Mischievous rabbit

The next day was the weekend. Mo Chou wanted to install all the spy gadgets that she had bought the day before but she couldn't do so when An Daiyu was present. She was wondering how to send An Daiyu out of the mansion as she headed to the dining room for breakfast.

In the dining room, Liu Dai and An Daiyu were sitting together in the same seats as the previous day. Liu Dai had missed dinner the day before, so he had gone to the dining room early but he had forgotten about the fact that An Daiyu was in the mansion too.

An Daiyu didn't know when everyone would have breakfast, so she had asked a maid and went to the dining room earlier on purpose so that they would not be able to eat without her. She was delighted to see Liu Dai alone in the dining room and naturally took the seat beside him. She had been enthusiastically chatting with him even though the 'chat' was just An Daiyu talking and Liu Dai listening absentmindedly.