
Mark Zoldak was born from a political marriage between his father, Sam Zoldak the head of the Zoldack family and his mother, the second daughter of the Bolton family, Sarah Bolton.

Marriage without love, negatively affected Mark's life.

In his childhood years, he suffered from the hatred shown in the face of his father and members of his family.

Cold looks made the little boy withdrawn and depressed, all he cared about was his mother's warm laugh.

Despite being the first son of the family, he was treated worse than servants, with no interest or love directed at him, only humiliation and more humiliation.

When he reached the age of six, his father brought in a concubine, and slowly , his mother's influence in the family began to wane more and more with the passage of time.

The Bolton family abandoned his mother after her marriage as a commodity delivered to her owner that makes mark life more complicated .

Hatred grew in Mark with the passage of years , as he began to want to leave the abhorrent family with his mother and live a decent life.

A year later, the concubine gave birth to a son named Adam zoldak who became the legal heir to the Zoldak family with the approval of the family elders and the family head, Sam.

Then, he and his mother were dumped in the dark palace, a worn-out mansion behind the family palace that it was a lonely place near a forest of beasts.

After that, the name of Mark Zoldak, the eldest son, was gradually forgotten and many individuals began to pledge allegiance to Concubine Lana Silver and her son Adam.

Mark turned from a cute kid into a boy with a mature mind, his goal is to become stronger to take revenge and inflict the Zoldak family with painful torment and , of course give , to take of his mother .

Mark then used to hunt the weak and harmless monsters from the Back Forest, the Forest of Monsters to feed himself and his mom .

After he reached the age of ten, his physical build became strong. Mark became accustomed to his daily routine . Mark forgot about the affairs of the Zoldak family and lived a quiet life with his mother.

Sarah loved her young son, despite her constant suffering, she never regretted giving birth to her intelligent and beloved son Mark, she wished that he would live loved by his parents and his family, but fate has other words for her.

Sarah always tries to appear strong in front of her son, the pride of her life, despite her suffering in her family for being the illegitimate daughter of the head of the Bolton family, but, now, she feels happy to be with Mark, take care of him, scold him and play with him.

Sarah considered her son's childhood to be the happiest and best years of her life, she loved his constant laughing and joking, she loved watching his physical exercises, Sarah taught him to read and write, she taught him the history of the five continents, she loved him so much.

After Mark reached the age of thirteen, it was time for his holy baptism. When any child reaches the age of thirteen, he performs a holy baptism, in order to know his capabilities and element.

Globally, it is known that the basic elements are water, earth, fire and wind, also called the origin and mother of the other elements.

There are also other elements, such as the space element, the element of time, the toxin element, the light element, and so on ...

The Zoldak family is known for their affinity for the element of fire, the element of fire is considered sacred to them, and they are known for their wonderful control of fire and its development into eternal fire, a skill founded by the family's founder and the hero , Max Zoldak.

Mark thought about this opportunity, to attract his father's attention, as if he got close with the element of fire, his father would look at him and return him with his mother to the main palace.

He just wanted to show his family that he was a hidden gem that they should cherish and appreciate.

He only wanted the love and tenderness that was given to his half-brother in his stead.

The referee spoke to Mark with a cold tone:

"Mark Zoldak put your hand on the Black Stone and we'll know the results for your abilities."

After hearing Mark's name, a lot of people started gossiping,

"Is this the first son?"

"The forgotten son, rumors say, is the son of fornication by Sarah Bolton with an unknown man."

"I see, that's why the Lord abandoned him."

"What if the first son awakens the Fire element, wouldn't he be a rival to his younger brother?"

" I do not know "


Max put his hand and then a bright light covered the baptismal room, surprising everyone. They never had anything like this happened before, and then the referee spoke in a frightening tone:

"As I expected, you are really the son of fornication, as rumors say, you have no affinity for the element of fire, your element is the element of space..."