A Morning Shock

Katalina, Jiro and Lucien are left in utter shock as they look at the girl sleeping soundly in the pod. "We have to contact the government, they obviously made a mistake!" Katalina says breaking the silence. "We can send her back to the mainland, right?" Jiro asks the headmaster. "This is impossible, this is a female! Only males have the LOST gene in their DNA. Lucien continues to stare at the sleeping girl in the pod. "Strangely, it's not entirely impossible for a female to get the LOST gene." Lucien says cutting into their conversation. "Huh?! What do you mean headmaster?" Katalina asked, startled at this new information. "You both know of the great fall that happened centuries ago, right?" Lucien asked them. "Yes, I know, but only in the stories that the elders told us when we were little." Katalina says. "Centuries ago the war tyrant Abraxsus Claude was executed the day after his arrest. The opposing side stormed his secret organization lab and found something that could change the course of human evolution, he developed a DNA type serum that could pass on the LOST gene to anyone, not just a male. But the government destroyed the lab and burned all traces of the serum." He said while looking at Katalina and Jiro's intrigued faces. "Why would Abraxsus need to create this serum? It doesn't make any sense!" Jiro says. "When the autopy report came back on Abraxsus's cause of death, they also discovered he didn't have the LOST gene in his DNA. His abilities came from the serum that he made. The effects of the serum were only temporary, that explains why they found so much of it in his system." Lucien explained. "Even if that does explain how anyone could get the LOST gene, the serum was destroyed a hundred years ago, how could this girl possibly have it!" Katalina says with frustration in her voice. "This is just a theory, this girl could have just possibly inherited the gene, though there have been no reports of females inheriting the gene from there fathers." Jiro says looking through the LOST gene archives. "What should we do with her? if she does have the LOST gene she can't leave the island." Katalina says. "For now I think it's best to leave her in the pod, I'll contact the mainland and see if they made a mistake." Lucien says. "I think it's best to keep this information to ourselves, we don't want to make her a target." Katalina advises. "I can agree with that Lieutenant, I'll stay with that pod and when she wakes up we'll run some test." Lucien says dismissing them in the process. Katalina looks back fearful for the girl's future. 'Please, please don't have the LOST gene.'

Katalina sits in the facility lounge, hands on her head, worrying about the young girl in the pod. "Katalina?" Jiro called out to her holding two freshly made cups of hot chocolate. He hands her one. "You should go home and rest, your off duty till Sunday, headmaster Lucien will take care of her." Jiro says sitting down beside her. "It's not that, I trust that she'll be safe here, but I'm worried what will happen when she's out there. You don't know how hard it was being the only girl on the island, it was terrifying ." Katalina says taking a sip of her hot chocolate. "Well look at it this way, she may be the only girl with the LOST gene, but she's not gonna be the only girl on the island." Jiro says, giving her a comforting smile. She blushes a little bit. "Thanks Jiro!" She beams. Katalina's phone starts to ring. "Hello?" She answers. "Hey, Katalina." Nanaji's voice comes from the other side. "Oh Nanaji, is everything okay?" She asks, concerned about how sad he sounds. "Yeah, I'm fine, but I think Kasai could use a little heartfelt speech right about now." He said jokingly. "Don't worry I'm on my way." She said understanding the situation. 'He must've gotten upset about his abilities again.' She thought to herself. "I've gotta go Jiro, thanks for the hot chocolate!" She says while leaving the lounge. 'Oh Kasai, you'll always be my big baby!' She thinks while laughing to herself.

