds of banknotes that he took from the bank last night and handed it to the goblin at the counter, and then said to Ryan:

"This is a bit like light novels, your cousin told me about them last time. "

There is also a fixed amount for each person to exchange in pounds, and every transaction for exchange has to be documented.

   After the money was exchanged, the two decided to buy things they were familiar with first, so they went to various shops and bought a magic robe, textbooks, cauldrons, scales, potions, crystal bottles, and other items listed on the list. Of course, Ryan turned down Mr. Lambert's suggestion to buy him a pet on the excuse that he might need all his energy to deal with the new environment when he goes to an unfamiliar place.

   The shopping proceeded smoothly. But after thinking about spending a lot of money next year to buy a liar's novel, Ryan feels a little depressed.

   Finally, they came to a small and broken shop entrance where the golden sign on the door had been peeled off. The sign above read,

Ollivander: Makers of Fine Wands since 382 B.C...

In the dusty shop window by the door, a magic wand stood alone on the faded purple cushion.

   Pushing open the store door, Ryan found a man in a suit with a girl trying on a magic wand, and their backs looked a bit familiar.

   Before he could come up with a figure in my mind, Mr. Lambert stepped forward and greeted softly: "Mr. Granger, I didn't expect to meet you here."

Ryan remembered that this Mr. Granger was a dentist. His clinic was not far from his home. He had also been to his clinic for dental checkups. The most important thing was that his daughter was in the same grade as himself and he is ranked second in the school exam every time.

(Ryan: "A College student in his previous life, not even getting first in school now, nothing to be proud of, rather he should be ashamed.").

   Suddenly, Ryan froze. Granger, dentist, a brown curly girl, went to Hogwarts in 1991. It is easy to guess who this girl is. I didn't know it before. On one hand, I felt that this was an ordinary world and didn't think of that possibility. On the other hand, Miss Granger looks a bit different from the actor in the movie. The most important thing is that the pronunciation of the name of the lady he heard at school was a similar but he messed it up.

Hermanie, the pronunciation of Hermione is far from Chinese, guess it's the disadvantage of knowing more than one language.

   Ryan felt the world's malice towards him as an outsider, and it seemed that the plan he had devised for seven years had to be revised again.