Stronger Deathclaw.

The Deathclaw flesh and blood puppet were successfully made? "Ryan looked at the Deathclaw that started to move and thought with joy. But this Deathclaw didn't stand up from the stage as he imagined but began to shake, and the shaking amplitude became larger and larger with time.

Soon the muscles of Deathclaw began to shrink, and the skin color gradually darkened. But Ryan could feel this Deathclaw getting stronger and stronger, which was not the original physical recovery effect at all. But think about the fact that Ryan used spells from three civilizations on this Deathclaw before, and certain changes are understandable.

Finally, the Deathclaw stopped shaking, and Ryan also found that he could completely control the flesh and blood puppet in front of him.

After the orders, Deathclaw suddenly leaps from the stage after firmly standing in front of Ryan, landing a very light sound tone that illustrates the front of this puppet mastery of their own body and no less than it is alive. At that time, he might even have a greater degree of control than when he was alive. Seeing this scene, Ryan began to scramble for inspection with excitement around the death.

The Deathclaw puppet stood there quietly, its body covered with a layer of scale armor like obsidian. Ryan stepped forward and squeezed its body and was surprised to find that although its muscles had shrunk, the strength did not decrease but increased. Now it feels closer to the rock than to the flesh and blood.

Likewise, its claws have been strengthened. Ryan pulled out a blade he'd crafted with Deathclaw claws and used it to attack the puppet's claws. As a result, the puppet's claws merely revealed white markings after a single strike, whereas Ryan's Deathclaw blade had a hole the size of a soybean and was broken. After that, Ryan tried some spells, and he was able to determine that under the dual action of the runestones and surface runes in the puppet, the puppet's magic resistance was not much different from that of an adult hybrid giant.

After using magic to communicate with the Deathclaw puppet, Ryan realized that the previous change was not the biggest surprise. The biggest change of this Deathclaw is that after implanting an artificial inferior soul that mimics the soul structure of the dementor, it has mastered some of the dementor's abilities.

For example, after being injured, as long as the core of the puppet is not damaged, it can slowly recover by absorbing the free energy in the air. But this kind of recovery is not fast. For example, if you lose your front paw, it may take three to five years to recover from your absorption.

For another example, it now has a chance to make itself virtual for one second every day, which allows him to avoid certain fatal physical blows.

Ryan in their masterpiece sees of the more liked, but unfortunately due to the variation after a series of problems led to enhance the combat capabilities, he is now most can control only two claws of death, which he put out the formation of a puppet army dream.

After it took three days to create another Deathclaw puppet and familiarize himself with the operation, Ryan returned to the Hogwarts bathroom with satisfaction.

As a result, he was stopped by the Weasley twins as soon as he got out of the bathroom. "Where did you just go? Hermione has been looking for you in the library." Fred said.

"Well, it's a little uncomfortable. I stayed in the toilet for a while longer." Ryan replied and walked to the library with the twins.

"By the way, thank you for the notebooks you lent us and the textbooks that outline the key points." George said as he walked to the library.

Fred also nodded next to him. "Especially the key points drawn in our notebooks are more accurate than Percy's notes. After reading your notes, I feel that doing similar topics is much smoother."

"Seriously, I am not the best in my studies. But when it comes to exams, especially theoretical exams, I think few people in our house can be better than me. Of course, if it's not for when you usually make those things The level of magic operation is not weak, and I don't dare to tell you at Christmas that I have a way to make you improve your test scores assault." Ryan shrugged.

"Thank you anyway." The two brothers said unanimously.

"No thanks, I'm still waiting to invest in your future joke shop."

I came to the library and Houlai En Hermione know what he was looking for: Wood just found her, hoping she and Harry Ryan can complete counseling for the industry. After all, Ravenclaw and Slytherin had a match yesterday. Slytherin won, but the score was close. This means that the Gryffindor team has hope for a win this year.

So Harry has now increased his training time to five times a week. This means that with Lupin's dementia class, Harry only has one night a week for homework, not to mention that Lupin's extra class itself is more tiring than six Quidditch training sessions. In this case, Wood could only ask for help, and the first thing he thought of was the homework team that had been in the Gryffindor lounge for four years.

"You must know that Harry has always been an occasional participant in the group before, so I am worried that he may not be well adapted to our real discussion. After all, he needs to write a week of homework in one day. It is estimated that there are only two of us in the whole group. It's all you can do to help." Hermione said worriedly.

"At least this is not difficult compared to the difficulties we encountered before." At this point, Ryan winked at Hermione quietly.

Hermione pursed her lips when she saw Ryan's little gesture, and then asked sternly, "Then what do you think should be done?"

"Harry's class is one more class than ours, but arithmetic, fortune-telling, and ancient magic writing. The other classes are the same. The homework for the fortune-telling class is purely for compiling, and we don't care about it. In addition to other classes we can take To sum up the content of this week, just give him guidance on the difficult points at that time."

Ryan paused for a while and then said: "Summing up the course once a week maybe a little tiring, but it is also helpful for our study. After all, Harry has no time to do his homework for the honor of the house. We help him. Isn't it equivalent to contributing to the house? It's no different from your effort in class to add points to the house."

The two people quickly told Wood to agree to help Harry makeup lessons and complete the homework after the discussion was over. The wood showed a smile on his tired face when he heard the news.

"Thank you really, otherwise I don't know what to do." At this time, Wood was working on his homework. After all, he and Percy are both in their seventh year and facing the pressure of the NEWT exam. At the same time, to become a professional player in the future, he also needs to lead the Gryffindor team to enough victories this time. Under this double pressure, he looked a little haggard.

"It's okay, as a member of Gryffindor, this is what we should do." Ryan said, and Hermione nodded beside him.

The rest of the month was very stable, and Harry regularly received coaching from Ryan and the two of them. In addition to daily studies, Ryan is also silently recovering from his injuries, hoping to heal the injuries he suffered in the fight against the blood god earlier.

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