HPMRS CH 85: Room of Requirement!

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"Is there such a good place? I have lived in school for a year, but I have never found such a place." Ryan said with some confusion.

Listening to Ryan's tone, Nick seemed to understand his disbelief, and quickly said: "I know this place since more than two hundred years ago, and countless students have found this place on their own. It's a pity that the students who know about this place keep it as secret, so you not knowing anything about it is normal."

"Where is that place?" Ryan asked, he could probably guess what Nick was talking about?

"That place is called the Room of Requirement. You go to the opposite side of the tapestry of Barnabas on the seventh floor of Hogwarts Castle. Then concentrate on thinking about the place you need, and after walking to and fro between that section of the wall three times, a very sleek door will appear, allowing you to enter the room of requirement. It's just that no student in the school currently knows about this place. It's mainly used by some house-elves from Hogwarts Castle."

Sure enough, it was the room of requirement, Ryan thought in his heart. Now he can finally use it without raising any suspicion. After all, once the RoR is used, it will attract unnecessary attention and suspicion of the person who guards the Hogwarts castle. As a wizard from a family who has nothing to do with the magic world, theoretically, he shouldn't know that there is room of requirement.

Today's talk with Nick finally gave Ryan a reasonable excuse to find the room of requirement.

After bidding farewell to Nick, Ryan returned to the dormitory to clean up and prepare for class. He had just finished the first class and was rushing to the next class. He saw from a distance two senior students using magic to levitate a stretcher and walking towards the school hospital.

"The diary is in my hands, how can the plot still continue? No, some have regrets on their faces, some are happy, but no is showing a scared expression?" Ryan entered the classroom with a puzzled expression.

As soon as he arrived, he received a piece of shocking news: Lockhart was taken to the hospital because of injuries.

After asking his classmates and summing up what he knew, Ryan inferred the whole story: since Ryan took action in class yesterday, Lockhart felt that his limelight was stolen by a no-name child. So when he was teaching senior students today, he chose a runespoor to come to the class hoping to impress the senior students.

So when he went to the basement to fetch the runespoor that was kept in the potion storeroom, he was unfortunately bitten by the runespoor. Fortunately, Professor Snape rushed to his rescue immediately when he heard the movement in the potions class next door. Otherwise, Hogwarts would have to change the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher this year, a bit earlier than usual.

After learning the news, Ryan had to admit that Professor Lockhart was a wolf warrior. To maintain his facade, lies, and reputation, he didn't even care about his own pathetic life.

It can be seen from this that although he may not be a qualified teacher, he is definitely a qualified idol, not much worse than those idols who are going through a fever, yet they insist on going live streaming twenty-six hours a day.

However, when it came to the Defense Against the Dark Arts class two days later, Ryan began to sincerely hope that Professor Lockhart would get better soon. Because Dumb-led-ore actually asked Professor Snape to be the substitute.

Time quickly passed and it was Saturday morning already, Ryan still got up early, because today he had a dat... I'm not a pedo, I have an adult soul and body of a child..... Appointed time with Hermione to practice fighting magic.

After having breakfast together, Ryan took Hermione to the opposite side of the tapestry of Barnabas on the seventh floor. The troll on the tapestry stopped beating Barnabas and looked at the two people curiously.

"We have to practice magic, why are we here? There is nothing here."

"Don't worry, this is what Nick the ghost told me." After speaking, Ryan concentrated on thinking: I want a place to practice fighting. When he turned around for the third time, Hermione next to him whispered: "Ryan, look."

Ryan looked where Hermione's fingers pointed, a door appeared on a bare wall. Ryan held the door handle and opened the door, then greeted Hermione and said, "My lady, please come in."

When two people walked in the door, they found that the room was very spacious. The room has no windows, and the light comes from torches on the walls. There is a row of bookshelves by the wall, and the bookshelves are full of books.

There were a lot of instruments on the other side of the room, and Ryan could only recognize a few that had appeared in the Defence Against the Dark Arts textbook. A pile of large satin cushions are placed in the center of the room, which should be of the same nature as the soft cushions in the sports field. Used to protect the people practicing here.

Hermione rushed to the bookshelf immediately, stroking the spine of the rows of thick sheepskin-faced books excitedly. Then turned to Ryan said: "look at these books, common curse words and.... outwit black magic, self-defense curse set, These books also look bigger than the ones in the library..."

Seeing Hermione who was eager to read, Ryan quickly interrupted her, "Let's practice first, anyway, we will have time to read these books for a while. They won't run away."

After that, the two practiced the Disarming Charm. It seemed that Hermione had practiced a lot on her own after returning, and not only did she practice magic, she also exercised her body.

So this time her magic attack is much more adept than last time.

Ryan accidentally slipped a little in his chanting (blink blink), Hermione finally knocked Ryan's wand away, which made her look very excited.

Ryan shrugged, teaching is like this, and learners must feel a sense of accomplishment. Otherwise, a long period of failure will seriously affect one's self-confidence.

Afterward, the two began to discuss random things and stuff that happened in the school today, Hermione intended to further study attacking spells, such as Stupefy. But Ryan succeeded in persuading her to learn Shield Charm (Protego).

After finding out how to use the Shield Charm (Protego) in the "Self-Defense Charm", Hermione began her regular learning method: Ryan found a book on the shelf and started reading it.

After a while, Hermione mastered the spell, and the two began to practice.

After practicing for a while, Hermione clearly found the difference between Ryan and herself: the role of Shield Charm (Protego) is to instantly build an invisible wall around her to block the magic flying to her, but her Shield Charm (Protego) can only block Ryan's Attack, but Ryan was able to bounce her attack back with Shield Charm (Protego).

In the middle of the break after more than an hour of practice, Hermione sat on the mat and said to Ryan: "It seems that your talent is better than me in this respect. I am only suitable for dealing with books."

"Don't say that, I'm not as good as you think, as long as you practice enough, you can do it too." Ryan encouraged, he still held some words in his heart. That is, if you fight against a 100,000-scale zombie group, in just a few days, you will be proficient in all the magic you know and how to use these magics in battles properly.


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