HPMRS CH 109: Settings up the chamber

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After investigating the situation in the secret room, Ryan opened the door to the world of Plants vs. Zombies and went in.

With the help of robots, the city is being built quickly. The fortress that was only planned on the blueprints last time has been almost completed. Here, Ryan found Edward, who had just returned from the open sea for vacation.

"Good afternoon, Edward. You look good now. I have something to do with Dave now. Can you tell me where he is?"

"I heard that the spider you sent last time gave Dave a lot of inspiration. He has been soaking in the laboratory all day long these days, I'm not sure what he's doing. But he has told me when you come and ask him for something. Take you there."

After talking, Edward put down the coffee cup and walked to the warehouse with Ryan, and said to Ryan as he walked: "I think you look better in this assassin uniform, at least better than the black robe last time."

After speaking, the two came to the entrance of the underground warehouse. After showing their personal identification metal plates, the warehouse guard opened a heavy door for them.

After stepping into the warehouse, Edward opened the door of the innermost warehouse. Ryan saw the shelves full of things he was waiting for.

"It seems that you now have to deal with a big guy. I can only give you a piece of advice that is often the bigger the opponent is the more life force it has, do not rush in and confirm its death before closing in or lowering your guard." Kenway said.

It was a very good piece of advice, and Ryan silently scribbled it down in his heart and began to count the weapons.

These weapons are divided into two types, all controlled by a clockwork(spiral)-powered pocket mechanical differential engine. This is what Ryan strongly requested because he was worried that the electricity might fail within Hogwarts.

The first sort of weapon is made up of ten weapon stations, each with three whaling guns connected in series. These whaling guns are single-use weapons that fire whaling darts(spears) with explosive tips using gunpowder.

Fortunately, thermal weapons can be used in Hogwarts. Because Ryan found in the school history that Peeves once fired a cannon in the castle in the 19th century.

Another weapon is a very cleverly designed steel crossbow that can fire five javelins with explosive heads in a row. It's just that this kind of thing is more difficult to make, so there are only five.

All weapons are controlled by differential engines, and Ryan has to set these weapons to pour firepower in a predetermined direction.

Finally, there are very thin copper plates with patterns engraved on them. The grooves of the patterns are inlaid with fine silver wires. The copper plates are numbered for easy positioning. These copper plates and silver wires were incorporated into a large number of sunlight crystals when the raw materials were first smelted. This is a new invention done in the world of Plants vs. Zombies. At that time, workers discovered that adding sunlight crystals in the smelting process of metal raw materials can effectively shorten the smelting time.

When Ryan fought the Eight-Eyed Giant Spider last time, he found positive energy reflections in some repaired places on the Gatling machine gun, and only learned the existence of this metal after inquiring. So he specified that the things he needed must be made of this newly smelted metal.

This is why it took several months for these few things because the World of Plants vs. Zombies now generally recycles old metals and makes objects after simple processing. If you want this new metal, you need to customize it separately. Henceforth, Naturally, the manufacturing speed is slow.

After counting the materials, Ryan opened the space door leading to the secret room and pushed these things into the secret room with a trolley, and then began to arrange them.

He began by removing the copper plate, placing it on each node point according to the preset position, and then forming a magic circle. He then pulled a vial of medicine from his space pack and squirted a few drops onto each copper plate.

The major raw material for this is the blood of an eight-eyed giant spider. Ryan melted the tail hairs of a few unicorns into it to balance the yin and yang. The finished medication liquid is a good magic conductor.

The copper plate absorbed the medicine as it dripped as if it had come to life. The silver wire embedded on the copper plate emitted a faint light after the liquid was completely absorbed by the copper plate.

Finally, Ryan drew a magic circle on the ground with a brush, uniting all of the copper plates to complete the formation.

The circle broke forth with a strong white light once the last stroke was formed, and all the metal plates converted into liquid and flowed following the previously created pattern on the ground. Finally, in front of the statue, a big circle was created.

Ryan walked to the middle of the magic circle after the light faded and discovered that the metal plates that had just melted had changed into wires inlaid in the hidden room's floor, forming the present magic circle that emits brilliant white light.

He drew out the Hidden Blade, punctured his fingers, and dripped blood on the demon-binding formation's eyes, allowing him to command the demon-binding formation.

This circle comes from the content of Maoshan Taoism. Before the end of the Dharma era, it was one of the several magic circles used by the Maoshan School to capture large monsters.

The major advantage of this approach over others is that it only requires one person to run it, and it does not demand a lot of strength from the operator. However, this circle has only been employed a handful of times throughout history. Everyone would label him a dark wizard or maybe the next dark lord if he used this method for magic that required sacrifice (blood).

On the one hand, because this circle cannot be altered once it has been deployed, it is less flexible than a formation with many people deployed. On the other hand, copper and silver were used as currency in ancient times, and the cost of erecting the magical circle was sufficient to entice the powerful to act. And not many people were prepared to undertake such a wasteful approach at the time unless it was really necessary. At that time, not many people were willing to do such a wasteful thing unless they had no other option.

It's just that for Ryan, the magic circle that can be used by one person and does not require the user to have a high level of cultivation is perfect. The silver and copper consumed are not so precious to him.

This was the basilisk's only exit, And the magic circle was used to block the door, so it was not a problem that it could not be moved.

After Ryan was able to control the magic circle properly, the magic circle condensed all the light and scattered, making the floor look the same as before, as if no magic circle was ever drawn here.

Ryan arranged the 15 weapon stations according to the optimal strategy estimated by everyone in the Plants vs. Zombies World once the most crucial element was settled. Then he placed the armor-breaking spells that he sketched on the spider carapace ahead of time into the vacant slot left on the arrow when it was manufactured according to his request.

These spells are the reason why Ryan did not choose firearms, because he was not sure about being able to condense so many runes on small bullets, not to mention that the size and shape of bullets is far worse than arrows, and it is likely that high temperatures and high speeds will destroy the ruin drawn on bullets.

Finally, Ryan fired the hook on his left arm to the side of a pillar, where the cage containing the rooster was also placed. In this way, after the basilisk to enters the cave, he can get away from danger as quickly as possible and use the rooster to weaken the basilisk at first sight.