
Mo Chou lounged around her room for two whole days doing nothing, just munching on food.

It was rather refreshing from her older lifestyle where she was always on missions and barely had time for herself.

Mo Chou was happily shopping online for clothes without having any idea about the ruckus that her earlier her actions had caused.

Since the villainess was super rich, she decided to splurge and brought all kinds of clothes, shoes, bags and jewellery.

She even bought clothes for her assassin missions but she could obviously not buy any weapons. She made a plan to visit the black market after searching for its location on the dark web.

She was just lazing around when the same maid from earlier knocked on her door and informed her that the young master AKA Liu Dai had requested for her presence in his study.

The maid then scurried out as if she was going to bite her. Mo Chou sighed at the maid's behaviour. Was she that scary looking?

Obviously despite being the villainess, she was really pretty.

She had long black hair reaching her waist, big almond shaped eyes, full lips and a slender nose . She was tall and had a model-like figure. She admired herself in the mirror for a bit and left for the study.

When she entered the study, Liu Dai was focused on his documents and didn't even look up. Mo Chou sat down on the chair opposite to him .

After about 20 minutes of awkward silence Liu Dai finally spoke up "How are you doing"?

Surprised, Mo Chou answered, "I feel fine".

"Then you should resume your studies. Don't slack off and be a disgrace " Liu Dai said pointedly.

'That's what I thought, how could the male lead be nice to the villainess? He only cares that I will be a disgrace' thought Mo Chou.

"I will resume my studies on Sunday". replied Mo Chou.

"That's fine but dad said that you are not allowed to stay in the dorm due to the accident. You will be staying here, " Liu Dai informed her.

"That's fine" Mo Chou replied calmly but on the inside she was troubled since the security of the mansion was much heavier than that of the dorm and it would be harder to sneak out.

"You may return to your room" Liu Dai dismissed her and went back to his work. Mo Chou stood up and walked out of the study without looking back but the whole time she could feel Liu Dai's burning gaze.

Mo Chou wondered what was wrong with him.

Liu Dai on the other hand was thinking about how different Mo Chou was acting after her head Injury.

She had first forgotten who he was and she was not even whining or clinging to him. Not to mention she was not even wearing one of her ridiculous frilly and short dresses. Somehow the new Mo Chou made him feel uneasy.

On the third day, Mo Chou got her package from online shopping. She first assembled her phone and laptop which took her an hour.

She saw the message left by the assassin organisation and decided to sneak out to buy weapons. She could not go around the black market as the villainess so she had to put on a good disguise.

She had bought wigs and clothes for guys when she was shopping. Using her skills for makeup, she disguised herself as a man. While she looked beautiful as a woman, she looked dashing as a man. She almost fell for her own looks.

It was ten PM at night when Mo Chou sneaked out. She had already hacked all the CCTV cameras in and around the mansion. She dodged all the guards stealthily and climbed up the wall.

She gave herself a thumbs up for the smooth escape. She flagged a taxi and got off at the entrance of the black market.

It was still lively and bustling inside the black market. There were various strange things on display inside the shops.

Since Mo Chou was very handsome in her male getup, she attracted a lot of attention from the passerby. She asked a shop owner about the weapons shop and went straight toward it.

The inside of the shop was huge, with every kind of weapon you could imagine. Mo Chou went straight towards the blade section and selected two pairs of throwing knives and three daggers.

Then she moved towards the gun section and selected a PGA 05.

She liked working with knives more than guns so she only selected one gun. When she took all the weapons to the counter for check out, the shop attendant was looking incredulously at her since Mo Chou looked small and feminine for a man, it was a little shocking thinking about her using all the weapons.

Mo Chou just smirked and told him to pack it all up. She then took out the credit card given to her by her family and paid for. She had made sure that it would not be tracked back to the black market.

She then strolled around the market for a bit before sneaking back home.
