
Knock, knock, knock, "Young miss are you awake?", the maid said as she opened the door a creak. "Rise and shine my lady, you have a very busy day ahead of you!" She said as she opened the blinds wide to let the light in.

Adrien groaned not wanting to get out of bed. She covered her face with the blanket and rolled off the bed to the other side where there was no light, only darkness. "Now now that isn't a way for a proper lady to behave." The maid said as she started getting Adrien's clothes ready for her to wear for the day.

"Grace, I think I'll dress myself today." Adrien said while standing up in her white nightgown and messy blonde hair. "Alright, I'll be right outside of you need me." Grace said laying her dress on the bed. Adrien sighed and started to get dressed, 'it seems that they've forgotten that women can also wear pants!' Adrien thought to herself. She came out of her room with the lace white dress on with her black pearly shoes. "My lady, you look absolutely gorgeous!", Grace said while fixing her headband. Adrien moved Grace's hand away from her, "let's get this over with." Adrien followed behind Grace looking at the ground the entire time. Adrien watched as Grace knocked on the giant door and opened it, "She's here Sir" she said. "Let her in." A male voice said on the other side of the door. Adrien walked in and stopped in front of the table, "Good Morning father!"

"Good Morning child." Her father said not even acknowledging her presence. He was sat in his chair eating his breakfast while reading today's newspaper, "Another teenage boy gone missing, my my." He said to himself as he went to take a sip of his coffee.

"Ahem!" Adrien made herself known. "Oh, Adrien I trust your lessons are going well" he said while putting his newspaper down. "Yes, they're going well, I'm learning a lot." Adrien says nonchalantly. "Good, it's necessary to learn these things to become a proper lady of the house." Her father said. "I have some good news." He said. Adrien's eyes shot up in excitement as she hadn't had much joy and surprises since her birth mother passed away. "One of my business partners has a son who has taken a liking to you at last night's party, you're 16, an eligible female for marriage, he wants to meet with you for an arranged marriage interview, I expect you to be on your best behavior." Her father said not noticing Adrien's fearful expression.

"W-what, father, marriage already, shouldn't that be a thing that I would want to do in my time with WHO I want to be with!" Adrien raises her voice. Her father gives her the most sinister look he usually gives her when she is being disobedient. Adrien gets startled and doesn't know how to communicate anymore. She avoids eye contact with her father and looks at the floor again. Her father get up from his seat and walks slowly toward her. "Adrien, whether you like it or not does not matter, I've given you everything you could ever want and have taken care of you as best as I can, if I didn't take you in when your pathetic mother died you would be living in poverty among the street rats." He says grabbing her by the face. "So I expect you to agree and comply with this marriage or I'll sell you to the worst child labor organization where you can pay your debt to me there for the rest of your worthless life!" He says. "Now, the limo will pick you up in a few minutes you'll have breakfast when you arrive there." He says dismissing her. Adrien runs out sobbing.

Adrien leans her head against the window of the car as she wipes her face clean, still stained with tears. The driver speaks, "we'll be there in 20 minutes miss." He says while letting the shield down.

That's when Adrien thinks of a plan. 'Twenty minutes, that's enough time to get out of this limo!' She thinks to herself. Adrien waits a few minutes till they are in traffic near a bustling city so she could blend in with the crowd. "Excuse me, driver!" She says grabbing his attention. "I think there's something wrong with the air conditioning here, can you please come check it out for me, it doesn't seem to be working!" She lies. "Don't worry miss we'll be there in a short while, just please bear with it." He said while honking at the car in front impatiently. "Hmmm, well how would you like me to tell your employer that I almost burn to death because an incompetent and lazy driver didn't do anything to help me, do you think you'll still keep you job!" Adrien said regretfully, she didn't want him to get fired, but she also didn't want to be married against her will. "Alright alright miss I'm coming to check!", He agreed and stopped the car in the middle of traffic. He opened her door and then—"I'm sorry!" Adrien said as she kicked him in the stomach with her heal. She then ran out limo and jumped into the nearest crowd to hide in so he wouldn't follow her. "Hey! Hey!" He called out after her.

Adrien ran, she ran and never looked back. She ran a couple blocks, made a bunch of turns to make sure she wasn't followed. She then hunkered down and ran into the nearest shop she could find. She sat there and shaking and crying, relived to have gotten away from her terrible fate.

One of the employees from the shop saw her shaking and noticed her, it was a female around her age, her name tag read 'Lisa', "Excuse me, are you alright?" Lisa said as she kneeled down to Adrien's level. As she did she noticed the greenish blue light emitting off of Adrien's skin. Adrien noticed it too as she heard the girl ask her the question. "Ahhhhhh!, wha-what are you?", Lisa asked as she backed away from Adrien.

Adrien stood up in fear and confusion as she had no idea why she was glowing, she ran out of the store faster than Lisa could call for help. Adrien ran to a nearby alleyway and tried to figure out why her skin was emitting light. She then noticed a man in the distance with a suit on and shades heading towards her, but it didn't look like one of her father's security guards. Adrien backed up and tried to run the other way when she noticed that it was a dead end. "Sta-stay back!", she stuttered. Then she noticed that she was surrounded, one of the men grabbed her by the arm and started dragging her to what looked like a government van, "Stop it!, let go of me! She yelled and resisted as hard as she could. She then felt a needle go into her neck and everything when blurry. The last thing she could remember before passing out is how relived and free she felt when she thought that she had finally escaped.