The new guy

The class resumed on Tuesday. Mo Chou went to the university with bodyguards in tow.

She had gone to the university in a Limo since the bodyguards wouldn't fit in her everyday car.

This got the students gawking and a thread started on the school forum about Mo Chou once again.

This thread was started by a hater about how Mo Chou was materialistic.

It talked about her past where she only wore high end dresses and didn't even talk to other students because she considered them beneath her and now she was flaunting her riches in front of everyone.

There were many students who supported the post but also those who felt that Mo Chou had changed.

The two sides started arguing while the one who was the subject of argument had reached the class.

She had first class together with Li Chen so she greeted her and went to her seat.

The seat beside Mo Chou was always empty but today there was actually someone sleeping on it.

When Mo Chou saw the head full of fluffy hair sleeping on the desk beside her. She was surprised but didn't wake him up.

Instead she just sat down quietly in her own seat, listening to music with earphones on while the other students were whispering about the new guy.

Nobody had seen his face as he was sleeping before the students arrived. The professor arrived shortly after the last student.

He didn't introduce the new student and just started the lesson. The students were curious about the new guy but they had to focus on the lesson instead.

After the class was over, it was lunch.

Just as Mo Chou was about to get up, someone grabbed her arm.

Mo Chou barely managed to stop herself from attacking the person but some of her bloodthirsty aura seeped out nevertheless.

She couldn't help it as she had to constantly live on the edge as an assassin.

Mo Chou looked back at the stupid person who almost died in her hands and her breath was taken away.

Before her was the most handsome guy she had ever laid her eyes on. He was even more good looking than the male lead.

He had peach Blossom eyes, slender nose, thin lips and a sharp jawline. Mo Chou felt blinded by his beauty but the first thing she blurted out was " How old are you? You don't like a junior at all".

Lu Jinhai laughed under his breath and answered, "I'm 21, I failed a few grades".

Mo Chou was surprised by his answer and questioned " then how did you get into Capital University"?

Lu Jinhai simply answered "connections".

Mo Chou was amused seeing how proud he was but didn't judge him because she first came through connections as well.

She realised that Lu Jinhai was still holding onto her arm and politely asked him to let go. Lu Jinhai replied saying that he would only let go if she agreed to give him a tour around the campus.

Mo Chou chuckled and said "I don't even know you, why would I give you a tour"?

"Lu Jinhai, business management" was Lu Jinhai's plain reply.

"Alright you win,I will give you a tour after having lunch" Mo Chou told him.

She then led Lu Jinhai towards the cafeteria.

The other students inside the classroom were also closely watching the interaction. They were surprised and excited seeing the handsome new hunk and secretly took pictures of him and posted them on the school forum.

Lu Jinhai was instantly popular among everyone. The students also talked about the interaction between Mo Chou and Lu Jinhai.

Some even started shipping them together.


While leading Lu Jinhai towards the cafeteria, Mo Chou wondered why he had the same name as the villain.

He couldn't possibly be the villain as he had completed his University when he was 18 and taken over the Lu enterprise.

He couldn't possibly attend University twice and besides she couldn't feel the vicious aura the Villain exuded from the new guy.

She just thought it was a coincidence but she didn't know any other prominent Lu family in the capital. She thought maybe he was from some other Lu family outside the capital.

While Mo Chou was lost in her own thoughts, Lu Jinhai was silently observing her.

He had felt the slight bloodthirsty aura when he had grabbed her arm.

Though it had just been a slight moment, the chilling aura had surprised him. He was now fifty percent sure that Mo Chou was the killer from before.

He didn't want to expose her so soon as he had just started enjoying himself.

He thought of it all as a game.

They eventually reached the cafeteria. When they entered, everyone was looking at them and whispering.

Mo Chou headed towards her roommates table. She sat down at the table with Lu Jinhai.

Li Chen and Huang Chunhua were staring dazedly at Lu Jinhai. They finally snapped out of the daze when Mo Chou started introducing them.

They made small talk but Lu Jinhai didn't talk much even when they included him ,so the lunch was a little awkward.

Mo Chou didn't find anything odd with Lu Jinhai but Li Chen and Huang Chunhua thought that he was a little bit colder towards them than he was towards Mo Chou.

He seemed a bit unapproachable. So when they finished their lunch and parted ways with Mo Chou, they were relieved.

As much as they appreciated Lu Jinhai's pretty face, they didn't want to be near him for long due to his cold aura.

Mo Chou led Lu Jinhai around the campus and showed him all the buildings but Lu Jinhai was staring at her rather than the buildings.

Due to his rapt attention, Mo Chou got uncomfortable and blurted out the first thing that came to her mind, "Am I really that attractive? "

Instead of answering, Lu Jinhai stalked forward and cornered her. Mo Chou couldn't help but walk backwards until her back touched the wall.

Lu Jinhai put both of his hands on the wall and whispered into her ear " So attractive that I can't seem to take my eyes off of you".

Mo Chou instantly went super red. She was flustered and did not know what to do or say so she did the only thing she could and ran.

Lu Jinhai smirked and thought ' aha the chase has finally begun'.

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