Ryan and Alice

As the life force of the girl in his magical field grew dimmer, Ryan became increasingly nervous. Fortunately, he finally found what he was looking for in his spatial bag: a universal medicine sealed inside a syringe. Although Curie had only created one universal medicine back in the day, she had recorded all the production processes. After her journey to the world of Plants vs. Corpses, Ryan collected materials from several worlds and finally gathered all the ingredients to recreate the universal medicine. Unfortunately, some of the ingredients were unique to the radiation world and had production restrictions in other worlds, limiting the monthly production of this universal medicine to no more than 100 doses. It could only be used to supply certain important individuals. However, with the further reduction of radiation in the Federation, the seeds extracted from the Federation's seed bank would soon be replanted. This medicine would be mass-produced in no time.

After injecting the universal medicine, an energy potion, and a healing needle into the girl on the sickbed, Ryan also felt relieved. "Ah, finally saved a life," he said with a smile. "This was much easier than saving the world before."

However, this world was a Level 6 world, which meant there were bound to be powerful supernatural forces. Although Ryan didn't see any traces of such powers in this room, the owner of this house must have had access to some supernatural abilities given his status. Instead of going out and taking chances, he decided to wait here and see what would happen. With that in mind, Ryan found a chair by the bedside and sat down, patiently waiting for the girl to wake up.

Half an hour later, while reading a transfiguration textbook spread out on his knee, Ryan heard movement from the bed. He looked up to see the girl almost entirely covered by the blanket, with only her blue eyes peeking out, looking at him. Ryan could sense her fear, which was normal when waking up to find an unfamiliar person sitting by your bedside. Fortunately, Ryan was only 13 years old, and his youthful Asian appearance made him look even younger. Otherwise, if a burly man were sitting here, the girl on the bed would probably have screamed by now.

"Hello, you can call me Ryan," he said with what he thought was the friendliest expression. "I'm a spellcaster who accidentally stumbled into your home while traveling with magic. I heard some noises upstairs and came up to check. It was only after coming upstairs that I realized how seriously ill you were, so I helped treat you."

"Jenesaispasdequoituparles," the girl replied in French, which meant, "Sorry, I don't know what you're saying." Seeing that Ryan wasn't making any threatening moves, the girl fell silent for a moment and then spoke softly.

Ryan quickly rephrased what he had just said in French. This time, the girl understood, and she asked him to leave the room as she needed to get dressed.

Ryan nodded and stood up to leave, making sure to close the door behind him. The reason he had mentioned being a spellcaster earlier was mainly to test whether the girl had any experience with supernatural things. From her calm gaze and normal response earlier, Ryan got the answer he wanted.

Ten minutes later, just when Ryan was starting to get a bit impatient, the door opened. The girl walked out wearing a light blue dress. Upon seeing Ryan, she curtsied slightly, her hands lifting both sides of her skirt gently in a polite gesture. Ryan reciprocated with a gentlemanly bow.

"Sir, thank you very much for lending me a helping hand. Is there anything I can do for you?"

It might sound like he was trying to take advantage of her gratitude by stating his purpose, but sometimes being direct was better than beating around the bush. With that in mind, Ryan decided to openly express his goal.

"This time, I used magic to travel in search of knowledge related to the supernatural. Could you tell me where we are? Is there any place nearby where I can learn this knowledge?"

"Oh, just like my father. Do you people have no other pursuits besides knowledge?" Ryan's words seemed to touch on a sensitive topic, as the girl's smile disappeared instantly, and she suddenly appeared downcast.

From her response, Ryan deduced that her relationship with her father wasn't great. It was likely that her father was also a wizard, but due to his dedication to seeking knowledge, he didn't communicate much with his daughter. That's why when Ryan mentioned such topics, the girl's mood turned sour.

"In that case, I can stay with you until your father returns. I can ask him about it when he gets back," Ryan said, seeing that the girl was on the verge of tears. After all, it was highly likely that this girl, who had been left alone for so long, was a key character in the story. Spending some time here might trigger some interesting plot developments. Besides, Ryan knew nothing about this world other than it being in France, so staying here for a while to gather information was necessary.

He also couldn't help but worry about leaving a girl of about his age alone here. He couldn't fathom how her father could leave her behind like this.

"Thank you, that would be wonderful," the girl said, clearly delighted by Ryan's offer.

"By the way, you can call me Alice," she added as they headed to the sitting room.

The rest of the time was spent in conversation, and Alice seemed to have an inexplicable curiosity about the outside world. Ryan introduced her to Hogwarts, and she seemed very interested in the magical school he described, with hundreds of young wizards attending.

Ryan also learned that it was the time of Louis XV in France, and the estate they were in was in the outskirts of Paris. However, there were magical wards set up by Alice's father, preventing anyone from entering. Perhaps due to the long period of isolation, Alice was quite talkative. Time passed by in their conversation until the clock on the wall chimed the hour.

This was the first time Ryan had seen a supernatural power in this world. As the clock chimed, several mechanical birds flew out of a small door at the top of the clock, circling the entire sitting room while singing. They returned to the clock after completing three circuits.

"Wow, that's amazing," Ryan couldn't help but exclaim. "This is just a small trick for my father; he's created much more marvelous contraptions." She started with a proud smile but quickly turned to a frustrated expression. "This time, a count from Paris asked him to make an alchemical toy, and he's been gone for a week. If you hadn't accidentally come here, he might have returned to find only my lifeless body to cry over."

After speaking, Alice stared at Ryan and asked, "Do you think I have a strange attitude towards my father?"