
"Oh, of course. The paternity test results show that the DNA are a match".

Mo Li let out a gasp.

"A_are you a hundred percent sure?" she asked with a shaky voice.

"Yes, of course madam. I am a hundred percent sure you can rest assured" replied the doctor in a serious tone.

Mo Li couldn't even process his words for a moment. The child whom she thought she had lost, whom she mourned almost every day secretly was alive and well.

She wanted to hug him so badly but hesitated as she remembered how she had just treated him as an impersonator.

Reaper was also looking at Mo Li. He was trying to gauge her reaction to the doctor's words. He was unsure at first as Mo Li's face showed a multitude of emotions upon hearing the news but then he was relieved as Mo Li's face was full of longing and love.

He looked at her outstretched hand which was just hanging there hesitantly and took a step forward in her direction.