Avulo visits Prince Walter again

" This is actually a plan to make prince Walter loose his right as the heir to your throne. You must not fall to the deciet. There is no other person who should come after you except prince Walter, I repeat do not fall for the deciet. You are a wise man king Erikson, so I expect you not to disappoint me on this." Avulo concluded

She had come to warn king Erikson of the plot which his son prince Hedy had made with Lizet to decieve him and the queen into believing that the right person to be the crown prince is prince Hedy. She knew there is a possibility of Lizet succeeding in casting a spell on them to turn them against prince Walter totally so that his brother will have that advantage over him. She also mentioned to the king that very soon prince Walter's vampire status would be known and made public, he would be facing challenges but would surely come out strong.