HPMRS CH 76: Real magic plants.

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Arriving in the Great hall, Ryan found that the breakfast at Hogwarts was still as premium as ever. And because of the unusual way of coming to school yesterday, Ron and Harry were surrounded by people, forming a circle around them, asking them about the details of yesterday.

When Ryan sat in his seat, the Weasley twins patted Ryan on the shoulder from behind, and then Fred said, "Thank you, Ryan. Your idea saved our family a lot of money on textbooks this time."

"No worries, you know this idea wouldn't have worked if it wasn't for the many siblings in your family. By the way, can you tell me what do you plan to do with the things you asked me to get for you?" Ryan asked.

"Not for the time being, because this is a trade secret. But if the product is made, we will definitely show it to you."

Having twins go to the other end of the table and eat together, Ryan shrugged his shoulders and began to eat his breakfast. Sure enough, people's appetite will increase after exercise. Leaving aside Ryan, even Hermione ate more breakfast today than usual. (note: yay fat Hermione!)

When everyone was eating breakfast, a large number of owls flew in the great hall.

There are always more owls than usual at the beginning of school every year. After all, there are always some potions and textbooks that are forgotten at home and need to be delivered to their owners urgently.

Some of them will have more exaggerated packages. For example, Neville's package is bigger than everyone else. The Remembrall that her grandma sent him last year is quite suitable for him, only if it could tell you what you're forgetting though as it only reminds you that you're forgetting something.

At this time, Ryan saw a gray shadow falling down, and he quickly pulled the milk jug back with his left hand, and then stretched out his right hand to catch the thing that had fallen.

"This seems to be Ron's owl." Hermione was just been taken aback by Ryan's movements, and now she took a closer look at the contents in Ryan's hand and said.

Ryan took a closer look and found that it was Errol from Ron's house, with a letter in his mouth. He held the fainted owl and walked to Ron and handed him the letter, and then casually said: "Your family should really change the owl. This owl is too old."

"If it weren't for Lockhart's book, maybe I could get a new one this year." Ron said as he opened the letter. After taking a look, he said to Harry and Ryan: "The Ministry of Magic hopes that we will not spread the incident about the wall not working, so they gave each of us ten Galleons of compensation and asked my father to pass it on to you. My mother will send you the money by the way when she goes to the post office. Because Errol is too old and can't bring 30 Galleons."

"It's okay, no hurry." Ryan and Harry said at the same time.

"This is a blessing in disguise. Ten Galleons is a lot of pocket money for me." Ryan said.

"My money was confiscated by my mother." Ron looked frustrated after listening to Ryan.


When the meal was almost over, Professor McGonagall began to send out the timetable one by one along with the table. The first class was Herbology, and they would go to the greenhouse with Hufflepuff.

Professor Sprout is a professor of Herbology at Hogwarts and a plump middle-aged woman who usually has a very good temper.

The reason for emphasizing it is that she usually has a very good temper, but Ryan found that she was standing at the door of the greenhouse with a look of anger, covered with dew, she should have just come out of the greenhouse.

Obviously what made Professor Sprout angry was Lockhart next to her. The peacock was spotless from head to toe, in a flowing turquoise robe, and on the shiny blond hair, he was wearing a turquoise top hat with gold rims upright.

After seeing the students, he greeted them with a spring breeze, and at the same time boasted about his level of Herbology. Before he could say anything, Professor Sprout interrupted his attempt to speak with students with a rare angry shout: "Today to third greenhouse!"

Last year every class they went to was held in the first greenhouse. According to the senior students, the plants in the first greenhouse are just between ordinary plants and magic plants. The plants in the third greenhouse are real magical plants. Of course, they are dangerous. If they are not handled well, they will probably go into the greenhouse upright and come out on a stretcher.

The door of the greenhouse opened, and a strange smell came from it, fresh manure mixed with the fragrance of flowers. Ryan saw that many plants inside were moving like animals, and some plants bloomed with huge flowers.

Ryan and the others were about to go in, and Lockhart called Harry over to try to talk about things related to celebrity fame.

"He is a professor, he shouldn't do these things in school, this is the place to learn." Hermione said.

Ryan chuckled after hearing this, because he remembered the incidents of Hermione chasing the star in the original text. I have to say that excessive star chasing can really make people become brain-dead, but will the brain-dead people be chased by Zombies.

When he saw Hermione staring at him with dissatisfaction, he quickly stated his position: "This kind of celebrity style pompous behaviour in the school is indeed inappropriate, but this may be because Lockhart just came to the school and is not comfortable yet with teacher stuff. Give him some time, I think it will be better after a while."

"Ryan, you always think of the good things about people, just like defending Snape last year. It's just that I think Snape is really good at potions, and Lockhart is a complete vain." "Nope. I heard him brag about his herbal skills in front of Professor Sprout." Ron said from the side.

After entering the classroom, they found earmuffs on the stool, which should be for the students. The content of today's class was Mandrakes. Hermione easily answered the question raised by Professor Sprout, getting ten points to Gryffindor.

Mandrake is the top soul singer in the magic world, fully demonstrating the essence of singing to death.

Therefore, protection must be used properly when dealing with them.

Obviously, the earmuffs on the stool are for protection.

With everyone wearing earmuffs, Professor Sprout pulled up the Mandrake, the Mandrake in her hand was like a baby, twisting its body and opening his mouth, yelling crazily.

Ryan looked at Mandrake and suddenly felt this good stuff looked a bit like a ginseng baby doll. It is a pity that Mandrake has no magical nourishing effect and can only be used in many antidotes against poison.

Thinking of using poison to fight poison, Ryan inexplicably thought of a venomous snake soaking in wine, and then thought that maybe Mandrake can invigorate blood and he should experiment with it by soaking it in wine too.

Hermione next to him saw that Ryan was in a daze, so she touched him with her elbow. When Ryan regained his focus, he found that the professor's demonstration had already been done.

Fortunately, Ryan knew about what to do beforehand, so there should be no big problem in the next stage of operation.


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