I Refuse

Status window

Mark spoke, slowly rubbing his golden hair;

Ding Ding

[ Open Statut ]

[ Mark Zoldak ]

< Job: Apprentice of Chaos >

< Age: Unspecified >

[Level 1]

< items >

[Basic Elements]

"Space Element: Level 3"

" Chaos Element: Cannot be controlled because the current host power is too weak. "

[ Elements Derived from Primal Chaos ]

"Fire: Level 0"

"Water: Level 0"

"Earth: Level 0"

"Wind: Level 0"

The host does not have any skills.

Mark stared at the status window with an unfamiliar look, not knowing what to say, in front of him was a rectangular window showing his current abilities in the form of numbers;

Whereas the elements derived from Primal Chaos caught his attention, Mark knew that he possessed a powerful element called Chaos, however, obtaining other elements thanks to it such as fire, for example, is unbelievably insane.

Mark shivered with excitement, the status window in front of him showing his possession of four different elements other than chaos and space.

He had never before heard in the records, a person who possessed more than two elements in the history of his world, which made him wonder if he was a new kind of human?

[The host feels happy]

[The part of feelings will be fixed one by one]

Mark smiled coldly, he obtained the Zoldak family's ability as well as other elements.

Revenge is approaching little by little.

Mark stared up at the sky with his red sweet eyes and spoke softly;

"Does the element of chaos have anything to do with me having new elements, system?"


[Answering the host's question, Yes Element Chaos has to do with having new elements]

[Chaos is the basis of all elements except light and darkness. So the host can learn all the other remaining elements by merging par example wind and water to get ice elements....]

" That's perfect "

Mark stared at the window for a long time with a satisfied smile on his face, then added:

"What are the skills? And why don't I have one?"


[Actually, Awakened has many skills such as transformation into a half-beast, magical skills that allow you to strengthen your magic and perform powerful attacks, skills that allow its owner to develop his sword art also skills that make a person strong for a few minutes, etc.]

[Due to the host's weak physique and stats, you cannot use the original Chaos skills or other System skills]

[Therefore, the host must use the skills that he will obtain from this world]

Mark has just moved to a new and totally strange world, so he's in no hurry to get skills, he asks another question to the system;

"How can I get new skills in this world?"


[Unlike your original world which is governed by the Law of the Elements, this world is completely different, you can have power and money based on your strength as a Hunter]

[Based on the information stored in the system memory, you can buy skills in this world with money, the various abilities and skills gained from dungeons are sold by the Hunters Association or the black market.]

Mark heard the system explaining carefully, a new world not completely different from his, Mark gritted his teeth as he hates a world where the strong dominate the weak.

"An interesting world"

Mark murmured these words before quietly returning to Old Samuel's room.


The next morning,

Mark woke up from the sofa with golden sunlight covering his sleeping face, a wonderful, refreshing feeling he had long missed.

"Yesterday wasn't a dream . Thank god, I left the dark void"

Turning his gaze to the kitchen, he smiled spontaneously because of the beautiful smell of food, showing an angelic smile.

[ The feeling of joy +1 ]

"I see you woke up, sleeping beauty. I brought you some new clothes from the supermarket. Put them on and then have your breakfast so we can go to the missing person's office and the civil status office."

Samuel spoke in a calm voice mixed with sarcasm;

" Okay "

Mark didn't want to waste time as he put on his gold-striped black clothes and quickly ate his breakfast like a hungry dog.

Then he asked as he stuffed the soft bread in his mouth;

"Where's the girl who was here yesterday?"

"Little rat, have you forgotten my daughter's name? I won't let you try to get close to her even though you're so handsome."

Samuel spoke relentlessly praising his daughter with a wrinkled smile on his face;

"I just wanted to thank her, her food is really delicious."

Samuel covered his face with so much embarrassment at his misunderstanding of the boy thoughts, and then spoke in a proud voice, having gathered his composure;

"My lovely Rachel went to music school, she'll be back in the evening, and we're right now going to the civil status office in the middle of the city."

" Okay "

Mark paid no heed to Samuel's gossip as he continued to think about how to get used to this world quickly.


"There is no missing report in Mark's name, sir."

" What does this mean? "

Samuel spoke with tension on his face;

"We have scanned his fingerprints and face, but we did not find in our database a trace of him as if he was a ghost or came from a secluded place."

Then the employee of the civil status office added ;

"I checked the records of the other states, but we didn't find any information about the young man behind you."

Samuel looked at Mark in amazement, who expected this situation because he is a person from a different world, so it is not reasonable to have his data here.

"So what to do now?"

Samuel spoke softly;

"Since he is 17 years old, as you said, can we take him to an orphanage until he reaches the legal age, or you can adopt him as your son?"

Then the employee added, rubbing her hair with a pen.

"We can formulate a new civil status for him, since the great catastrophe, the government changed many laws in past few years, if you adopt him, we will finish the procedures by the end of the day."

Samuel stared at Mark, an awake, homeless young man with no memory in a class society dependent on strength,

'He's a hunter, so I can leave him, right? his situation will get better.' Samuel quickly drowned in his thoughts.

"Shit, I'll regret that decision later, I'll adopt him. Are you agree kiddo?"

Suddenly the answer pops out from Mark's mouth quickly;

" I refuse "