HPMRS CH 173: Halloween!

The stores in the magic world often have magical wards that control temperature and humidity, and the bookstores here are naturally no exception. After enjoying an afternoon cool breeze in the bookstore, time quickly reached 3:30 in the afternoon.

Fortunately, Ryan and Hermione each spent a few Galleons to buy several books, which made the clerk stop glaring at them while they were chilling in the shop.

Ryan went to the post office again with large and small bags of things, containing many packages and sent all the gifts that he had picked for his friends in the morning.

On the way to the pier, Ryan asked Hermione curiously: "Most of the books you bought are in Spanish, and this one is in Portuguese. Are you sure you can understand em?"

"Well." Hermione smiled slightly. "Anyway, we can always exchange our books. And I'll just ask you if I don't understand."

While joking, the two arrived at the dock, where Professor Sprout was already waiting. Seeing the smile on her face, she should have found a lot of good things in this town. By four o'clock in the afternoon, everyone was here. So after counting the number of people, everyone boarded the boat back to school.

Under the effect of the magic on the ship, the ship moved upstream at a very high speed, and occasionally the hull was slightly above the surface of the water due to waves. If Muggles could look at them in the river, they will find the canoes leaping against the current on the river like the salmon migrating every year.

It's just that this way of traveling is not friendly to the passengers on the boat. When they returned to the school dock, many people walked off the boat with pale faces and weak legs. There was even a fourth-year boy from Hufflepuff who got off the boat, and as soon as he got off the boat, he hugged the pillar and started puking. Fortunately, Ryan pulled him from behind and didn't let him fall directly on the ground on his own puke.

As the canoes docked one after another, the students who had returned from shopping also brought life to the campus again. They laughed and showed their harvest from the trip, and at the same time exchanged their feelings with their friends.

Ryan and the others are no exception. While all girls went back to the dormitory to take a shower. The boys used some cleaning jinx on themselves. So there are only a few boys chatting in the common room of the carriage. From these students, Ryan unexpectedly learned that their fieldwork class would be collectively arranged one week before Christmas.

It seems that there is still enough time to make some preparations. After all, what the shopkeeper said today is a bit strange, which makes Ryan feel very unsure. In this case, it is always right to prepare for a hundred times or a thousand times worse situation.

So Ryan went to Uncle nine's place during bedtime that night. After talking with Uncle nine, he realized that the overall situation of the world had stopped deteriorating and began to slowly get better. Especially with the abundant supply of sunlight crystals, the practitioners finally regained the upper hand in the battle against the monsters, and the sufficient resources for practice also allowed various schools to finally open the mountain gates to recruit new disciples. Uncle nine's status in the Maoshan school also risen and let me assure you, there's nothing more important than status in the east.

Before Ryan left last time, Uncle Nine asked Ryan if he could show them what spells he learned in the Western school, so this time Ryan came here with the translated Hogwarts and Castelobruxo's textbooks, plus a whole large copy of the explanation and usage of the ancient Nordic Runic. Because these things require a lot of energy to translate, it isn't that Ryan hasn't produced the finished product until now, but he previously translated them into Mandarin but he later realized that they won't understand written Mandrian as it is completely different from Cantonese, thankfully his grandparents have taught him traditional Chinese, so he was able to write it in almost Cantonese. Like most of the dictators of the party changed the language from Traditional Chinese (Cantonese) to simplified Chinese (Mandarin) in name of development in the 1950s, a great cultural revolution was started by the party to remove the Taoist and such schools, also many cultural sites were destroyed. Aaah... It's better to not think about those bitter things. When handing these books to Uncle nine, Ryan asked him curiously how will they extract the knowledge from different power systems into their power system or are they going to let some of their people train in this foreign power system. Uncle nine solemnly replied that there are some certain stones on the mountain that can be used as information jade. He would let the communication crane bring these books back to Maoshan to see what kind of knowledge they can learn from them, and will act accordingly.

Sure enough, keep a humble heart at all times, there's no limit to learning and everyone can be a teacher. Thinking of this, Ryan's pride that had grown in his heart after he obtained multiple power systems also dissipated.

For the next two or three days, Ryan stayed in Yizhuang to ask Uncle nine about his practice problems. It was not until all the problems encountered recently were resolved Ryan said goodbye to Uncle nine and returned to the Myriad Realms General Store.

As soon as he returned to the Myriad Realms General Store, Ryan received a message from the worlds of Plants vs. Zombies World and Fallout. The message told Ryan that they were ready to exchange the items they discussed last time.

So Ryan took advantage of the opportunity of being in the Myriad Realms General Store to help the two worlds complete this transaction: hand over the newly cultivated marigolds that can absorb metal in the radiation world, accelerate the recycling of the ruins of the radiation world, and at the same time a batch of mechanical and electronic products from the radiation world was handed over to the science and technology department of the PvZ world. Even though Dave is temporarily unable to mass-produce them because of lack of resources, but because of the increase in population, these things are urgently needed in the Plants vs. Zombies World.

After another busy day, Ryan finally took care of all the chores and returned to the bed in his dormitory.

This being busy non-stop for a while made Ryan feel a little exhausted, but he still made some gains: he felt the addition of a lot of merit on himself.

Ryan really envied other people's systems at this time. After doing something good, he would get natural cultivation resources automatically. But, thinking about it, Ryan remembered that he doesn't like to work and was already satisfied with his life without the system, but now comparing his system to the other systems he had read in his past life, isn't it too weak, why should I age in a different world, can't you stop my aging process there, or can't you let me pick and choose the world I want to go in.

After muttering for a while, Ryan was pleasantly surprised to find that some of the thresholds of spiritual practice that he had encountered before three or four months could be solved. Under the guidance of Uncle nine, it is probably that this was already completely resolved there, which means that his strength has improved.

It seems that sometimes it's not enough to just bury your head and wait for the good things to happen, you have to be good enough at using all available forces with the least effort. Since you have taken Uncle nine as your teacher when you encounter difficulties in practice, who are you supposed to ask questions if you don't ask him? Alas, Ryan was still haunted by the education system and way of life of his past life, after all, he was a proud member of the Lying Flat Movement.

Tired and exhausted Ryan soon fell asleep.

When Ryan woke up early the next morning, he found a large pile of gifts under his feet. Ryan realized that this was the end of his second month in South America. Halloween should arrive tomorrow. These gifts were probably mailed in advance by friends in the UK. After all, the transatlantic owl may or may not be able to reach here in time.

Because the climate in the depths of the Amazon rainforest is different from your normal climate of England, the surrounding plants are evergreen in all seasons, unlike Hogwarts. At this time, the sky there would already be covered with snowflakes. In addition, the heavy schoolwork burden as the exchange student led Ryan to miss this year's Halloween festive mood. It was not until this morning that he saw the pile of gifts that he really felt that Halloween was about to come.

The gift for Halloween this year is not much different from that of previous years. The only thing worth noting is that the Weasley twins gave away a lot of candies and small snacks. The big swashes also indicate that this is a trial product.

It seems that after getting the data from Ryan last time, the twins' research has taken a big step forward.

Thinking of this, Ryan sent this pile of things to the radiation world, the institute has enough manpower and equipment to analyze the results of eating these things.

After finishing all this, Ryan, who had finished washing, went to the Great hall to have breakfast with everyone.