HPMRS CH 181: Ambush!

The observation point in the No. 3 greenhouse is actually just a high ground overlooking most of the greenhouse. On the high ground, there are three stone slabs carved with magic runes, and blue light flows on the runes from time to time.

"Those stone slabs have a long-sight charm. After you stand on the stone slabs, you can observe things in the distance with ease. Please maintain order and have a look at them one by one. Those who are free can move around freely on this platform." Professor Ferdinand stood in front of everyone and spoke. So everyone decided to draw lots to arrange the order. Ryan was lucky, and it was his turn to look at the slate in the first batch. Standing on the stone slab, he realized that the operation is much simpler than those binoculars.

As soon as you stand up, you can see a screen appearing in the air. The screen shows a distant scene, and it also changes its position as the person's eyes turn. At the same time as long as you do an arm gesture and think about zooming in, you can easily zoom in and out, and those holographic images inside look like a scene taken out from science fiction movies. It seemed that magic is no worse than tech in this department because there was nothing wrong along the way, Ryan also relaxed a little and began to observe these rare plants.

This greenhouse has been carefully designed so that the plants and some small animals in it can be seen to form a small ecological circle. Through the magic on these slates, Ryan could see the walking grass sneaking in the shade of the trees, and some little pixies collecting edible nectar and petals from a flower. Ryan kept changing perspectives, hoping to see more things that were basically invisible outside.

But when he turned to a piece of silver-leaf plant, he saw something that made Ryan suddenly excited: a pair of footprints appeared there, and after zooming in, he could find that the plant was slowly rising again. This shows that a person just stepped over there just a few seconds ago.

Is it an ambush? Ryan's first reaction was to look around the bush, and he found that the leaves of some plants were swaying unnaturally, but there was no human figure in his sight. The changes in these plants can only roughly tell that there is an invisible person that has been there. And is slowly approaching the observation point.

In this case, a sneaky approaching person really won't be a good person. Ryan remembered the Headmaster's warning yesterday. But this is obviously inside the school, how can they get in without alarming anyone, is the scene of death eaters attacking Hogwarts going to repeat itself here?

But now it's useless to think too much because there can't be only one sneak attacker, but seeing the distance between this sneak attacker and the observation point getting closer and closer, Ryan wants to find out all other people before they violently attack.

Based on previous combat experience, the only way out in this situation is to disrupt the opponent's deployment. Thinking of this Ryan decisively turned the focus of the stone, and then focused on the railing next to the Invisible Man, with his wand he drew a rune of life and nature magic to launch an investigation technique.

Sure enough, there was a person hidden in that place. He originally wanted to use the advantage of invisibility to get close to Ryan and the others, but neither the invisibility charm nor the invisibility cloak could hide him under this kind of magic detection. The moment Ryan's detection curse touched him, he realized that he has been exposed.

The other side didn't expect that someone would use detection magic on an open space on an impulse, so he paused in the action. However, those who can get into the school and participate in the attack are veterans, and soon he cast a blood-red curse on Ryan who was on the stage.

Fortunately, the attacker paused for a while, allowing Ryan to successfully release a thunder attack under the cover of his magic wand.

"The wind and thunder are broken." Following Ryan's spell, a purple Thunderball flew towards the attacker. Because the attacker was half a beat slower to cast the spell, and because he saw that Ryan was a junior student, he was a little relaxed, so he couldn't escape the magic.

When the lightning ball hit him, a blood-colored barrier appeared on his body, but soon the barrier shattered, and the lightning ball hit him firmly.

This Thunderball caused the attacker to be hit directly out of his invisibility state, and then his whole body twitched and fell. At the same time, Ryan dodges to the side while launching the Thunderball, easily avoiding the blood curse.

The fight scene was completed in seven or eight seconds, so no one was able to react to the sudden deadly encounter until the end of the fight.

Professor Sprout seemed to have been prepared, she shouted: "Everyone get close to me now, reinforcements will be here soon." Then with her left hand, she took out a handful of seeds from the cloth pocket on her waist and sprinkled them on the ground.

These seeds fell to the ground and took root, and soon began to form a green barrier around this high platform. As soon as the barrier was halfway up, they could see several magic hits on the barrier.

Fortunately, the barrier just shook and didn't break open.

Looking in the direction from where the magic was launched just now, a dozen wizards came out from their invisibility state. Half of them wore scarlet robes, while the other half wore all kinds of clothes.

Is this a joint attack by the Blood God Sect and the Chimera Society? But where are the reinforcements that headmaster Fernando has promised now? He said before that he would draw this group out and then encircle them in one fell swoop. Now that the group has been drawn out, where are the reinforcements?

While Ryan was thinking about this issue, suddenly several holes appeared on the top of the cave. Ryan saw President Fernando and Skorzene, the former Acolyte, descending from the sky with more than a dozen people. Before the attackers could have reacted, they surrounded the attackers.

As soon as he landed, Skorzner aimed at the little guy in the ornate magic robe leading the group of attackers and fired a silver spell, and then shouted provocatively: "Hey, Dietrich. Are you finally willing to take your group of men out of the rabbit hole?"

"Ha, haven't seen you for so long, what do you do other than being good with your words? My little pet misses the taste of you guys." Said Dietrich waving his wand to block the spell that was shot at him. Then he raised his wand and shouted: "Come out my little cuties. Let them taste your power."

As the shout fell, several pieces of the ground suddenly shook, and then seven or eight monsters emerged from the ground, and each monster had a splicing mark. For example, a giant ape with six arms, three fire-breathing dog-headed monsters. The most exaggerated is a Chimera the size of a basketball court. The three heads separated as soon as they fly out. Spouting ice and fire and poisonous gas towards headmaster Fernando.

But Fernando and his helpers are not weak in any way, they quickly shook their wand and a lot of colorful lights were sprayed out, and those monsters with their attacker were evenly matched.

Naturally, in this case, the magic fired at Ryan and the others was much less, and everyone under the protection of Professor Sprout could finally catch their breath.

But now there is an important question, how did so many monsters and attackers get to the school? The more Ryan thought about it, the more he felt that the situation was not right. There was a voice in his heart that told him that the enemy who could make such a big scene would have a backhand. It could not be just such a simple ambush.