HPMRS CH 175: Patronus takes shape.

"There is a way? I see, it's the Patronus Charm, right." Hermione responded. "But how do we tell him how to practice the Patronus, we're in the Castelobruxo now?"

Ryan looked at her helplessly after listening to Hermione's words and said, "He can find someone to learn it from. There are so many professors at Hogwarts, it is impossible that no one will be able to teach him the basics of Patronus Charm."

"That's right, even if the professors don't teach him the charm, Harry and the Weasleys have such a good relationship. Okay, I'll write to remind Ginny now." Hermione said as she hurriedly ran back to jot down the reply for Ginny.

Hermione and Ginny had such a good relationship, it wasn't so in the cannon, but the friendship between girls can sometimes become strange.

Thinking of this, Ryan shook his head and went back to the dormitory helplessly. After all, he recently had an idea about the synthesis of life and natural magic that needed a lot of time for study.

It's Saturday, practice time again, starting with a magical fight as usual. It's just that according to the prior agreement, the two people in the open area can only fight using the Disarming charm and the Protego to avoid damaging the surrounding environment.

In the beginning, Hermione waved her wand and emitted a light directed at Ryan. In such a long time of practice, she had mastered the silent casting techniques of these two most familiar spells.

Ryan jumped sideways and said: "You need to be more precise, the enemy won't stay still like a tree."

"When calculating the opponent's movement, remember that very few people on the battlefield will move at a constant speed. Only by carefully observing the opponent can you correctly judge the opponent's next move."

"The power and speed of casting are not enough, if your hexes don't hit the opponent then whatever you did, no matter how good you are, it's all irrelevant."

"Always stay in a bit of crouched posture, it's best for evading the hexes that are aimed at you. Remember, when one's level of magic power is not high, the first reaction to seeing the spell should be to hide, rather than blocking it. The posture is ugly. It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if you have no demeanor, as long as these things can help you save your life. Remember, Dead men tell no tales."

"Do not stare at me, sometimes even getting rid of someone's magic wand is not necessarily the end of the battle. You just did not notice that the two of us are too close, for a wizard being this close in distance with the enemy is very dangerous. If I wanted to stab you with a hand knife, you will be dead in your own puddle of blood. You must know that many werewolves are eager to fight close battles with wizards. They attack harder than me, and the damage caused by them can't be patched up in no time during emergencies."

Ten minutes later, Ryan's shouts finally stopped. At this time Hermione was panting and the sweat was dripping down her tousled hair.

It can be seen that even if it is to fight with magic, it is also a heavy physical task for wizards, especially when they need to use their brains in the battle. Maybe due to the Acolytes incident, Ryan was a bit harsher in his words and teachings this time.

After a short rest, Ryan continued to teach the Patronus as planned, after all, after Christmas, they were going back to Hogwarts. In the case of the crazy Dementors attacking the School, the Patronus is the best and the most reliable way to protect themselves, though, it is said that the Ministry repeatedly assured that the last incident was only an accident, but words government officials can't be trusted, whether they be Magical or Muggle, capitalist or communist.

At the beginning of the teaching, Hermione asked the question she thought of when she practiced privately after learning the principles of the Patronus Charm last time: "Is Patronus Charm the only way to deal with the dementors in this world?"

"No, I am sure that there is at least another way," Ryan replied confidently.

"Really?" Hermione didn't believe it. "Are there really other charms besides the Patronus, that can deal with the dementors?"

"There must be. The most important elements of the Patronus Charm are happiness and love, but these aren't the qualities that a dark mage like 'you know who' would have. But in the last war, 'you know who' was able to drive dementors away. Dementors, such evil creatures, don't bargain. It can only mean that he must have a hex in his hand that is even eviler than the dementor, which either enables him to obliterate the dementor or torture them, I think it's the prior. But compared to such a thing, the Patronus Charm should be considered the best for us to learn."

Of course, Ryan is hiding a lot of things here. At least he thinks that there are many spells in Taoism just to restrain evil entities like dementors, maybe it can also destroy the dementor. Not to mention that when he faced the dementors in the combat class, he found that he was not affected by the dementors like the other two students. This means that he can perform at full efficiency without being influenced by the dementors.

Ryan felt that it was a bit weird at first but soon thought that this might have a lot to do with his mastery of Taoism. After all, Taoisms emphasized the inner function from the beginning. It is understandable that Ryan, who has a Taoist cultivation base, can maintain his composure in front of the dementors.

After the explanation finished, two people began to practice the Patronus, after they finished the spell, the silver mist came out of the wand head. The only difference is that Ryan's fog is thicker and covers a larger area.

"This kind of smoke can only deal with one or two dementors. If there are more, it won't work." Ryan tried to make the smoke take a form, and said: "Theoretically, the physical form of Patronus Charm represents a person's heart, and thus the body of Patronus won't easily change throughout a person's life. At the same time, the Patronus of magical creatures is stronger than ordinary creatures. For example, Dumbledore's Patronus is a phoenix."

"Oh, it turned out to be like this. I wish I could see what my Patronus looks like, hopefully, it will be something beautiful."

Ryan was silently praying to get a divine or at least a legendary beast body for the Patronus himself. After all, the protagonists of the Fan-fics he read in his previous life, basically almost all got god beasts. It would be a bit embarrassing if he got something less.

But some things will not change because of human will. After practicing for more than half an hour, Ryan vaguely felt that he had broken through some barrier. He immediately moved his mind to fill his heart with pure joy, then waved his wand and said, "Patronus."

As the spell was spoken, an arthropod-like smoke first emerged from the head of Ryan's wand.

"Damn it, is it because I killed too many spiders and as a curse my Patronus finally turned into a spider." Ryan felt that the cold sweat on his forehead.

Especially when watching the streaks of arthropods emerge, the feeling of sadness got heavier and heavier.

Finally, a plier came out, which made Ryan let out a sigh of relief, it wasn't just a spider. But when the whole thing came into being, Ryan thought he might have offended the heavens, panda would have been better than this. Because what appeared in front of him now was a hairy crab, as big as a dinner plate. You can even tell from the stomach that this is a male hairy crab.

Soon after the smoke took shape, it circled around Ryan, waving his tongs from time to time. No wonder the legs came out first.

Crabs walk sideways, naturally, their legs are in front.

Hermione came over and curiously said: "Hey, your Patronus is a crab, but I have never seen this kind of crab. What kind of crab is it?"