Prince Walter decides to go back

Prince Walter had thought that he would be able to convince his mother but she will not hear of it. She was not happy with the decision he made now he wants to leave almost immediately. Prince Walter knew he had to try harder to convince her. He knew his mother and it would not be easy to make her change her mind. King Erikson on the other hand also knew she would never agree to that arrangement so he had to interfere.

"Ursula my dear I think you should just let the boy be. Let him just do as he wants, am sure if this arrangement was not good master Egon here would not have agreed to it. It will only be for a short time and he will be back" king Erikson said in a bid to make her relax and not stress on the issue anymore.

She had to succumb and not drag the issue anymore since the king had spoken concerning it, I would not be nice to still drag it while everyone was there.