HPMRS CH 113: Adventure Ends!

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When he walked to the door, Ryan received the 20 offset points for killing the basilisk. It seems that the harvest this time is not bad.

After stepping out of this small door, the door quickly closed behind Ryan and restored to its original shape, which looked no different from this section of the wall. After observing the wall intently, he saw a small brick having two 'S' letters engraved on it.

After noting the approximate location of the door on this section of the wall, Ryan began to walk in the corridor. He found that he had never been here before, so he was anxious to find a way out.

There are no windows in this section of the corridor, And was lit by torches burning on the wall. Ryan took out his pocket watch and took a look, and found that it was nine o'clock in the morning. It is easy to judge that his current location should be the basement of the castle.

After walking for a while, suddenly he heard footsteps coming from the corner ahead. Ryan subconsciously gave himself a notice me not charm, and then shrank in a corner without moving (because of his lack of proficiency in the spell, it is easy to be noticed if he moves).

A few students wearing silver-green scarves walked past the road ahead, and then said something to a section of the wall. A door opened on the wall and they went in afterward.

It turned out that this was the location of the Slytherin common room, and Ryan walked in the direction from where those people came.

A few minutes later he came to a big step, and he recognized that this was the only way to go to the potions class every week: the big staircase leading to the underground classroom. After confirming that there was no one around, Ryan lifted the notice me not charm on his body and walked up the stairs. As soon as he returned to the common room, Ryan met the Weasley twins. When Fred saw Ryan, he said hello: "Ryan, where did you go for a night tour, you're quite disheveled?" "Yeah, we smelled you from far away so we came to take a look." George agreed.

Ryan felt very nervous when he first heard Fred talk about night tours. Then he thought that he had just spent several hours in an underground pipe that had not been cleaned for at least half a century, and it was easy for a veteran of night travel like twins to see that I was out for a night tour.

It seems that they themselves have found many secret rooms, ah, thinking of this Ryan smiled: "I found a secret passage yesterday, went down the secret passages but it took me too far, I just made it back this morning."

"Where did that secret path go?" Fred asked with some excitement. "I found a secret road behind the statue of Gregory the Smarmy to the other side of the Black Lake." Ryan recalled a story he has read.

"For a nerdy person like you, it's not easy to find a secret path. But we discovered that place in the first week of school." George already knew of this secret path, and he was a little disappointed.

"By the way, we are going to trial-produce new products tonight. Would you like to come and have a look?" Fred suddenly thought of something and invited Ryan.

It seems that there was no helper before, and if I get it right this time, I might be able to get in touch and participate in their careers more deeply. Considering how prosperous their business is in the original book, being an early partner should be great, just like buying Bitcoins before they reach two-figure numbers.

Thinking of this, Ryan said to the twins with a smile: "Of course, I have always been curious about your research. Thank you for giving me this opportunity to participate."

After listening to Ryan's answer, George said to Fred: "Look, I told you earlier that many of our friends can't calm down to do research. Only if we find some, uh... people who like to learn can help us are often too busy reading."

Are you talking about nerds? Ryan thought, saying goodbye to the twins he went back to his dormitory to organize things.

After washing up and changing to a new set of clothes, Ryan opened a space door and went to the World of Plants vs. Zombies to prepare to develop the photos.

When he stepped out of the space door, he found himself in the warehouse, and Dave was standing by his side in a white coat studying the trash he had thrown in.

Dave was shocked when he saw Ryan popping up, and then said to Ryan excitedly: "Dave found a kind of magic snake blood in the thing you threw over, and the DNA showed this snake lived for lived more than 1,000 years."

"You have to know that my world has magic, so sometimes things that you think are impossible exist." After speaking, he handed Dave a fang in the box. "This is one of the few remaining parts of the snake. The toxins remaining on it are very intense, so be careful with it. The remaining body was completely absorbed by a mutant Snapdragon I newly cultivated."

Dave took the box, opened it, and observed it for a while, then closed the box and said in surprise: "Snapdragon? How is it possible? Dave would've believed you if you said it was a Chomper."

Seeing Dave's disbelief, Ryan took the Snapdragon from the General Store and handed it to Dave. After the inspection, Dave had to admit that he could no longer see what was going on with the Snapdragon. The only certainty is that it is in very good condition.

After watching the Snapdragon, Dave asked: "By the way, what are you doing here now?"

"I found something left by a great wizard in our place from the snake's den, so I took photos of it with the camera. I'm here to get the photos printed. By the way, see if anyone can help me translate Latin."

"You should've told Dave about this matter before. We found a data storage center in the city two days ago. Dave used the data in it to upgrade my artificial intelligence by the way. Later, Dave can use artificial intelligence to help you translate."

After speaking, Dave put down the things in his hands and dragged Ryan to the basement of the fortress. Finally, he was taken to the door of an underground darkroom where photos were developed.

"Your technological level is so high, why use this kind of film camera?" Ryan asked in a puzzled way.

"No way, Dr. Zomboss has made many electromagnetic pulse generators in the zombie gathering area. All digital cameras will fail in the vicinity."

Soon the film was printed, and Dave took Ryan to the machine room deep underground.

After putting the photo into the dedicated scanner, the scanner quickly scanned the text on the photo. Fortunately, Slytherin's writing was very clear and did not cause much difficulty in system recognition.

"The computer here is just a minicomputer, which is connected to the mainframe in my laboratory in town through an underground optical cable. So the recognition speed here is much faster than you can imagine." While waiting for the recognition, Dave proudly said to Ryan. A few minutes later, the computer beeped, and all the text in the photo has been recognized. Ryan and Dave immediately sat in front of the display screen to see what the great wizard from a thousand years ago left.