Master Egon shows up again

It was clear to prince Hedy that his mother Queen Ursula must have noticed some of his actions that led to her question. He has always know her to be very sensitive and quick to detect things.

He also knew that his body language right before her will speak a lot and so he will have to compose himself well, he tried to relax as he had been feeling uncomfortable.

"Mother there is nothing happening to me, am perfectly fine" he quickly replied

Queen Ursula looked at him again, it was clear to him she did not believe what he had just said. It was just as if she was trying to study him more to find out something for her self.

"Mother you don't have to look at me that way, believe me when I say I am fine, there is nothing for you to worry about me" he said trying to make her feel all was well. But queen Ursula would not fall for his lies

She knew something was up but he just wouldn't admit. She decided to ask him again...