HPMRS CH 89: The Emerald Dreamlandland

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After leaving the headmaster's office, Ryan received a system notification: for changing the plot drastically you've gained 15 offset points.

Sure enough, by getting a little more offset points in the main world, Ryan felt very happy, because the offset points that have almost bottomed out finally recovered a little.

But having a basilisk hidden in the secret room is still a bit disturbing, and Ryan decided to kill the basilisk for offset poi....everyone's safety.

Originally, he didn't have this plan, but after going to the world of "Mr. Vampire" and obtaining the Taoist Sutra of Maoshan, Ryan found that he had a way to solve this problem, and that was the magic circle.

As long as the magic circle is prepared in advance, then you can use a small amount of force to pry a great amount of energy, it's just like using a lever.

The world of "Mr. Vampire" is doomsday world and lacks energy-rich items, so the magic circle gradually disappeared from normal use.

But these things are still recorded in the Maoshan Taoist Scriptures. After reading through it, Ryan found that there were some magic circles in it that could be used to deal with the basilisk hidden in the secret room.

But the question now is where to get the raw material for the array from? If he wants to buy it, the galleons on his body are definitely not enough. Not to mention buying so many things in one go would be suspicious.

Finally, after thinking and pondering about it, he decided that he can only do it by himself, with plenty of food and clothing, Ryan set his sights on the Forbidden Forest. If you want to draw a magic circle, naturally the better the material, the better the effect of the magic circle.

But he can't go on a killing spree in the forbidden forest, for his own safety.

Especially things like unicorns, if a dead one is found, the whole school will go crazy looking for the perpetrator. Not to mention that Ryan now choose the path of balance and good karma.

Of course, Ryan set the target on the Eight-Eyed Giant Spider (aren't all spiders eight-eyed by default). This kind of thing is a perfect prey, it has the characteristics of large numbers and fast reproduction, killing some will not be noticeable.

Not to mention that they are evil unnatural creatures (eight-eyed giant spiders and basilisks are unnatural creatures cultivated by wizards). Biological invasion in the forbidden forest destroys the balance of the forbidden forest itself.

Another key point is that Ryan's life magic can cause great damage to unnatural creatures like the Eight-Eyed Giant Spider. It is more convenient to hunt them.

But if he wants to go hunting, Ryan still has to make some preparations in advance.

After a busy day on the weekend, after a curfew on Monday night, Ryan sneaked out of the castle and walked towards the Forbidden Forest.

The Forbidden Forest at night was still as dark as ever, and Ryan summoned a Lantern Cherry from the General Store to light his way. After walking along the path in the forest for less than ten minutes, there was a noise from the bushes on the side of the road, and then a big animal jumped out of the woods.

Ryan was about to pull out his wand, only to find that the creature in front of him looked familiar. After watching carefully for a second or two, Ryan let out a sigh, put down his wand, and said, "Betty, good evening, you suddenly came out and almost scared me to death."

It turned out that what came out of the road was an old acquaintance of Ryan, the Centaur Betty who he knew from the unicorn treating incident in the forest forbidden last year.

Betty looked at Ryan for a while, and suddenly said: "Have you been to the Chiron Temple on Crete this summer vacation?"

"No, the ring you gave me is still on my body." After speaking, Ryan took out a chain from his chest, and the ring was tied under the chain.

"Hey, that's weird." Betty said while scratching the ground twice with his front hoof. "Then where did you learn the way to enter the Emerald Dreamland?"

"Emerald Dreamland, what is that ?" Ryan said curiously.

Betty thought for a while and said: "Take my hand, don't refuse my inner invitation, I think you will know it when you enter the Emerald Dreamland."

Knowing that Betty won't hurt him, Ryan immediately stretched out his hand. Sure enough, as soon as he held Betty's hand, Ryan felt that someone inviting him on a spiritual level. He quickly agreed to the invitation.

As soon as he chose to agree in his heart, Ryan found that his consciousness was drawn to an extremely vast, full of natural power and aura. Ryan could guarantee that he had never been in this world, but he felt a trace of familiarity. Finally, Ryan finally remembered that it was very similar to the dream world he encountered at the altar.

It's just that compared to the dream world that he has encountered, this world is much larger and full of life. Not as lifeless as the pocket world he visited last time.

Ryan checked himself again and found that this time his soul body looked like an eleven or twelve-year-old boy, instead of what he looked like last time.

He thought it might be because of the strengthening of the spirit because of practicing Maoshan Taoism so that his spirit no longer unconsciously releases information.

You have to agree on the point that, in Eastern fantasy, it is easier to gain long life and in most western fantasy you either gain immortality by becoming a God or if you're born special or if you have a lucky encounter.

At this time he saw the light spots around him gathered together and finally became Betty.

"I haven't been to the Emerald Dreamland, but I've been to a similar one. It's just that the world was much smaller than this world, and was pretty much dead." Ryan said to Betty, who was gradually taking shape.

"You wizards sometimes cut off a piece of the Emerald Dreamland as your own private territory. You may have been to one of the older ones. But you must know that once a piece of the Emerald Dreamland leaves the main realm, it will start losing all of its vitality, slowly but surely, The world that was taken will die. At the same time, this kind of action is also harmful to the Emerald Dreamland, so Ryan, don't follow those bad examples."

After warning Ryan, Betty said: "last time I saw you help unicorn, so I'm sure you have the qualifications to enter the Emerald Dreamland, the ring is the key, and my teacher was supposed to get you into the Emerald Dreamland and teach you about it. I didn't expect you to get the method from other places, can you show me your method now?."

"No problem." Ryan used his own method to exit the Emerald Dreamland and re-enter it.

As soon as he entered, he saw Betty frowning and saying, "The method you learned is a complete mess made by some crazy wizards. In fact, you forcibly tear a gap to get in and out. This method hurts your soul body and the Emerald Dreamland."

Then Betty loosened her brows again. She pointed to the green light spots surrounding Ryan and said: "But since the Emerald Dreamland has recognized you, you have passed the most difficult pass to enter the Emerald Dreamland. So you don't need to go through the trial. Go to the Chiron Temple to learn how to communicate with the Emerald Dreamland, but I can teach you the way to truly enter this world safely."

Betty then taught Ryan how to enter the Emerald Dreamland correctly. After studying, Ryan discovered that Betty's method is to feel the flow of nature, communicate with nature, and finally enter.

This method is much more subtle than what I learned from the memory of Viking wizards, and at the same time more complicated. However, the speed and consumption of entry are much better than the wizard's method, and Ryan can feel that this is the real method.

The Viking wizard's method is closer to a kind of opportunism.

During the practice, Ryan couldn't help but sigh from the bottom of his heart that this visit to the Forbidden Forest was really rewarding, and hoped that it would be just like this every time.


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