New phone, Who dis?

Mo Chou finally replied to the person who was texting her every day. Although the messages were consistent, there was really nothing special but still Mo Chou got curious about the sender who was persistently sending her messages.

She was originally gonna ignore the messages but her curiosity got the better of her and she decided to send a classic 'New phone, Who dis?' as it might be someone the previous host knew even though she had no memory of this particular number.

The reply was so quick that Mo Chou almost got whiplash. When she opened the text, it was just a single word 'guess'.

Mo Chou got frustrated and replied that she would block them if they didn't give a proper reply.

Right after she sent it she got a reply 'It's me, Lu Jinhai'.

She was shocked to find that the person who had been messaging her nonstop was none other than Lu Jinhai. When she thought about it , it was kind of cute.

His face while he was carrying her flashed in her mind, he had looked frosty. The aura radiating off him had been dangerous like that of a person with a lot of blood in their hands but Mo Chou dismissed it as she was probably hallucinating because of the shock.

'How could a regular college student have such an aura? It was probably a delusion'.

Mo Chou wanted to clear her mind so she put her phone down and started doing yoga and stretches. It was a great opportunity to exercise as her parents had gone on a date and there were no distractions.

She did some yoga first and started on the intensive workout routine she had made for herself. Mo Chou was glad that it had not been too late to fix her current body and whip it into shape. 'I should not slack off from now on or I might not reach my previous level'. She took a long shower and was putting on her clothes when her phone started vibrating.

When she checked her phone, there was a message from the Assassin Organization. They had sent an alert to the available top ten assassins and all the 'SSS' leveled ones to see if they were willing to take an urgent and highly paying mission. Mo Chou looked at the mission and gasped at the amount offered.

It was fifty million dollars. She wondered why they were offering so much for a single mission so she read the mission file. The mission was highly dangerous and the chances of success were really low.

Although the mission file was not vague, she decided to do her own research on the dark web and found some interesting information. The mission was actually right up her alley as it was to assassinate the head of a human trafficking organisation.

In the mission file there was also a small separate mission to rescue a little boy but it had a separate reward as assassins usually didn't take rescue missions. She pondered for a moment and decided to accept the mission. Even if she wasn't able to complete the mission, there wouldn't be any penalty from the Assassin Organization.

The only thing she was worried about was the efficiency of her new body. In her previous life, she had trained her body to the fullest before accepting dangerous missions but she also kind of wanted to experience the thrill so she started preparing for it. She still had a few days of vacation left.

Mo Chou decided that she would spend at least two days preparing for the mission as it was a dangerous mission after all. She first hacked into the trafficking organisation's base. They had actually disguised themselves as a company specializing in courier facilities which was pretty smart.

It was relatively easy to hack into their computers and take all the required information regarding the target's (Su Longwei) schedule and security details. 

It turned out that Su Longwei was actually going for an inspection in two days to personally oversee a 'delivery'. The so-called delivery was to send a batch of children overseas to a secret location on a private island.

Mo Chou also found that the target of the rescue mission (Jin Hua) was in the list of the children being shipped.

It would be too late to rescue the child if he got sent away so Mo Chou decided to do a good deed and accepted the rescue mission too. 

She decided that she would execute both the missions after two days.

Mo Chou was thinking of how to sneak into the security team when she got a text from her mother saying that she would be spending the night out. Mo Chou immediately thought of a perfect plan to sneak into the security team.

She found the details of the security team and chose a guy who didn't really have a significant role named Cui Jun.

She then hacked into his phone to see what he would be doing for the night and was pleasantly surprised to see that he was going to visit his mistress in a remote location. It made her plan much simpler.

She made a detailed plan for her mission in two days. When it turned dark, she informed the maids that she would be going to bed early and ordered them not to disturb her.

She took out her special makeup, clothes and knives from under one of the floorboards where she had carefully hidden them and transformed herself into a middle aged looking maid as it was always good to be safe than sorry.

Mo Chou sneaked out of the mansion and took a bus to the nearby train station. She then took a train to the location of Cui Jun's secret house. 

Cui Jun's house was in a remote location so she walked there. Upon arriving, Mo Chou knocked on the door.

An irritated half naked Cui Jun answered the door. After seeing Mo Chou's appearance, he relaxed and put down his hand holding his gun. Mo Chou took this opportunity and snatched the gun from his hand and shot him.

As the silencer was on , she was not afraid of making noise. She quickly hid the body and cleaned the crime scene. She then took Cui Jun's phone and texted his mistress that he had something to do and not to disturb him.

She then took his sim card and left.

Mo Chou returned to her house without a hitch and cleaned herself before going straight to sleep. She had forgotten to check her texts.


Meanwhile in Lu Jinhai's office, Huo Jichen watched as his boss checked his phone for the thirteenth time after sending a text. He wondered if he was texting the mysterious 'little rabbit'. 

He sighed as he saw Lu Jinhai's expression turning darker and darker the more he waited. It seemed that he wouldn't be returning home tonight.
