HPMRS CH 53: Mysterious Map!

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Ryan used the acquired Assassin heritage to track the thief who stole his space bag. Finally, taking advantage of the opportunity of the thief stopping to check the loot, he jumped from the roof of the second floor and stunned the thief.

After reciting the slogan, Ryan finally fulfilled his desire of a lifetime to pretend to be a badass, as he was feeling content he started to check the thief.

He first took back his own space bag and poured the psychedelic mushroom spore powder prepared in it into the thief's mouth to ensure that he would lay here quietly for at least half a day. Only then did he specifically check how the thief was doing.

After opening the thief's eyelids to confirm that he had fainted, the red eyes proved the thief's identity as a vampire, which also made Ryan a little bit startled.

What about the elegant nobles in the dark of the night? How did you fall to the point where you are stealing bags from children on the street? Not to mention that under the hood, there was an uncle's face, not beautiful at all.

But think about the physical stamina of vampires. Stealing bags in chaos in a place not suitable for spell casting can be considered a racial advantage.

But the beauty thief is really not going according to the novels he has read, where is the runaway princess. Ryan started groping the uncle to see if he had any spoils while complaining about it.

But unfortunately, he only found a napkin in his pocket and some pocket change of 2 sickles 6 knuts.

Ryan felt that this was illogical. People in this industry would usually take all of their belongings with them, and this kind of veteran couldn't have only this money.

After running to the alley and carefully confirming that no one would come in, Ryan began to strip the thief to check for hidden pockets.

And finally, the thief was left with underwear only, Ryan saw a pocket sewn in underwear... It probably has some space charm on it.

Ryan was disgusted by the placement of the pocket, but wealth favors the bold. Finally, Ryan resisted the urge to vomit, facing other way he used a knife to cut the underwear and took the underwear away. After receiving the harvest, Ryan placed the uncle thief's clothes on him to avoid scarring the eyes of the passer-by. Then he jumped onto the roof and found a place with many people to slip down the house and mix into the crowd.

Because of this gain, Ryan is no longer in the mood to continue shopping.

He hastily passed through the remaining half of the street and quickly left this wizarding commercial street.

After turning to an unmanned alley, Ryan entered the Myriad Realms General Store and began to count today's trophies. After all, this place can isolate all tracking magic. The space expansion magic on this pocket should not be permanent, and Ryan is worried that the magic effect will disappear over time and the content will be lost.

In the shop, he took out a piece of cloth and hung it in mid-air with a floating spell. Then turned it over to dump the contents.

There are a lot of things inside. After sorting it out, Ryan found that the thief had put a lot of things in the space pocket on his underwear and it was quite messy.

In the end, the things that were taken out were divided into three piles. The first pile was money, mainly Sickles and Knuts, mixed with a lot of Galleons, about 120 Galleons, which was a good harvest.

The second pile is a dozen pieces of jewelry, but many have badges on them, which may belong to some pure-blood families. Ryan decided to find a chance to sell them in another world next time to avoid troubles.

The third pile is the items with magic reaction, there are only three items. One is a knight sword with sharp and anti-rust runes. It is a magic weapon for ordinary people. It's a pity that there are no magic damage buffs on it, so it's useless for wizards.

The second piece is a book with "The Art of Fire" written in Spanish on the cover. Ryan turned a few pages, fortunately, because of the Spanish he learned from Edward's Assassin's Creed Heritage, he could understand this. He discovered that this is actually a black magic book describing how to use fierce fire, which is very rare and useful. However, at Ryan's current level of magic power, it isn't very useful.

The third piece is a piece of old parchment, which is different from the one seen on the street before. It is a piece of parchment with real age. There are several strange-shaped mountains drawn on this old parchment, and a skeleton is drawn in red between the mountains.

The picture is very realistic, it is similar to a photo. It's a pity that Ryan didn't seem to know where this place could be. He missed the Internet era from his previous life so much. If he has a smartphone, he could just reverse search the image and will soon find the place.

This caused Ryan to be very curious about the contents of the parchment, but since he could not find the corresponding location now, he gave up his plan to delve into the bottom of it. After all, this time I came to Iceland for a holiday, so I'll do whatever it takes to hunt for treasure, if feasible.

Thinking of this, Ryan threw all the things he bought this time into the Myriad Realms General Store and then hurried out of the General Store to go to the hotel. After all, he had promised his father, Mr. Lambert, to return to the hotel before noon, and now the time is tight.

Fortunately, there are few people and fewer cars in Iceland, they probably never had a traffic jam here. So just three minutes after noon, Ryan finally rushed back to the hotel.

His parents were waiting for him in the hall, and they didn't say anything when they saw him coming back on time. After a day off, the next day, Ryan's family went to Akureyri to attend the wedding of Mr. Lambert's friend.

After a short 45-minute flight, Ryan and his family came to this small city.

Akureyri, the second-largest city in Iceland. Also known as the "Capital of the North " of Iceland, it is located at the end of the Eyjafjörður Fjord in the northernmost part of Iceland, on the edge of the Arctic Circle. Backed by snowy mountains, the scenery is beautiful.

It happened to be July when Ryan and the others came. This city close to the Arctic Circle was under extreme daylight, and the sun could be seen almost 24 hours a day.

For Ryan the thing he felt most was that the city seemed to be empty, as well as the streets were empty.

But think about it, a city with just 10,000 people has the size of a city with more than 100,000 people. to appear empty is inevitable.

The wedding was held in Akureyri Church, which was built on a small slope. Standing in front of the church, you can overlook the city, the fjord, and the mountains, and the sea on the opposite side. The scenery is very beautiful.

The wedding itself is not something that should be described in detail here, as it is no different from the ordinary Western wedding. Ryan feels that holding a wedding in such a place, the scenery is indeed beautiful, and it also reflects a sense of sacredness. But it was too deserted.

Fortunately, after the wedding, Ryan's family can move around freely. They rented a farmhouse in Reykjavík and then began a ten-day vacation. European-style vacations and tourism are very different from Chinese tourism. Europeans prefer to stay in one place and relax completely, instead of running around and visiting every spot.

It's just that this kind of vacation is a bit too boring for Ryan. After writing things every day, he feels that he could do nothing except reading.

So while his parents enjoy taking the advantage of the hot springs here and relax, Ryan decided to go by the Floo to visit few attractions. His father, Mr. Lambert, supported this plan. He thought that boys should try to make a fortune on their own. But Ryan felt that he wanted to take the opportunity to get rid of Ryan and enjoy the vacation on his own.



as soon as we reach 250$ on patreón I will give about 10-11 chapters a week instead of 7 chapters a week to the democraticly selected novel (only patrons can vote...)

currently at 185$

(different teirs have different voting power)