HPMRS CH 34: the game.

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As the game day drew near, Harry didn't care about what everyone around him said, but he became more and more tense, and the other players were not calm either. Everyone was thrilled at the thought of defeating Slytherin in the house Cup. In nearly seven years, no one has been able to beat them.

However, with such an eccentric and biased referee, can they succeed?

On the next day in the stadium, Ryan, Ron, and Hermione found a place in the stands. Neville, who was sitting next to them, wondered why they held their wands as if they were on the verge of fighting an enemy.

Hermione had been talking about the spells they might need to use in a while, which made people feel more and more nervous.

When the game was about to start, Ryan decisively interrupted Hermione who was thinking about it.

"Look at the staff seat." Ryan pointed to where the teachers were sitting. "Headmaster Dumbledore has also come out to watch the game, so there will be no safety issues today." Hermione and Ron also saw Dumbledore's iconic silver-white beard, and they breathed a long sigh of relief at the same time.

The game began, and as they relaxed and prepared to watch the game, someone hit Ron in the back of his head. It's Malfoy.

"Oh, sorry, Weasley, didn't see you there."

Malfoy grinned with Crabbe and Goyle.

"I do not know how long can this Potter sit on his broomstick this time? Is anyone willing to bet? what do you think, Weasley?"

Everyone ignored Malfoy because everyone cared about Harry. But Malfoy got worse, and finally, Ron, who couldn't bear it, rushed forward and grabbed Malfoy and fell on the ground with him. Ryan also hit Goyle with an immature Stupefy.

After that, there was a scuffle, and fortunately, even the immature Stupefy spell smoothly caused Goyle to temporarily lose his combat effectiveness. Ryan, Ron, and Neville then fought with Malfoy and Crabbe.

At this time, in the air, just as Harry sat on his flying broomstick, he saw a golden thing " swooshing "past his ear, only a few inches away from him — then Harry completed his dive. He raised his arm triumphantly, and the Snitch was held tightly in his hand.

The stands were boiling with fervor, this will be a new record, no one remembers any game here in which the Snitch was caught so quickly.

"Ryan, Ron! Where are you? The game is over! Harry has won! We have won! Gryffindor is leading!" Hermione screamed, jumping on the chair, and tightly hugged Patil in the front row.

Ryan and Ron looked at each other's nose bleeding and black eye bags and laughed at the same time, and then joined the celebrating crowd.

After nearly an hour, everyone finished their celebrations and prepared to return to the castle, only then did Harry walk slowly from a distance.

"Harry, where have you been?" Hermione said sharply.

"We won! You won!" Ron slapped Harry on the back and shouted. "The Malfoy gang was beaten too. Ryan used magic to knock out Goyle at the beginning, and then we hit two of three. After beating them, we were only slightly injured. Now everyone is waiting for you in the common room. They are having a celebration party. Fred and George stole some cakes from the kitchen or something."

"Never mind that," Harry gasped, "we need to find an empty room, I have something to tell you... "


Harry turned back and closed the door after he was sure that Peeves was not there, and then told them about the interaction between Snape and Quirrell he had just seen and heard on the broomstick.

"That said, our judgment should be completely correct. That thing is the Philosopher's Stone. Snape wanted to force Quirrell to help him get the stone. He asked Quirrell if he knew how to subdue Fluffy - and Quirrell mentioned, the 'secret little trick' - I guess, in addition to that big dog some mechanism is also placed there to guard the stone, it has likely to have a lot to do with magical witchcraft, maybe Quirrell would cast some sort of hacking magic, making it possible for Snape steal the stone— "

"You mean, the Philosopher's Stone is safe only if Quirrell can resist Snape?" Hermione asked in a panic.

Ryan put a piece of ice on his swollen eye socket, and said, "No, you can't be so arbitrary. What Harry heard was not clearly directed at all, and it sounded to me like Professor Snape had discovered that Quirrell is plotting something, so he was warning him."

"Forget it." Ron said. " You can't think that Snape is a bad guy just because he has given you a high score recently. I think the potion that Slytherin boiled is not as good as yours, but Snape gave them higher grades, bootlickingly."

Harry stood up: "I feel a little confused when you say this. But I still think it's Snape who wants to steal the Philosopher's Stone."


Harry thinks Quirrell is one of the defence lines of the stone. The next time he met Quirrell on the way, he gave him an encouraging smile. Ron also began to persuade people to stop laughing at Quirrell's stuttering. Ryan was completely speechless about it. He felt that when he really meets Voldemort and Quirrell (Quirrellmort) in one body, he would definitely regret what he is doing now very much.

For Ryan, in addition to questions related to the Philosopher's Stone during this time, the most important thing is to prepare for the final exam. After all, as a student, exams are still very important. Especially for Hogwarts, this is directly related to employment issues. (Chinese mentality)

Hermione also began to prepare for the final exam. When Ryan was revising with her, he found that her notebook was densely packed with different color markers for different content, and even a formulated strict revising plan.

Under Hermione's verbal abuse, Ryan kept revising. Seriously, he even felt like he was once again doing one of those entrance coaching things. The time schedule is even stricter than before the college entrance examination in my previous life. Just thinking that an 11 -year-old girl can do this, Ryan can only bite the bullet to keep up for the sake of face. (Chinese mentality again)

But Harry and Ron didn't care about it. Once Hermione was nagging, irritated Harry issued his retort: "Hermione, the exam is hundreds of years away from us."

"Ten weeks" Hermione retorted. "Not hundreds of years. And for Nicolas Flamel, it IS just a blink of an eye."

"But we are not six hundred years old." Ron reminded her. "And, anyway, why do you want to revise it? You already know everything."

"Why should I revise? Are you crazy? Do you know that we have to pass these exams to get into the second grade? It is very important. I should have started a month ago. I really don't know what I was doing. What's wrong...

Ryan watched them quarrel, shrinking himself in the chair and pretending as if he wasn't here. Sure enough, the real tyrants do not only learn well by themselves but also try to make others learn as well, although others often don't appreciate it.
