
Katalina rushes toward headquarters while trying to fix her uniform. She sees Jiro standing in front door of the building talking with some of the islands soldiers. "Jiro!" She calls out to him while waving her hands to get his attention. Two soldiers immediately come from her right and left and block her from getting near the building. "I'm Lieutenant Katalina Bancroft, ID Number: 2617899, let me through!" She demands as she shoves her ID card in their faces. They immediately let her through. "Katalina, thank goodness your hear!" Jiro says while leading her into the building. "Jiro, why are the General's soldiers here, this isn't a matter they need to be involved in." She whispers while pulling him close. "Actually Lieutenant, this matter is much needed of their assistance more than yours, since this girl attacked one of my soldiers and stole a Class 4 Island cruiser." A low foreboding voice booms from behind them. Katalina and Jiro turn around to see who's butting in to their private conversation. "Daichi Munakata." Katalina says coldly. "That's General to you Lieutenant Katalina." He says reprimanding her like a little kid. Katalina glares at him. "That's enough General." Lucien says as he steps in between them. "Headmaster, is all of this really necessary, the girl is not dangerous." Katalina says as she motions around the building. Lucien looks at her with a Grimm expression "Lieutenant, come with me." He leads her to the building's security room with all the monitors and cameras, the General following swiftly behind them. They enter, with all the island staff on edge at this time. "Show this mornings footage from camera B and F." Lucien orders. They all focus on the monitor that peers into the pod retrieval room and Adrien. Katalina is especially focused on her fearful face expression. They watch as greenish-blue light emits from her body. "This girl really does have the LOST gene." General Daichi says as he stares intently at the monitor. The monitor switches to camera F and shows Adrien on one of the upper floors of the building and intercepting a floor worker and two security guards. They see her blast them into the the wall. Katalina gasps. "So much for the girl not being dangerous." Daichi says while smirking at Katalina. "Your men were threatening her with guns! That's why she lost control and blasted them, it was an accident!" Katalina shouts. "Accident or no accident that girl is unstable and she needs to be in my custody!" Daichi shouts back. "That's enough, both of you!" Lucien shouts, making them both go quiet. "Headmaster please, let me bring her back to headquarte-" Katalina is cut off from the General's argument. "Headmaster, if this girl escaped from headquarters once, she can do it again, you need to put her in a secure facility, my facility!" Daichi intervenes. "She's still a child! Not only that, but a female with the LOST gene. She just scared and confused." Katalina says while trying to convince Lucien. Lucien stops for a while to think about what to do if they find the girl. "It's only a matter of who finds her first, but when you do report back to me and I'll tell you how to proceed." Lucien says while exiting the room. Katalina and Daichi glare at each other and follow behind Lucien. "Don't even bother trying to find her Lieutenant, that girl is mine." He says in a hushed voice. Daichi walks ahead of her. Katalina looks at him from behind seething with anger. 'We'll see.'

"Katalina!" Jiro shouts as he jogs to catch up with her. She keeps walking not even acknowledging him. Jiro looks at her distraught face and taps her shoulder. Katalina looks back at Jiro, "You saw the video?" He asked. "I don't wanna talk about it Jiro, let's just find the girl before the general does." She says while trying to keep up with Lucien. They all head towards the tracker room on one of the higher floors of headquarters, so naturally they passed by where Adrien blasted the guards into the wall. Katalina got sidetracked and stopped to stare at the massive hole she made. "Don't get rattled Lieutenant! I would want this chase to get boring!" General Daichi jeers as he looks back to see her fearful expression. Katalina's face contorts into a snarl. Jiro then places a comforting hand on her shoulder to calm her down. "Lieutenant. General. This way." Lucien says as they near the tracker room. "As you both know, this room has helped us with many first responder situations as well as lost victims and criminals. When we have people arrive on the island the chips in their necks activate so we can track where they are upon arrival." Lucien explains as he walks around a large schematic table of the whole island. "If we already have this why hasn't a group already been dispatched and brought her back?" Daichi asks. Lucien smirks amusingly. "Of course that was my original plan, but when she activated her ability the tracker in her neck short circuited and it's been offline. So we can't track her, nor do we know where she is." He explains. "Sir, if we can't track her then what are we doing here?" Katalina asks confused. Lucien looks at her as smiles. "That's just the question I was waiting for." He says while zooming in to the nearby place near headquarters. "She obviously took one of our island cruisers, that's how she made a fast getaway, she would've had to go into this part of the island to get through the front gate." Lucien says as he points to the area with the palm trees. "As you already know the island cruisers have trackers in them as well, we got a really strong signal from one in this part of the island, but I assume she crashed it because the signal is on the fritz." He says while holding up two devices. "So, your basically saying she's still in this part of the island." Daichi says. "She is, but she couldn't have gotten far, she must be injured from the crash." Lucien says. A guilty feeling washed over Katalina, as she could've prevented this if she had just stayed here. "With the condition she might be in I estimate she has ten hours, before she makes it to the city, I don't want the others to know she's on the island, it could put her in jeopardy. We have to hurry!" Katalina says anxiously. The men look her way seeing the eagerness in her expression. "Very well. Lieutenant I will accompany you and Jiro you will accompany the General, we'll split up search parties at the gate. Do you understand." Lucien demands. Everyone looks at each other with hostility in their eyes. "Yes sir!" They all say.

They all meet up at the cruiser dock to board their vehicles. Katalina and Jiro share a glance and a look of determination before boarding. 'Don't worry Adrien. We'll find you!' She thinks to herself. Katalina sits across from Lucien in the armored cruiser and looks out the window the whole time. A few hours pass and an awkward silence starts to form. Katalina continues to look out the window, thinking about what she can do to break the silence, but all she can think about is Adrien. A guilty look appears on her face. "Lieutenant." Lucien speaks abruptly startling Katalina. "Ah! Yes headmaster!?" She says, trying to catch her breath. "You need to stop blaming yourself, it was no one's fault." Lucien says while checking the map. Katalina drops her head and scoffs. "Was it that obvious?" She says. "I was the one who left her in the pod retrieval area, if you need anyone to blame, blame me." Lucien says nonchalantly. "That may be, but I'll fix it, I'll get her back!" Katalina says enthusiastically with a big grin on her face. Lucien smilies at her, but their excitement is cut off short by a beeping noise from their indicators. Lucien answers the signals beacon. "There's a massive amount of aura about 7 miles away from us!?" Lucien says. "That has to be her! Wait but I thought her tracker was broken." Katalina says. Lucien looks at the digital map confused at what Katalina talking about. "Her tracker is broken, it appears another person is with her." He says while trying to process the tracker to find out who it is. Katalina's face goes pale with dread as she looks at the persons name on the tracker pad. She reads it out loud. Kasai Akihito. "Oh no! Kasai!