HPMRS CH 13: Midnight Duel!

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After Madam Hooch took Neville away. Malfoy began to provoke the Gryffindor students. It is really hard for Ryan to understand how a person in the wizarding world who claims to have noble blood Can act like a street thug in dealing with people and things.

Then Malfoy flew up with Neville's memory ball and successfully provoked Harry Potter. Hermione tried to stop Harry Potter's reckless move to follow him, but she didn't succeed.

After a tense air chase, Harry Potter finally snatched Neville's memory ball. But it was also taken away by Professor McGonagall.

On the way back to the castle, Hermione was a little worried, " Will they not actually expel Harry? "

"Probably not." Ryan replied. "Harry made a small mistake at best. No normal school will expel people for such a small problem."

"How can Harry be like this? Before he flew up, didn't he even think how many points would be deducted because of his act. "

Ryan stopped and turned to look at Hermione: "I know you cannot accept Harry's behavior because of the honor of the academy. But in that case, Malfoy's bullying behavior is even more disgusting. Harry acted just out of righteous indignation. I don't think it is appropriate to accuse him of his righteous behavior."

Hermione said: "What you said may make sense, but I can't understand why you boys are so reckless. Can't you let the professors handle it ?"

After that, Hermione shook her head and walked towards the Great hall.

Because the flight class is the last class of the day, people in the Great hall have already came for dinner one after another at this time. When Ryan walked slowly into the hall. He Saw Harry and Ron were already sitting at the table, and Malfoy was saying something to them.

Ryan saw Hermione next to them, so he passed by and heard Hermione say to Harry, "You can't wander outside at night" Then they both spoke a few words before leaving angrily.

Ryan walked over and sat beside Harry and Ron. Ron saw Ryan and asked: "Are you planning to dissuade us like Hermione ?"

"No, I am not." Ryan denied. "It's just that, have you thought about the possibility of Malfoy not showing up and telling the teachers instead to cheat you. After all, Ron, you always say that the Slytherins are very cunning."

"No, I do not." Ron's face twitched "Malfoy belongs to a few of the oldest pureblood wizarding family, he should not be so shameless to run away from a duel he proposed."

Ryan looked at Harry, and Harry said: "I think what Ryan said may really happen. This possibility is not impossible, but if he goes and we don't, we will be laughed at by him for a lifetime."

Suddenly, Harry seemed to have thought of something. "Ryan, I think you did a great job-saving Neville today. Just go with us so that we can have one more person keeping an eye on the teachers."

Ryan thought for a while, today is a very important main task, to get an offset point, it is necessary to have a good relationship with the son of luck.

Thinking of this, Ryan agreed to Harry's request. They arranged to meet in the common room at 11:30 in the evening.

Ryan felt a little excited, after all, if they're not caught what effect will that have on the original plot? Besides, even if they are caught, some points will be deducted at most for a simple night tour. It's not a big problem if you do some after-school workout.

After returning to the common room, Neville returned from the hospital. It seems that the injury this time was less severe than the one in the original. After seeing Ryan coming back, stumbling on his hand and thanking him, Ryan comforted him.

By 11:30 in the evening, all his roommates were asleep, and Ryan opened the door quietly. Harry and Ron also came out of the opposite door.

After greeting each other, they quietly walked to the portrait passage, and the light closest to the passage turned on. Hermione sat there in cute pink pajamas, frowning. "You actually did this, especially you Ryan, why did you mix with them?"

Ryan: "Relax. Night tours are also part of Hogwarts life. Look at those senior brothers and sisters. There should be only a few who have never gone out at night. After all, we have to learn how to live in the countryside, let alone live as a wizard. It's a very important part. I haven't seen a wizard duel yet."

"Shut up, be mindful of your words or I'll write it to your parents." Hermione followed them through the hole. "Don't you think we should win the Academy Cup? I can't watch you lose all my hard-earned points at once."

"It's okay, if we really lose points, I will earn them back with you, I swear."

The two people quarreled as they crawled through the passage.

"Well, I don't care about you anymore." She turned around to go back to the dormitory, only to find that the painting she was facing was empty. The fat lady went out late at night, and Hermione was locked out of Gryffindor Castle.

"Gosh, what should I do?" Hermione asked.

"That's your problem." Ron said. "We have to go now."

"Anyway, you have already violated the school rules, so let's go together. At least it's safer than you standing here." Ryan said to Hermione.

Sometimes the best way to avoid being reported is to drag the complainant with you.

"Why?" Ron exclaimed in a low voice.

"Two people can monitor from both sides of the corridor. If there is a teacher on any side, we can handle the situation better."

"Okay." Harry turned around and said, "Keep quiet, or we will be caught on the way."

After walking ten minutes in a tense spirit, they came to the showroom on the third floor, where various medals shone brightly in the moonlight.

Harry and Ron walked into the showroom, while Ryan and Hermione squatted at the door, poking their heads out from time to time to observe the conditions in the corridor.

As time passed, Ryan saw a cat in the corridor jumping out of the stairs, and then a limping figure followed and walked out. It seemed that this should be Filch.

Ryan patted Hermione, Hermione's eyes widened nervously, and they slowly returned to the showroom to inform Harry. Then the four people tiptoed towards the door away from Filch and then walked along the corridor full of armor.

It's just that they didn't walk fast to prevent Filch from hearing the noise. But Filch seemed to find something anyway, and the sound of footsteps got closer and closer.

Finally, Ron finally stumbled on the armor under tension, and the sound of the armor falling to the ground spread throughout the corridor.

The four of them didn't care about concealment anymore, they ran forward along the corridor quickly. After going upstairs and downstairs and passing through several corridors, they finally couldn't run.

Everyone bent down and leaned on their knees, panting, Ron asked, "Here, where is this?"

Ryan looked at the surrounding environment, and he sighed in his heart, because this was near the charms classroom on the third floor, and the forbidden area guarded by the three-headed dog Fluffy was nearby. The inertia of the plot is so overbearing?