Bathroom Accident

Liu Ye didn't hesitate to dash towards Xu Yue's bedroom and knocked on the bathroom door. "Zhenzhen! Are you okay?" 

With all the unknown of the changes inside their bodies, anything could happen to them. They didn't hear any reply but Liu Ye still didn't barge inside knowing Xu Yue was right next to him. 

"Move, I will go in," Xu Yue announced as she shoved him to the side and she entered on her own. Only a second after he heard a happy laugh which caused him to relax. 

His heart was beating like crazy but when he sat on the bed, a sudden chilling feeling spread throughout his body and calmed him down. He blinked a few times as he checked his heartbeat and sure enough, his blood was flowing normally again. 

'Is this my passive ability…?' Liu Ye wondered, realizing the human body would never react this fast. His body was even more agitated whenever Zhenzhen was in possible danger so it wasn't as easy to calm himself down.