Not worth it

Liu Dai was also present for the program. Since it was the first time he was attending a program at the university, the principal and staff naturally gave him the best treatment and even arranged the front row seats for him.

When Liu Dai's secretary had heard that he was going to attend the program, he was astonished but he finally understood when he heard that Mo Chou was performing.

Actually in his heart he felt that Mo Chou was not worth Liu Dai's attention but since his boss had changed his opinion towards Mo Chou, he thought that it was ok to give her one more chance.

When it was finally the finance faculty's turn, he was looking forward to the performance.


When Mo Chou and Lu Jinhai entered the stage , everyone was amazed seeing their faces. Everyone had seen Lu Jinhai's face as he was very popular at the university since the day he first attended but they wondered who the second guy was.

When they looked at the performers list for the finance department they saw that the name written on it was the university's no.1 beauty. The students looked carefully and found that the second guy looked slightly feminine and eventually figured it out.

The main characters were simply too good looking and they looked great together. The students started shipping them together.

The crowd turned rowdy and everyone was enchanted by the performance. Everyone's acting was good but the main characters' acting was simply too good.

Everyone started taking out their phones and recording. Liu Dai had immediately recognized Mo Cho but was still dumbfounded. After seeing her perform, he got more and more into the play but when he looked at Lu Jinhai acting lovey dovey towards Mo Chou he was slightly irritated.

Finally the climax of the drama was drawing near, everyone put up their best performance and the fight scene began.

Everyone started drawing out their fake gun and shooting at each other according to the script. When it was Mo Chou's turn to get shot at, she was slightly distracted because she realised that it was actually a real gun aimed at her.

Mo Chou got slightly panicked and dodged but still couldn't successfully dodge the oncoming bullet in time. The bullet hit her left arm and blood started pouring out. Everyone heard the sound of the gun and panicked.

Lu Jinhai saw the bullet but couldn't do anything. When he saw that Mo Chou was injured he panicked and ran towards Mo Chou. He had never felt so panicked before. He hastily ripped off the hem of his costume and stopped the bleeding.

Lu Jinhai quickly carried Mo Chou and rushed towards his car. Meanwhile Mo Chou was astounded when she saw his panicked look . This much pain was nothing to her as she had tolerated worse pain before in her previous life. But since Mo Chou was supposed to be a weak person, she acted as if she was in lots of pain.


Everybody on the stage and inside the hall were dumbfounded as they couldn't even look at Mo Chou properly before she was whisked away.

Liu Dai was the most astonished as one moment he was watching the play and the next he saw Mo Chou getting shot at and before he could even get up , someone had already taken her away.

His heart had almost stopped when he witnessed the gun shot. He didn't know where she was and got worried as everyone was a suspect right now. He immediately called his underlings and got them to locate Mo Chou.

Liu Dai also called the police and got them to investigate the incident. When he finally got the address, he rushed towards the hospital.


In the hospital

Lu Jinhai was forced to stay outside while Mo Chou was in the operating room. Thankfully he had sent her to the hospital immediately and the bullet had not hit any nerves so there was nothing to worry about.

Lu Jinhai had ignored all the red lights and driven at max speed. He had broken several traffic laws but he didn't care. Even though the doctors had reassured him, he was still worried.

Liu Dai finally arrived at the hospital and was informed that Mo Chou was currently undergoing an operation. Since the forms had not been filled , he filled them and arrived at the waiting area where he saw Lu Jinhai. He didn't recognize him as not many people had seen the Lu enterprise's boss's face.

He still recognized him from the play and thanked him though he was still suspicious. Lu Jinhai also naturally noticed him as soon as he entered the room and knew his relationship with Mo Chou so he accepted his thanks graciously.

He saw Liu Dai's suspicious gaze but didn't mind it.

Lu Jinhai thought that since they were going to be related in the future, he might as well form a good relationship with him. He had realised how much he cared about Mo Chou when she got injured and since he was a decisive man he decided that he would make her his woman.

The two men in the room didn't chat and just patiently waited in the waiting room. The nurses and patients couldn't help but sneak glances at them as both of them were exceptionally handsome but both of them just ignored the glances as they were used to being ogled.
