HPMRS CH 98: Nick's Invitation

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Ryan actually learned this so-called new magic is from Maoshan Taoism. He felt that this magic for ghosts should work on Nick and make him happy.

So before Nick's curious eyes, Ryan took out a small incense burner, a handful of incense sticks, and a pair of candles from the space bag.

Finally, he took out two chocolates from the pocket of his robe.

After taking the things, Ryan arranged the censer and candle on the box in front of him, and then put the chocolate behind the censer. After everything was in place, Ryan lit two candles with his wand.

Then Ryan picked up a handful of incense sticks and lit it on the candle, then closed his eyes and held the incense to read some illegible words.

Nick didn't know what Ryan was doing, but he could tell from Ryan's actions that he was doing it very sincerely, so Nick kept quiet at this time to avoid disturbing Ryan.

For a while, the storage room fell into silence. Only Ryan's soft hums reverberated in the room. From Outside, the sound of someone wearing wet shoes, tapping through the hallway seemed clearer.

After three or four minutes, Nick saw Ryan put the incense in his hand in the incense burner. Then opened his eyes and blew hard at the incense.

Nick saw that the incense stick was completely burned in a few seconds after being blown by this breath. The smoke from burning was absorbed by the chocolate on the table.

After blowing that breath, Ryan returned to his normal state. He picked up the chocolate on the table and handed it to Nick and said, "Sir, you can have some chocolate, it will help you get in a good mood."

Nick reached out to Ryan's chocolate, but when he was about to touch it he said: "thanks for your goodwill, but you know we ghost cannot...."

Before he finished speaking, the expression on Nick's face changed drastically, because he could feel as if he was holding something, a feeling he hadn't felt for hundreds of years.

After all, out of the entire Hogwarts ghost population, only Peeves, who is a ghost touched something that is a real thing, No other ghost he knows of has done this act before.

Nick retracted his hand and found that the two chocolates were still in Ryan's hands. However, he held two milky white translucent chocolates in his palm.

"This is?" Nick asked Ryan in surprise.

"You know, I have eastern ancestry. Recently I learned some Eastern magic, and this is one of them. Through the power of incense, ghosts can also enjoy food, in our culture, we usually pace some food on graves and burn incense for the dead."

Nick put a piece of chocolate in his mouth with a shocked expression, and then Ryan saw his tears flow from the corner of his eyes. After all, he hadn't eaten anything for hundreds of years.

After eating two pieces of chocolate with tears in his eyes, Ryan found that the frustration on Nick's face was gone. He happily said to Ryan: "Thank you for allowing me to taste the delicious food again. Compared with this, not participating in the Headless sport is nothing to me."

After much talking, Nick suddenly tweaked up: "Ryan - I think I have a presumptuous request - not too much, you have helped a lot, I'm not sure whether I should-"

"Sir, what do you want to express?" Ryan asked, looking at Nick with a questioning face.

"Uh, I just wanted to ask you if the magic just now was very difficult for you? Because I think you cast it without a wand." Nick finally asked his question.

"It's not too difficult, it belongs to a different system of magic. It's just like an African wizard who casts spells without a wand. So it's not as difficult as it seems. But I can only make five or six of this kind of magic a day that enables ghosts to eat Food, and these foods can be kept for up to seven days. " Ryan replied.

"It's like this." After struggling for a long time, Nick finally said his request. "This year Halloween is my 500 -year-old anniversary of the death, I will invite the prominent ghosts from across Britain to come to my party. Can you prepare dinner for me, for the party?"

Having said that, Nick thought of something and quickly added: "Of course, this will take up a lot of your time and energy, so I will give you a generous gift. You know I have lived in this castle for 500 years. I know many secrets that other people don't know."

"Well, I promise you." Ryan replied. "Contact me one week before Halloween, we will start working in the room of requirement. But let me tell you in advance that my level of cooking is very average, I think you should find someone who is better at it to cook."

"That's okay, I'll just tell the house-elves in the kitchen to provide us the dishes." Nick was very happy when he heard Ryan agree, and quickly assured him that Ryan would not need to bother about cooking himself, and it would be enough to just do the physical to ghost conversion thing.

After that, Nick happily left. Ryan thought about spending several days thinking about the recipe this time. So that, he can surprise all the ghosts at the party, and gain some unexpected benefits.

After seeing Nick walk through the wall and leave, Ryan also returned to the Gryffindor common room.

The common room is very lively, because the weather these days is not so good, so everyone likes to stay in the warm common room.

The Weasley brothers were feeding a salamander something similar to firecrackers at the moment, prompting the salamander to fly around the room in a flurry of sparks and explosions.

Fortunately, the fireworks in the magical world do not light things under the influence of magic. Otherwise, in this house full of flammable materials such as carpets, tapestries, and wooden furniture, it would be too easy to cause a fire.

Afterward, Percy reprimanded the twins and some classmates yelled.

This time Ryan squeezed into the crowd, and some data about the human body was handed to Ryan. It was what Ryan deduced from Madam Pomfrey's teachings and muggle biology, also they said something about studying some candy...

Ryan suspects that they are now studying some crazy candy with crazy effects, so the data is needed to determine the dosage of the drug. Taking the notebook handed by Ryan, Fred asked Ryan: "Hey Ryan. Would you like to join our research?" Not giving Ryan the time to answer. Percy suddenly appeared from the side and asked: "I hope you are not doing some messy research, or I will have to inform the Professor."

"Of course not," says the speaker. George was the one who responded. "We only want to ask Ryan some questions about brewing potions and casting spells for therapy, because two days ago we actually saw Ryan in the hospital and Madam Pomfrey taught him alone."

"Really?" Percy asked excitedly.

"Yes." Ryan nodded.

After that, Percy expressed a series of emotions on the behavior of the twins' Fantabulous history of pranks. Finally, Percy left without finishing his blabbering.

When Ryan witnessed Percy go to scold a bunch of first-year students who were making a racket and causing others to be disturbed. Ryan expressed his gratitude to the twins for being a member of the research team.

Ryan is very curious about what new ideas the twins will have when he joins them, with more capital, materials, and knowledge input.


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