'Why?', Kasai thinks to himself , staring at the ceiling. 'Why me!? Is the universe against me, am I not training hard enough!? WHY ME!' He says punching another hole into his wall. 'Knock knock knock!', Kasai heard the door go. "Go away!" He said facing the other way. "Kasai! It's me Katalina!" She said waiting for him to answer back. "I don't care! Go away!" He shouted. Katalina was getting irritated thinking to herself that she raised a big baby. "If you don't open this door in five seconds I'm gonna break it down again!" She shouts on the other side of the door. "Great, another thing that's broken, that's just what I need." He says sarcastically. Katalina holds off breaking his door, hearing how depressed he sounds. She sits on the floor outside of his door. "Kasai, Don't say that! You are not broken. She says with tears in her eyes. Kasai notices her change in tone and starts to feel bad. "Then what am I?" He asks while leaning against the door. "Your my idiot brother, shouldn't that be enough." She says jokingly. They both chuckle. "I know people are saying it'll take time, and it feels like years. Don't worry I won't give up on you. We'll keep trying and trying until you get your ability!" Katalina says. "I just feel like an outcast on an island with a bunch of beast." Kasai says. "Your one of the strongest people I know, I know that we can do this!" Katalina says making a fist in the air. "Whata bunch of bullsh-" Kasai says right before Katalina punches the door. "Okay, okay I get it, don't break my door again!" He says while trying to keep his door from falling. "I'm not gonna be on duty for a while, do you wanna go to the arena and do some ability training." She suggests knowing that'll perk him right up. He opens the door quickly, making Katalina fall over in the process. "Alright then, let's go!" He says standing up proudly.

They take the bullet train to the arena, since it's on the opposite side of the island. It was about 2 in the morning, so the train was mostly empty. Katalina yawns, stretching her arms out. "Why'd you stay at headquarters so late if you were gonna get tired, idiot." Kasai says, poking her head so she'd stay awake. Katalina glares at him. "For your information, I was doing my job!" Katalina shouts. "Oh yeah, and what's that?" Kasai says smirking at her. "None of your business, jerk!" She says, not wanting to reveal anything about the pod that arrived yesterday. She hopes that he won't bring it up and just drops the subject. "Were you dealing with the pod?" He asks out of the blue. Katalina tenses up and Kasai notices immediately. "Yeah. So." She says dismissively. "It took longer than usual, so is something going on?" Kasai asks, now suspicious of Katalina's odd behavior. "Th-that's classified information, I can't tell you anything." She says, feeling guilty about lying to him, she just wants the girl to stay out of harm's way. Kasai looks at her for a few minutes before letting the subject go. 'Sorry Kasai, It's not that I don't trust you, I just can't risk her getting hurt.' she thinks to herself. "Next stop! LOST Arena! Next stop! LOST Arena!" A robotic voice says on the train's intercom. "You ready." Katalina says looking at Kasai. "Ready as I'll ever be." He says pumped up for his ability training to start.

"Headmaster Lucien!" Jiro shouts trying to wake him up from his slumber. "Did you stay up all night sir?" Jiro asks as he hands him a cup of coffee. "Yes, but she hasn't waken up yet, maybe we should take her out and have her checked by one of our doctors." Lucien suggests. "Oh, we've contacted the mainland, they've agreed to talk." Jiro says. "We can't just leave the girl alone" Lucien says looking back at her. "Sir, she'll be fine. Their not gonna wait much longer. We have to talk to them now." Jiro says urging the headmaster to leave quickly. "Very well." Lucien agrees. They leave the pod alone in the room as they walk out to talk with the mainland.

Adrien starts to twitch in her pod slowly waking up. She groans, still feeling the affects of the drug. She opens her eyes, seeing a blank white ceiling through the transparent glass. "Where am I?" Adrien says as she tries to sit up in her pod, only to be bumped right on her head when she hit the glass. "Ow!" She says while rubbing her forehead. She banged as hard as she could and screamed at the top of her lungs, but she couldn't get out. She noticed an emergency hatch at the bottom of the pod. She pulled and yanked it as hard as she could, until she was startled by the hissing noise that indicated that the pod was opening. She quickly jumped out and ran to the nearest window to see where she was. She stared in horror and confusion, "This is definitely not Tokyo!"