HPMRS CH 162: Emerald Dreamland Adventure.

Under the curious eyes of everyone, Ryan asked them to wait for a while. Since his pet is in his room, he needs to go to the real world to get it.

Everyone nodded their heads to express their understanding. In particular, a senior who raised a black jaguar as a natural pet said that his natural pet would never stay quietly by his side so he usually kept it in the real world.

Getting up from the bed in the dormitory, the moonlight came in from the outside through the curtains, and it was quiet all around.

This is because a soundproofing array on the carriage opens at night as carriages aren't known for being quiet, and the array automatically closes when it's time to get up in the morning.

Ryan opened the door to the world of Plants vs. Zombies and began to summon Xiaoqing through the magic contract. Since Xiaoqing is a magical plant that needs enough energy to grow, Ryan can't do the same as Slytherin did deploying a sufficient charging circle under the entire Hogwarts to provide energy for his basilisk.

Ryan found that the circle is something that was the part of the Hogwarts castle itself, and was built with the foundation of the castle. After all, this castle was Slytherin's castle, so, understandably, he built an underground pet house or laboratory for himself.

But this approach caused Ryan to only look at the charged magic circle. After all, it was mixed with the foundation of the castle, and if it was not demolished, the entire castle would eventually collapse. Not to mention that as the foundation of the castle, there are countless protective magics. Ryan is not confident that he can completely dismantle the magic circle without triggering any magic.

So when Xiaoqing grew up slowly, Ryan found that simply planting it in a flower pot could not keep it growing, and Ryan did not have enough money to feed it.

Fortunately, the Myriad Realms General Store can lead to several worlds. After traveling in many worlds, Xiaoqing is now in love with the zombies in the Plants vs. Zombies World and various monsters in the Radiant World. Because On one hand, Ryan forbids it from eating any intelligent creatures, on the other hand, he also found that in those worlds, the energy contained in the intelligent creatures is far less than the mutated monsters. For example, Xiaoqing's highest-rated food now is a legendary Deathclaw, and the other is a giant zombie carrying an imp.

Now Xiaoqing is looking for zombies to eat in the World of Plants vs. Zombies, so Ryan told others that his natural pet usually hides and roams around in the carriage.

Ten minutes later, a green shadow rushed out of the space door, feelings its growth through life magic, and joy on its face. Ryan knew that it should be having a good time recently.

Xiaoqing hadn't seen his master for a long time, so after seeing Ryan, he happily climbed onto his arm and circled his arm. Ryan finally calmed it down, then lay back on the bed and entered the Emerald Dreamland.

Entering the Emerald Dreamland, the six students wearing wooden masks were still chatting. After seeing Ryan coming back, a girl stood up and asked happily: "Have you brought your natural pet? Show us." Ryan smiled and nodded, and stretched out his arm to signal Xiaoqing to crawl out. Xiaoqing was not afraid at all because it had spent a lot of time outside, and quickly followed out of Ryan's arm.

"Wow, it's so cool." Caution appeared in the eyes of several girls, and the boys also showed affection.

No wonder everyone likes Xiaoqing, because Xiaoqing's hunting behavior in the two worlds is actually constantly destroying evil unnatural creatures, so it has also gained the love of nature's consciousness.

This caused Xiaoqing to grow up and its battle mode has become more ferocious than the basilisk, but his daily image became more and more lovely. The whole body's scales are as emerald as jade emerald sculpted, and with the cute round head and cat-eared gem-like eyes, the whole body looks like an exquisite gem sculpture. No wonder it's attractive.

"What is the power of this snake?" a person asked. It seems that they did not recognize Xiaoqing's identity as a mutant plant, but thought that Xiaoqing was a special snake.

"It can increase its size in battle, and is venomous." Ryan was also pleased that they misunderstood Xiaoqing's identity, and the explanation was also misleading.

"Well, since everyone has their own natural pet. Let's go to the pit today to clean it up there." The eldest student stood up and said. Amidst everyone's approval, seven people set off.

On the way, a boy explained the banyan tree pit to Ryan. It was a sinkhole near the school in the Emerald Dreamland, famous for the big banyan tree there. It used to be the blood sacrifice place for the dark wizards at first, and the ancestors of Castelobruxo have cleaned out those evil wizards. But later it was discovered that because of the long blood sacrifice, the Emerald Dreamland in that place had become a mutated dream of the dead, and from time to time some evil and uncontrollable undead would come out.

But because the undead in that place is not very strong as long as they don't accumulate over time, it later became an adventure place for the students in the Emerald Dreamland. According to the predecessors, after killing the undead, the strength of each student's soul will improve to a certain extent.

After walking across the river that surrounds the school for a few minutes, everyone saw the location of the Banyan Tree Pit. In the Emerald Dreamland, the reddish glow there was very conspicuous.

When he got closer, Ryan found that the banyan tree hole in the Emerald Dreamland was a sinkhole with a diameter of more than 200 meters. Various trees are growing under the sky, but if you look closely, you can see that both the trees and the ground are inlaid with human bones, and some faint red shadows appear there from time to time.

After using his Eagle Vision skills to observe, Ryan saw a disgusting undead aura emanating from the shadow.

"This is?" Ryan asked, pointing to the blood-red shadows.

"Ah, that is the shadow of death. In addition to the Emerald Dreamland, there is also a world of the dead. It is different from the real world after death. The world of the dead is the opposite of the Emerald Dreamland, full of death and chaos. This place is like a crossover. A door to the world of the dead has been opened, so some of the shadows of death who originally lived in the world of the dead have slipped out from there. To prevent them from harming the Emerald Dreamland before too many of them gather, we will come here from time to time to clean them up."

"Okay, we're at the place, let's go down." said the oldest boy who took the lead at this time. After that, Ryan followed everyone down the giant cane that looked like a small pagoda on the edge of the tiankeng to the bottom of the pit.

After reaching the bottom of the pit, everyone slowly approached the shadows of death under the command of the leader. Ryan was arranged behind the team leader.

This is a kind of care for the novice. After all, Ryan has not dealt with these before. Arranging to be in a safe position behind the team leader, to see and learn how others are doing will help quickly learn how to deal with these shadows of death.


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