Alice's father appears

In the world of Plants vs. Zombies, Green Leaf City is developing very well, but the only problem is the low population. Despite spending such a long time attracting scattered humans from all over, the long-term zombie disasters have greatly reduced the human population.

For example, the land where Green Leaf City is located covers more than 10,000 square kilometers, even if you exclude the mountains and water bodies unsuitable for human habitation, there are still more than 8,000 square kilometers. However, such a large piece of land has only over twenty thousand people until now. It is precisely because of this that, in the past year or so, everyone has focused on developing the Green Leaf Plain, instead of venturing out to reclaim territory occupied by zombies. After all, it's a problem even if you occupy more territory if there are not enough people to defend it.

To prevent zombie infiltration, people, with the help of robots, have greened all the places where plants can be grown. One of the corresponding consequences is that Green Leaf City now has a serious surplus of food. Due to Dave's modifications to plants, even if only 1/10 of the area is used for growing food and vegetables, Green Leaf City still can't consume it all. Recently, Ryan even opened spatial gates to both the Radiation World and the Plants vs. Zombies World in the Myriad Realms  Store, and then used a conveyor belt to transport a whole day's worth of food to the Radiation World.

So Dave has now switched to new varieties of food that grow slower, have lower yields, but are much higher in nutritional value.

Soon, Ryan returned to the kitchen with two large bags filled with vegetables and fresh meat and eggs, almost as tall as himself. Except for the eggs, which are indeed laid by chickens, all the various fresh meat products come from certain newly cultivated plants. But this is understandable; if Dave can cultivate so many miraculous plants, it's normal for him to grow trees that produce beef.

Moreover, this catastrophe has also caused significant losses to the animals previously bred by humans. Species like chickens, ducks, and geese, which lay eggs, have recovered quite quickly, with enough supply of eggs and meat within a year. However, large livestock like cows and sheep are much more difficult to rebuild, so they have to rely on mutated plants to solve the problem.

"Wow, so much fresh food. Does Ryan know how to cook?" Alice looked at the contents of the two bags and asked.

"Of course, I can cook, but it's not my turn today, as I'm not very good at it," Ryan said, looking at the robot Helen. "The real culinary expert is right here."

"Of course, sir, miss. I'd be happy to demonstrate my skills for you," Helen waved her mechanical tentacles. "Leave it to me, Miss Alice. I'll quickly prepare a scientific and delicious dinner for you."

Twenty minutes later, Helen floated in with a large silver platter, setting the dishes on the table while introducing them. "Miss Alice, in this bowl is fish and vegetable porridge, very delicious and nutritious, easy to digest. Next to it, there's pork and mashed potatoes, equally delicious. Finally, there's a chicken and vegetable clear soup. Please enjoy, Miss."

"This tastes amazing," Alice said after tasting all the dishes in front of her. By this time, Ryan had also started enjoying this thirteen-course French meal.

The next afternoon, Alice took Ryan to the mansion's warehouse to show him her father's treasures. They crossed the backyard through the snow and entered a rather exquisite-looking warehouse.

The things stored inside the warehouse opened Ryan's eyes, like a clock that could run various animal figurines, similar in size to the one in the meeting room. Wind-up dolls and animals that could move autonomously after being wound up. When a box was opened, there was a whole puppet band that could play dozens of songs. Here, Ryan could clearly feel that the force driving these things to move was not just mechanical power; the core driving force should be some kind of alchemical product.

"I see you really like these things. Have you ever learned to make them from your father?" Ryan asked on their way back.

"I really love these, but unfortunately, I can't learn to make them," Alice said in a low tone. "Learning alchemy requires special talent, and I don't have that talent. One of the main reasons my father travels so much is to find a way to help me escape from mediocrity."

"But even without alchemy, I can still make things," Alice showed Ryan various mechanical products she had made, similar to music boxes and clocks, when they returned to the castle.

In the following days, the two of them discussed many questions about magic and machinery. Ryan, having a mechanical heritage, enjoyed the conversation with Alice, and they even spent a whole day using magic to create a steam engine. Alice had high praise for this machine, which could keep running as long as it had fuel, and even thought it could change the world.

On the fifth day of Ryan's arrival in this world, as he was discussing the use of a condenser on the steam engine in the reception room with Alice, a young male voice came from downstairs.

"Alice, where are you? Dad's back."

"Dad!" Alice immediately stood up from the sofa and hurried downstairs. After a while, she returned with a young man with blonde hair.

"This is the wizard Mr. Ryan who saved my life. Thank you so much; I didn't know what to do when my daughter was in trouble," Alice's father expressed his sincere gratitude.

"If you weren't always going out, I wouldn't have almost lost my life this time," Alice said expressionlessly at this moment. Her father also looked conflicted, not knowing what to say.

As an outsider, Ryan found this situation very awkward. However, he couldn't leave at this point, so he had to sit on the sofa with a stiff smile. Soon, Alice returned to her room, leaving Ryan and her father in the reception room.

"Thank you very much this time, Wizard Ryan. But can you tell me why you came to our world?" After making sure Alice had left, her father asked Ryan a question that took Ryan by surprise. "How did you know I'm not from this world?" Ryan asked in astonishment. He never thought someone could tell he was from another world at first glance. In the worlds he had been to before, no one could do that.

"Alchemy is a very powerful skill. I observed you using a special method from alchemy as soon as I came in. Naturally, I could see that you come from another world, and I can also see that other worlds treat you quite favorably. Otherwise, do you think you could sit here so comfortably now? Of course, my method of observing you in this way is not very polite, but since you appeared by my daughter's side, I have to understand the situation," her father explained.

Ryan thought, "Is this a case of a father who's overly protective of his daughter?" However, since he could see this much, maybe he had a way to detect lies as well. Using a purification technique to block the soul and prevent observation would seem too hostile. Thinking this, Ryan decided to be honest. "I travel between various worlds, doing some trading and learning knowledge to strengthen myself. Of course, if I see a world in trouble, I might lend a hand."

"I see. Then you can stay in my mansion for now. We can exchange knowledge we possess. By the way, you can call me Ruzhen," the young man with blonde hair said, extending his hand. Ryan smiled and shook his hand. "I appreciate your hospitality."

boys i messed up yesterday lost about 7000$ and i need about 500$ by the end of this month! should i start a donations page?