Lu Jinhai

On the top floor of the casino

A man sat elegantly on the leather sofa with a drink in his hand. The man had otherworldly looks but had an ice cold aura which made the other people in the room unable to approach him.

The man was none other than Lu Jinhai,heir to the Lu enterprise and a dangerous mafia Don. He was also the main villain of the novel.

He had been dragged over by Min Gui who was the only one who could drag him somewhere without getting themselves killed.

Lu Jinhai had been observing the VIP section through the glass wall. He had been bored until he saw Mo Chou entering the VIP section.

Mo Chou, for some reason immediately captured his attention.

Lu Jinhai had been observing her and he had seen how Mo Chou was leading a frequent VIP member by the nose and toying with him.

He had found her antics to be a little amusing.

Lu Jinhai had also seen Mo Chou excusing herself to go to the restroom and the gangster following her. He had frowned when he saw this but had patiently waited for them to come back.

He had waited for a long time but no one had come out of the restroom.

After a while, he lost his patience and ordered his men to search the restroom but the men came back with the news that there was only a dead body in the restroom.

Lu Jinhai's heart almost stopped when he heard this but he was relieved when he saw that it was the gangster who had died.

He felt bewildered with his own reaction as he thought he should be rather angry that someone had been killed in his casino but all he felt was relief.

Lu Jinhai ordered his men to retrieve the CCTV footage and saw that it was a sexy woman who had emerged from the restroom instead of the man. This made him feel intrigued. "Find this woman no matter what" He ordered.

Lu Jinhai smirked, 'looks like I finally found something interesting. Let's see if I can get some entertainment. The days were getting rather boring lately'.


While Lu Jinhai was searching for her, Mo Chou was quite busy as the University had started military training.

She had informed Liu Dai that she would be staying in a dorm for the training.

He had agreed so she had moved her stuff to the dorm.

When she entered her dorm room, she met her two roommates.They introduced themselves as Li Chen and Huang Chunhua. They were actually pretty friendly and made her feel welcomed. They didn't seem to mind her bad reputation or that she lacked communication skills.

They chatted for a while and went to have dinner together as there was military training in the morning and they had to wake up early.

The three of them had just sat down on the table when Zhao Lili entered the cafeteria with her squad behind her.

"So now you are hanging out with losers"?asked Zhao Lili finally showing her true self.

The girls behind her laughed as if they had heard the best joke ever.

"What did you call us?" Li Chen exclaimed angrily. "It's alright, don't mind them,they're just jealousof us. Take it as a dog barking" Mo Chou said to Li Chen.

"Ha! Me?and jealous of you? Never" Zhao Lili said angrily " Why would I ever be jealous of someone who entered the university through connections?".

"At least I have connections"said Mo Chou " What do you have aside from your ugly face"?

Zhao Lili fumed and raised her hand but before she could slap her, Mo Chou grabbed her hand and twisted it behind her back.

"Don't f**k with me or things will turn out really ugly for you" Mo Chou whispered into Zhao Lili's ears. She let go of her hands and watched as Zhao Lili ran out of the cafeteria with her tail tucked in between her legs.

The students who were present there had recorded the video of the fight and posted it on the school forum.

Everybody thought that Mo Chou was so cool while defending herself and her friends and to top it up she was also beautiful.

She quickly became popular among the students and was even elected the campus beauty.

Meanwhile, Liu Dai also watched the footage of Mo Chou fighting with Zhao Lili as he had ordered his men to supervise her. He had recognised Zhao Lili as one of Mo Chou's former friends who had given him bad vibes.

He wondered why they had turned into enemies all of a sudden but was actually glad that Mo Chou had gotten rid of the bad influence around her.

Liu Dai also wondered about how Mo Chou had learnt to fight as she was very skillful when twisting Zhao Lili's hand.

He was getting more and more interested in the new Mo Chou.

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