First stage of the plot

Master Egon and his friend Master Leo's brother both sat patiently waiting for the chief physician to come back though extremely worried. No one had a proper explanation for what had happened to master Leo's widow.

For her to have suddenly passed out and every effort to revive her has refused to work was still a kind of mystery to both of them.

The chief physician had gone to meet his old time friend to see how he can help.

In no time the two men walked in.

Master Egon was thankful the physical had come back early so they could know what the problem was and how to handle it.

"Where is the woman?" the man who had just come in with the cheif physician asked.

The cheif physician had narrated everything that had happened to him earlier before he followed down to see for himself and probably apply some medication on his own.

"She is right here, the chief physician answered pointing towards the room and leading the way.