HPMRS CH 68: Taking over the city.

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Ryan found that the High-level zombie commanders were about the same size as any other ordinary zombie, sitting in seats on the backs of the giant zombies that were about as twice as larger than the normal Gargantuar.

And when they saw that the humans have already rushed towards them, they madly commanded the other zombies to come towards them for aid.

It's a pity that the plants that attack from a long distance have made an isolation zone with all their strength so that the surrounding zombies can't get close to them for a while.

The giant robots commanded by Dave quickly fought with these zombies. The giant robots grappled and pinned down the Gargantuars, and then the plants on the robots madly attacked the sitting target.

Ryan was not idle at this time and started shooting the commanding high-level zombies with magic.

But he found that those high-level zombies had magic resistance, even the 'unclean' magic spell of the life magic could only make the opponent's actions pause a little.

So Ryan decided to cooperate with other people as much as possible. He saw a giant zombie entangled by the giant robot, and the high-level zombie that was sitting on it was preparing to escape. Ryan aimed at the zombie and released 'unclean' spell, it successfully dazed the target for a while. Ryan's comrades rushed up there on the robot, using the Snapdragon on the robot they completely incinerated the zombie.

Before they could even nod in confirmation, Ryan used the hook rope to hook a robot and quickly swung to another direction and threw a shielding charm onto a warrior who accidentally dropped down from the robot during the battle, helping him block the zombie onslaught. On the battlefield, everyone is trying their best to cooperate with their comrades to destroy the enemy.

After less than ten minutes of fierce battle, humans completely wiped out the high-level zombies who were commanding the zombie army. When the last high-level zombie was completely crushed by a giant robot, Ryan knew that the war had been won.

Sure enough, without the command of the advanced zombies, the other zombies returned to wandering and attacking aimlessly.

Although the life force of human beings can still attract them, there is no coordinated offensive that can bring huge pressure to the resistance.

Zombies without a commander are nothing more than a mob, and they were quickly wiped out by humans. When the sun was about to set, this war came to an end.


post-war statistics:

More than 700 humans and more than 5,000 robots carried an army composed of a large number of magical plants and completely wiped out more than 100,000 zombies on the Plains around the City.

Although no one has died, at least ten people will be permanently disabled. Half of the robots were destroyed, especially the giant robots only 110 survived.

Half of the most important plants were lost, and most of the plants used in close combat were wiped out. In addition, the materials that had been hoarded for a long time were exhausted, and humans have now lost their offensive ability for at least half a year.

But the harvest is also very big, after acquiring the City. The human side finally regained basic industrial capabilities.

You know that to make up these 5,000 robots, the town had consumed all the steel that could be found at that time, including several steel warehouses and a train equipped with multiple coaches, abandoned in the train station nearby. One can only admire these unscientific plants that do not require fuel for smelting steel. Otherwise, it would not have been possible to make so many robots.

Now they have enough land to develop industry and grow plants. As long as they patiently develop for a while, mankind will inevitably become the ruler of this world again.

As the sky was completely dark, they did not enter the city due to some safety concerns.


Ryan according to the practice of the ancient Viking wizard, Ryan commanded the robots on the battlefield to build an altar to resolve grievances of these resentful zombies here through the ancient ritual. To liberate and purify the souls of the unfortunate ones who are trapped in rotten flesh.

As Ryan stood on the altar and continuously waved his wand and chanted spells in ancient Viking language, a little silver light emerged from the fallen zombies, forming a vague translucent soul in mid-air. Because of the ritual singing, the expressions of the ghosts slowly calmed down, and they finally gave looked at Ryan standing on the altar in gratitude before turning into glitter and disappeared.

This purification ritual lasted all night before it was over. Fortunately, these were just zombies, and their strength was focused on their bodies. After destroying the body, the strength of these souls is even lower than that of ordinary people. In the case of resentful spirits, this ritual is not only troublesome but also dangerous.

Others also saw the ghosts in the sky, and some even saw their relatives and friends, but they didn't create any commotion. Early the next morning, Ryan found that everyone in the camp looked at him with more awe and gratitude. After cleaning up, everyone set off towards the City, and those who had yet to completely recover also went to the City at noon. After cleaning up the remaining zombies in City, Ryan and Dave said goodbye to Edward, who was driving a steam-powered sailing boat, on the dock. This is part of the reconstruction plan, Edward will go to the surrounding islands to search for survivors.

Watching the boat sail away, Dave turned his head and said to Ryan: "Dave thinks that this friend is going home soon."

"Yes." Ryan said: "The things to be done here this time have already been done, and I really should go home. Before I come next time, I will look for some potions, and maybe I can make the soldiers who have been disabled stand up again."

"Thank you for your help this time. At least your magic helped to kill a lot of tricky guys and saved a lot of people. In this era, every life is valuable, the more we can protect the more hope we have." Said Dave patting Ryan on the shoulder and asked Ryan to follow him.

When they walked near the river, Ryan found that a steamboat was coming from upstream with a large number of parts.

"I will put the second energy tower in this city. After all, the original town is suitable for refugees, but if we want to develop, space there is not enough." Dave pointed to the steamboat and said to Ryan.

Then he pointed to high ground by the river, where a large number of robots were busy as if something was being built.

"Because there are not many people left in the world now, to prevent the zombies from counterattacking, Dave decided to build a huge fortress here that can hold everyone to ensure safety. This will be our base from now on, and the materials will be obtained from the city."

When he came to the construction site, Ryan carefully observed the building materials and found that many of them were actually dismantled directly from the buildings in the city. It seemed that the city had to be sacrificed temporarily for safety.

Dave walked into a small room that had just been built, and when he came out he was holding a laptop, a portable hard drive, and a bag of seeds.

"This is my gift to you, in addition to my life experiences and notes, there are some seeds. This is what you should get. In addition to this, there is a large farm for you, to thank you for your contribution towards this world of ours." Dave said, holding Ryan's hand with a rare seriousness.

"Thank you, I also got a lot from you. I think the next time I come back here, I will be able to see a humane world here." Ryan finished speaking and shook Dave's hand strongly, and then stepped back to open the space-time door. After waving goodbye to Dave, he left the world.


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