HPMRS CH 116: Routine!

Ryan had a very happy and fulfilling time for the rest of the holiday. He successfully joined the Weasley brothers' research team and used his knowledge in medicine and Herbology to greatly promote the research of some projects.

For example, they have developed a prototype of vomiting sugar, which can achieve vomiting without actually hurting the body much. The only drawback is that the vomiting can only be stopped after the effect of the medicine has passed, and no corresponding antidote has been researched yet.

In addition, Ryan also thought about whether to go to the room of requirement to dispose off the Ravenclaw Diadem, after all, there are basilisk teeth in his hand that should be able to cause damage to the Diadem if used correctly.

But after thinking about it in the end, he decided to give up, because, in the cannon, the Diadem was sitting there for decades and was finally burned by a Fiendfyre, without hurting anyone in the process. So there is no urgency to solve it.

Not to mention that it is different from the Horcrux made by Voldemort in his young years when he wasn't well versed in dark magic and all.

The Horcrux in the room of requirement was made using Ravenclaw's Diadem during Voldemort's supremacy era. This treasure is at the same level as the Gryffindor sword. Ryan has no way to guarantee his safety when destroying this Horcrux.

However, to confirm his safety, Ryan pretended to be a treasure hunter and explored the hiding place in the room if anyone (Dumbles) asked. In the end, it was confirmed that Ravenclaw's Diadem was quietly resting on the head of a statue.

Fortunately, this Horcrux was not activated because of Ryan's activity, and there weren't any incidents in which this Horcrux attacked students at school, but you can't be sure how the plot may try to fix itself, so it may still a busy semester.

Of course, since he came here and returned empty-handed, he was feeling like he suffered a loss. After spending a morning picking and choosing, Ryan found a great spell lesson notebook. The scribbled text on the last few pages of the note explains why the note was discarded: because the boyfriend of the note owner broke up with her, and the notebook was given to her by her boyfriend.

Relationship problems are always one of the most difficult problems in the world. Ryan shrugged and walked out of the room of requirement with this notebook in his hand.

After knowing that it is safe now, life was much more relaxing. The happy time is always short, and soon a new semester began.

Everything entered the normal state of school, the only bad thing was that Lockhart continued to torture everyone. You may think that simple performance is not enough to torture anyone. In a certain class, he asked everyone to add magic to the remake of his adventure performance.

It happened that Hermione was called up to perform as a female ghost that day, maybe it was the wrong day, and Hermione didn't seem to be in a good mood. Lockhart quickly gave her a lot of time to prepare when he talked a lot before attacking, and he missed his 'surprise' attack. Lockhart was beaten up on the spot, knocked his head on the door frame, and fainted.

"Good job." Ryan gave Hermione a thumbs up quietly from below, and Hermione smiled embarrassedly when she saw it.

Then someone ran out and called for Professor McGonagall to send Lockhart to the hospital with a Levitating Charm. The classmates discussed in the classroom, after all, this is not the first time Lockhart has missed. Some people began to question Lockhart's level.

After this chaotic Defense Against the Dark Arts class, many students completely lost confidence in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class. At the homework counseling meeting that evening, Ginny stood up suddenly and asked:

"Hermione, Ryan, can you teach us how to learn Defence Against the Dark Arts? Anyway, we don't think the daily drama practice will work." Colin nodded, a few first-year students followed.

"The Defense Against the Dark Arts class is still a practical course. In addition to understanding the principles and memorizing the textbooks, you have to practice it." Hermione said.

"Then who can we turn to if we have a question?" Colin asked.

"We can discuss with each other first, and then ask some seniors. It's impossible to find other professors. You can try asking Lockhart." Ryan replied.

Then Ryan saw Colin and Ginny approaching Harry Potter, and it seemed that they were very happy to have this excuse to approach their idol.

This should be considered a good thing, Ryan comforted himself by looking at Harry's headache.

It was Easter, and an important decision was to be made by second-year students, and that was to choose the third-year course.

It was a weekend. After regular fighting training every week, Ryan returned to the common room after lunch and found that Harry and Ron had gone to the court to play Quidditch.

Looking at the empty room, Ryan called Hermione to go to the lake to bask in the glory of the sun. Because he felt that he was bored in the castle all day, if you stay in this boring castle long enough you'll turn mouldy like Davy Jones's crew. In particular, apart from the first-year flying class, the only outdoor class for second-year students is Herbology. But that kind of sunbathing in a greenhouse is not an outdoor activity at all.

"It affects our future prospects, so we must be cautious." Even when she was out of the castle, Hermione still couldn't let go of what she had on hand. She took the third-year class schedule and said to Ryan: "What do you think of me choosing all. After all, this class schedule does not say that you cannot choose all. I think wizards must have a way to solve the problem of taking several courses at the same time."

"I don't think it's a good idea," Ryan said. "After all, people's energy is limited. For a truly wise man, learning to give up is more precious. I think the all-selected people have highlighted that they can't catch the key issues on one thing. Under the circumstances, it is important to separate the key and non-key points and treat them separately. You know Jack of all trades master of none..."

Ryan's comments seem to let Hermione had difficulties and confusion, she immediately took curriculum Ryan said: "But I think every course is very important and the full saying is 'Jack of all trades master of none, but oftentimes better than the master of one.'"

"Well, since you think the course selection will affect your future, can you tell me what you plan to do in the future?" Ryan thought for a while and started to ask basic questions.

"Future?" Hermione seemed a little confused after hearing Ryan say this.

Because for a 12 -year-old girl, the future is still a little far away thing.

Seeing Hermione's confusion, Ryan even wanted to take the camera to capture this scene. After all, in his impression, Hermione had always been an intelligent and capable person, and it was not common for her to show such a confused expression.

A few minutes later, Hermione said: "short-term goal is to protect my loved ones, long-term goal is to reverse the current situation of the wizarding world. Yes, deep-rooted discrimination against people who do not know magic and matters related to them."

After speaking, Hermione looked at Ryan, hoping to see his evaluation. Ryan thought for a while and said: "It's difficult to achieve these goals, but it's not impossible. What you need now is to choose courses that are useful to you from so many courses."

"So what do you think is a useful course?" Hermione asked.