HPMRS CH 87: Good Karma!

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Speaking of making a big move, Ryan suddenly realized that he still had about one-seventh of Voldemort's soul in his hand.

Since being Purified by the Uncle Nine in the world of Mr. Vampire, this notebook looks much less dark than before. The vague sense of temptation from before has disappeared.

Think about it, after all, this thing is only a teenage product from Voldemort. And this was the Horcrux that was supposed to release the basilisk in the secret room to 'clean up' the school.

That means that this thing was more like an early experiment, not made to exactly help him revive, and the defenses are not as strong as the other Horcruxes.

Not to mention that even though Voldemort was stunning at that time, his age also limited his ability and financial resources.

Moreover, this Horcrux directly uses an ordinary notebook as the basis, and its innate deficiency makes it impossible to be as powerful as the following Horcruxes.

But anyway, Ryan was ready to figure out a way to dispose of this notebook. After all, Ryan had already harvested the snake language, though it was not of utmost importance to him, it was quite a harvest, but he didn't like the other things in it.

In addition to the memory of Voldemort corrupting others by the book, there should still be a part of the dark magic knowledge that Voldemort has mastered, and even the method of how to make Horcruxes.

But on one hand, if you want to get these, you must have in-depth communication with this Horcrux. If one is not good at occlumency and always keeps his guards up, it is easy to get yourself screwed. On the other hand, for the man who has the Myriad Realms General Store, he has enough opportunities to obtain various strengths and safer ways of obtaining longevity, you know dragon balls, immortal peaches, divine pills, infinity stones maybe...

Ryan really looked down on the knowledge left in this book by Voldemort.

Especially the method of using Horcrux to get rid of death. In the Maoshan Taoist Sutra obtained by Ryan, the importance of the integrity of the soul is repeatedly emphasized, even in novels and fanfics, only the protagonist survives and becomes stronger by soul shredding, others just die.

Even when the magic weapon needs to be sacrificed in certain situations, only a small piece of soul is allowed to be separated to minimize the damage, and there is a way to complement the soul after the event, but that'll only work if you have negligible soul damage. As for Voldemort, it is definitely not good to cut his soul like sliced bread, just look at him, he tried to kill an infant because of some random prophecy, he even accepted the prophecy and tried to kill the child by himself. If volde had used his minions to kill the baby right before his eyes, he would have easily avoided the soul sacrifice done by Harry's mother and showed to the world that the prophecy is bullshit, breaking everyone's hope.

Since this Horcrux was useless to Ryan, it was natural to find a way to dispose it. Of course, throwing it directly on the road for others to pick it up is definitely not enough. According to the original plot, everyone was lucky and no one died, Ryan doesn't want to bet on this luck factor made for children's book.

Not to mention that this time Ryan knew the importance of merit gained in the world, all thanks to Uncle nine. At least Ryan finally felt that he was talented in something when practicing Maoshan's Shangqing(purifying) Mind Method because of the support of merit (good karma).

Therefore, because of this karma shit, if he throws a book and someone gets killed, it'll negatively affect Ryan's golden aura.

Since it can't be littered, there is very little room for processing. Ryan thought about it and came up with a plan that was basically not bad. It can either do a great thing or solve this problem.

The next day was Sunday. Early in the morning, Ryan was crouching in the hallway on the seventh floor with his schoolbag on his back, watching Dumbledore rush out of the headmaster's room to the toilet.

Seriously, Ryan has never figured out why there isn't a bathroom in the headmaster's room. At least for Dumbledore, a one-hundred-year-old man, having to go to the bathroom every time running is a bit too miserable.

You must know that even in the Gryffindor dormitories, each dorm has its own separate bathroom.

After a while, seeing Dumbledore in his pajamas returning to the headmaster's office, Ryan hurriedly stepped forward to stop him.

Dumbledore was a little surprised that someone came to him at six in the morning but still said in a very gentle tone: "Today is the weekend, I think most students should be sleeping now. But looking at how you are in a hurry, you should be looking for me to tell me something important, so come with me."

After speaking, Professor Dumbledore led Ryan to the door of the headmaster's room guarded by two stone beasts, and then entered the headmaster's room.

This headmaster's room is more refined than shown in the movie. Ryan saw a huge desk and a pile of silver instruments on the desk, and Dumbledore's Phoenix was standing dozing on the shelf next to it. When it heard someone coming in, it just lifted its eyelids and took a look, and then went back to sleep. "Ah, this is Fawkes. It hasn't been in good shape lately. I think it might be going to have a Nirvana soon." Dumbledore finished speaking and sat behind that huge desk, then gently waved his arm to let an armchair fly, it went to the opposite side of the table.

After seeing Ryan sitting in a chair, Dumbledore said: "Although it is the first week of school, you know there are always unexpected things happening in the school - at least since I have been the headmaster, these unexpected things have happened a lot. I believe I should be able to solve your current problem. So don't worry and speak slowly. It should not be a trivial matter to make you give up on weekend sleep and come to me early, but I'm sure that I can solve it."

Sure enough, he was the most powerful white wizard. Although the tone of these words was very gentle, the self-confidence contained in the words made him feel reassured.

This kind of power is not something Lockhart can boast. Ryan felt that if Dumbledore was as young as Voldemort, it was very likely that Voldemort would have been killed directly by Dumbledore, or you know if Dumb-led-ore was serious about killing him.

"We have to encounter many things in our lives, But these things should not affect our enjoyment of life." Then Dumbledore raised his wand and said: "Tea, juice, pumpkin juice, lemonade."

Every time a name is said, a corresponding drink appears on the table. After all, it is normal for the headmaster to have this authority in the headmaster's office.

"Headmaster, tea is fine, thank you," Ryan ordered a drink formally. Seriously, every time he saw Dumbledore's blue eyes hidden under the lenses, Ryan always felt like he was thoroughly seen through.

Of course, this has nothing to do with the Dementor-hybrid shit or all-time Legilimency stuff, that some of my fellow fans in my previous life said. This is the result of experience and wisdom that an old man over a hundred years old has accumulated after experiencing extreme ups, downs, and cunning plots throughout his life.

"So are you encountering any difficulties, or have you found any problems that require the help of the old headmaster to fix?" Dumbledore asked.

Ryan took a sip of tea and calmed down completely. He took out an iron box from his schoolbag, then put on dragon leather gloves to open the iron box, and took out the diary from the box.

Dumbledore frowned slightly when he watched Ryan's performance because Ryan was acting like he was holding some radioactive material, which meant that he might have found something dangerous.

Finally, the notebook was placed in front of Dumbledore. From the outside, it was just an ordinary notebook, and it even seemed a bit shabby and discordant in this clean headmaster's room.

This book just looked like any other book, the same book Hogwarts has used for more than a hundred eighty years.

However, Headmaster Dumbledore suddenly became vigilant from his original relaxed state, and even pulled out his world-famous wand from his robes.


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