Promising revenge

The head of the Tartarus family ordered Mark to be awakened urgently to confirm that the accusations were correct and to see his reaction.

Will he deny the crimes he committed? Will he ask for pardon and help from his father and his brother? Will he cry in front of the big families?

So many possibilities in the brain of Tom Tartarus, all he wanted to know was to confirm the validity of the accusations to end the sentence.

Tom's mind will not calm down until he kills Mark himself if the allegations are proven. In fact, awakening Mark is just a last protocol, which requires that the accused be questioned before the verdict and then in the end the decision will be made by the judjes.

Tom knew that Mark's life was doomed, but, despite that, he wanted to hear Mark's verbal confession, he wanted to hear him say, "I killed your daughter" in order to bring it to an end.

All he has to do is wait for the interrogation to end and then ask the families to petition him to kill Mark himself.

Tom believes that his introduction to the shrine of torment will not make his anger disappear. What he needs is to see his daughter's killer in front of him as a dead body.

Tom bit his lips hard, then looked at the other elders and said:

" According to the protocol drawn up a thousand years ago by the great founders, the accused Mark will be questioned in the crime of treason and the brutal murder of my daughter ".

Then he added:

'Abolish the spell'

Adam's reaction was not late, as he expected the interrogation, but he was sure he won. The stupid and weak Mark cannot win over him, he must just accept the verdict and wait for his death.

Adam laughed at the mockery of the situation and then nodded to one of the Wizard-type Hunters to come forward to get rid of the spell.

" Cancellation "

After a series of words delivered by the magician, in a few seconds, with just a few words, he was able to cancel the spiritual hypnosis and then back out of the hall after finishing.



Inside Mark's consciousness, the last thing he remembered was a witch hunter coming and then casting a spell of some kind on him to fall asleep.

To find himself surrounded by a black emptiness, Mark wondered about the possibility that he had died at the hands of the Twelve Families.


" No "


"I can't die"


" I need to get revenge "


Throughout his years of detention and torture, Mark recalled concubine Lana Silver's mockery and contempt for his deceased mother

He remembered the father's cold look as if he was looking at a disgusting creature or staring at a small insect, he couldn't erase his father's look of disgust from his face.

He remembered also the mockery of his half-brother Adam and he defiled his mother's body, and he did not let her rest even after her death.


Mark looks at the frightening emptiness, loneliness is a sense of his habit, over the years.

Remembering the tenderness and love of his mother as she meant everything to him, Mark wanted only to have a short conversation with her, he wanted to cry on her bosom, but the Zoldak family deprived him of maternal love.


"I will not die, I will survive no matter what it takes."


"I'll crawl, if necessary, to wipe out the evil families."


Suddenly, Mark heard a cold voice from the depths of darkness:


"For centuries I have not seen a desire for revenge as fearful as yours".


Mark was horrified to hear the sound but was unable to locate its owner.


"Hahaha .... The connection will be cut off soon .... I have received your desire from the sublime world, O mankind ... well, I will give you boundless power ... But, it will take some time to use her at least two days in human time."


Then the shadow added, and his voice gradually faded:


"Our time is short. Remember my name is Chaos or what humans called Primal Chaos. I will gradually give you my strength .... Train well and take revenge for both of us .... You will learn more with the passage of time."


[Transfer of Chaos System Ownership - Possible Duration of The Process: 2 days]


Then Chaos' voice disappeared from the dark void, leaving Mark, shocked, as he thought:

'Did i make a deal with the devil? '



Mark tried to understand his current situation but didn't discover anything.

Suddenly, a bright light began to appear clearly in front of Mark's face, which automatically blinded him.

Mark opened his eyes to find a strange sight in front of him, raising his head to see the leaders of the Twelve Families sitting before him.

Mixed feelings began to pass as a storm in Mark's heart as he saw familiar and unfamiliar faces.


Mark smiled coldly as he stared quietly at his father, Sam Zoldak, the man he had abandoned him, and his mother, the one Mark intended to kill as he got stronger.

"Mark Zoldak" shouted an old man with white hair and golden eyes sitting in the center of the seats angrily at Mark's face.

Mark knew his identity automatically as he had previously heard about the description of the Snow Emperor, Tom Tartarus;


Mark stared at Tom's face and said:


" What? "


After his answer, was astonishment in the face of the other leaders, a child who dared to mock Tom Tartarus;


Tom restrained his anger and then spoke in a calm tone:


"I see that you are impolite. Did your mother not teach you to respect adults? And not to become a criminal?"


For the first time, Mark couldn't suppress his laughter, then he started laughing non-stop, he even surprised his half-brother Adam who is standing behind him.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha "


The silence.

Adam did not understand where Mark's confidence stemmed from, but he was now sure that his half-brother had dug his grave with his own hands.

Then Mark spoke abruptly:

"I heard that the head of the Tartarus family is a wise and just person. My beloved mother used to respect you and considered you among the few people who respected her while living humiliated in the damned Bolton family .... Hahaha ... my warm condolences ..... I know that my little brother has given evidence. Great for you, I don't know how adam fake the evidence. but from the look on your face, Old Tom, I see that he convinced you of his point of view easily.

Sam Zoldak angrily shouted as he stared at Mark:

"Shut up damn, just confess your crimes."


Mark stared at Sam with a poisonous look on his face and said:

"I will tell you, Senior Tom, the truth of the matter, whether you believe it or not, it is up to you. I have been imprisoned in the Zoldak family prison for four years after the murder of my mother in the hands of the concubine Lana Silver and her sadistic son. I will not admit to the crime of killing your daughter because I did not do it, ... . "

Adam interrupted him by striking him on the back, causing Mark to fall to the ground in pain because his body was so thin that he could not bear even an ordinary adult's blow.

Mark got up again and spoke quietly;


"As far as I know, criminals get nervous upon hearing the truth. Hahaha. Adam confessed to me that he killed your daughter Hana with his cousins. Frankly, I do not remember their name, and .... ah .....I forgot ... my father also is involved in this conspiracy."


Tom Tartarus stared at Mark and said:


"Do you have evidence to support your saying?"

"Ha ha ha ha" Mark never stopped laughing hysterically and then said in a joking tone:


"I said that I was imprisoned for four years and you were asking me for evidence, ha ha ha ... look at my body, if someone was starved for four months, would he reach from your perspective to my current condition? A very thin body as it looks like I am sick with the black plague."


Then Mark added, laughing while rubbing his head

"But I admit that in the future I will annihilate this damned system, starting with the scum that I named my father previously to the families that insulted me and my mother. "


Then he shouted forcefully:


"Very soon I will show you Hell, by the way, I like the great dedication of Tom Tartarus to the truth. So when I make you kneel before me, I think that I will forgive the Tartarus from my revenge."


Then Mark laughed like a madman,


The place fell silent.


Everyone is sure that Mark went crazy.



