A Second Chance

Mo Chou dodged a bullet as she accelerated on her bike.

"f**k" she cursed as more cars joined the chase. "s**t" she cursed again as she saw an incoming truck heading right in her direction.

"Well it seems like it can't be helped" Mo Chou laughed "here I come".

She accelerated even more, reaching 183.932 mph and using an oncoming car as a ramp, she jumped above the truck with her bike.

The truck spinned and slammed into the cars. Mo Chou giggled, she could really feel the adrenaline rush. She tapped twice into her ear stud and said " mission accomplished ".

Mo Chou was starting to relax when she saw a red on her chest right above her heart.

Just as she was contemplating on what it was, she got hit by a bullet. She felt a sharp pain on her chest and in a daze she flew off her bike and hit her head on a pole.

Right before she fainted she thought " at least it was not the iconic truck sama".

Mo Chou opened her eyes, her head felt very heavy. Her body felt like it had been stabbed by several needles.

She groaned and tried to sit up. She was in an overly girly room which felt like a unicorn had vomited all over it with its sparkles.

She felt like stabbing herself in the eyes. She then suddenly remembered that she was shot in the chest and had hit her head on a pole.

"How come I am still alive?" She thought out loud.

"What are you talking about?" said a cold voice "why would you die?".

Startled, Mo Chou looked at the mysterious man.

'How come I didn't sense his presence?' she thought 'is it because I hit my head earlier?'.

" Who are you and what am I doing here?" she asked.

The man scoffed "it seems you have lost your mind after hitting your head earlier".

He came closer and whispered "as much as I would like you gone, you are still my dear little sister so that would be quite a shame".

"Who are you calling your sister?" Mo Chou shouted at the man.

The man became startled for a second before stalking out of the room slamming the door shut behind him without giving any explanation leaving behind a very confused Mo Chou .

"What's up with him?" she sighed "and where the hell am I?"

Just as she was about to get off the bed, her head started aching and she blacked out.When Mo Chou finally gained her consciousness again, it was already dark outside.

She had lots of new memories which were not her own. Mo Chou started sorting out the memories and concluded that she had been reincarnated.

It would have been fine if she had just been reincarnated into an ordinary person's body but she had to be reincarnated into her favourite novel and as the villainess who would be kicked out by the male lead and die.

'Why did I have to be in the body of a whiny villainess with no brains? 'she thought.

'Wait! Maybe I can still prevent my ultimate death, I will just avoid all the main characters and increase my own strength. If I mind my own buisness, it should be fine right?'

'Then I'll just run away before the male lead kicks me out' she thought while practising her evil villainous laugh.

Mo Chou started planning out the steps to her escape.

She had already accepted her situation since she was an assassin after all. First, she would strengthen her very weak body.

Second, she would join the best assassin organisation and climb to the top to earn her own money and third, she would steer clear of the main characters and just enjoy the show from afar since the novel was her favourite after all.

After all the planning and thinking, Mo Chou started to feel hungry. She slipped out of her bed to go search for food.

She opened her door to a dark hallway and tiptoed out, closing the door quietly behind her. She could not see anything and was using the wall to walk.

Just as she was walking she stumbled into a hard surface.

"Ouch! Why the heck is there a brick wall in the middle of the damn hallway? " She exclaimed, touching the said brick wall.

"What are you doing exactly"?

"Oh! Now the brick wall is even talking" Mo Chou thought out loud "wait! The freaking brick wall is talking? ".

" Who are you calling a brick wall and take your hands off of me?" said Liu Dai.

"Wait! Liu Dai, is that you? " exclaimed Mo Chou.

Suddenly the lights flickered on and Mo Chou finally saw the whole situation. Both of her hands were on Liu Dai's abs .

'I just touched the male lead's legendary abs' thought Mo Chou in a daze.

"I asked you what you were doing here at this hour" said Liu Dai in an annoyed voice.

"I was just going to look for a late night snack" replied Mo Chou.

"Go ahead then, don't let our parents think that I am starving you".

"Okay step bro, will do" Mo Chou replied awkwardly. Mo Chou was actually in a daze, she was almost blinded by the male lead's aura.

It was like a blinding halo surrounded him, so bright that it hurt her eyes.

Liu Dai entered his own room down the hallway and slammed the door shut behind him.

'What's up with him and doors?' thought Mo Chou.

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