First bite

Mo Chou went to university regularly after that day. There were no signs of Lu Jinhai whatsoever but he did send her texts occasionally asking if she had lunch, how her day had gone and of course the good night text every night.

Mo Chou didn't think that she would be so used to Lu Jinhai's presence that she would miss him every day but she did miss him a lot, at times she would even subconsciously turn to the seat next to her only to be reminded that Lu Jinhai wasn't there.

Li Chen and Huang Chunhua had offered to accompany her to her classes even saying that they would take turns but Mo Chou rejected them, she felt that it just wasn't the same.

On Friday, Li Chen and Huang Chunhua asked Mo Chou if they should cancel their plans for the weekend as Lu Jinhai was still busy.

Lu Jinhai was the one who was supposed to take them to the beach and organize the whole day but they thought as he seemed busy, they could perhaps reschedule it to some other day.