
Nanaji stands there for a few minutes perplexed as to why there was a girl here.

'I must be trippin or something. Is this really a girl? No way there are no girls on this island! But, she definitely looks like a girl. Maybe she's a cross dresser.' He thinks to himself as he inspects her from a distance.

He can feel his face getting hot. 'Th-there's no way that's a cross dresser, she's way to cute!'

He walks up to her cautiously.

Adrien scoots over and watches his every move.

He stops right in front of her bed and asks her probably the dumbest question she's every heard.

"Are you a cross dresser?"

Just as he asks the question he gets a metal drip pan thrown in his face.

Adrien stands up on her bed and starts throwing the closest things she can find. "Are you serious!? A cross dresser!! Somebody get this man out of here!"

Nanaji tries to diffuse the situation himself. "Okay Okay! I'm sorry, just please try to calm down and be quiet." he pleads with her as he hides behind the curtains.

She stops throwing stuff and gives him a confused look. "Hey! Why are you hiding behind the curtains?"

"Shhhh. Your gonna get me caught! I need you to stay quiet." He demands her.

She scoffs at him angrily. 'Did this wacko really just tell me to be quiet! He's the one who barged into my room!'

"Wait, what do you mean get caught? Are you being chased or something?"

"Yes! and if you don't mind I'd like to get out of here in one piece." He says while stepping out from behind the curtain.

He walks towards the door and peeks out the window. He reaches for the door knob.

"Wait!" Adrien yells.

Nanaji stops in his tracks and looks back at her.

"The people who were chasing you may still be out there. Why don't you stay here with me until the coast is clear?"

Nanaji looks at her with a puzzled look on his face. "I don't get it. A few seconds ago you were throwing stuff at me, trying to get me to leave. Now your saying I can stay here? Why?"

"I-I don't know. You seem like a decent boy, plus your the first one who hasn't been so hostile towards me. I'd like to have some company until they figure out what to do with me." She says while scratching the back of her head.

Nanaji sighs. "Fine, but only if you promise to stop throwing stuff at me."

She giggles. "Okay I promise."

He walks over to her and sits on the chair next to her bed.

"So, your an actual girl!?" He asks the stupid question again.

"Obviously! Jeez why's that so surprising?"

"Sorry. Its just that we don't see many girls on the island. Other than Lieutenant Katalina."

"So, how did you get here?"

Adrien looks down at her fingers and messes with them a bit before answering his question. "I can't remember much, but I do remember being grabbed off the street in broad daylight. I woke up in a pod, crashed a vehicle, then I-"

She stops mid sentence as she thinks about Kasai and the giant explosion.

"Oh no! Kasai!"

Nanaji perks up when he hears that name. "KASAI!? You know Kasai? Do you know where he is?"

"Woah slow down." Adrien says as she holds his shoulders down.

"Sorry, its just Kasai's my best friend and I haven't seen him in days. That's why I'm down here. Just to see him and make sure he's okay. I just need some answers. I need to know what's going on."

Adrien sits there for a few minutes pondering what she should say to him. "yes. I know Kasai, but not the way you do I guess." She smiles to herself.

"Do you know where he is?" Nanaji asks.

"No, but I did see him get dragged out by two men in white armored suits. I'm scared. I saw the same men when I first arrived on the island, I just don't trust them."

Nanaji scoffs. "yeah. I can see why you don't trust them. The guys who dragged him out were the generals men. And if you think his lackeys are bad, just wait until you meet General Daichi. He's an even bigger douche bag!"

"I think I saw him arguing with one of your nurse attendants. I don't understand, what does the General want with you?"

"Oh right. I didn't tell why I was here. I have something called the LOST gene."

Nanaji looks at her kinda perplexed. "No way! Not possible! Females can't inherit the LOST gene. Their DNA's not compatible enough."

"Then can you explain this?" Adrien says as she raises her hand and strains to release a small amout of aura from her palm.

Nanaji almost falls back in his chair. "S-so your the new pod that arrived on the island! Your the reason Katalina skipped training with Kasai. Your the reason why headquarters is in such as frenzy! And I thought I was a train wreck."

Adrien wears a guilty look on her face. "I don't know if you know this, but I'm also the reason for that giant explosion that happened yesterday."


"I also injured two armored guards while I was trying to escape."

They sit there in total silence not knowing what to say back.

"There. Now you have your answers. Now you know that I'M the cause of all of this. What now. Are you gonna treat me like I'm not normal too?"

Adrien closes her eyes and turns her head the other way.

She feels something touch her hand and looks at Nanaji.

"Of course I'm gonna treat you normally!" He says as he grabs her hand tightly.

"I don't know a lot about you, but I know that your not a bad person. I'm sure you were scared, confused, maybe a little distressed. I don't think you should be at fault for the things their accusing you of."

Nanaji's face grows redder and redder by the time he realizes he's still holding her hand he lets go abruptly.

Adrien giggles. "Thanks, uh? I'm sorry I never got your name.

"Huh? Oh where are my manners. It's Nanaji. Nanaji Mitsuhara.

"I'm Adrien!" she beams and they formally shake hands.

Just then they both here large bangs on the door. The door hinges fly off and the door breaks down.

"AHHH!" They both scream.

"Crap!" Nanaji says while standing up and blocking Adrien.

A man in a white professional suit walks in with armored guards behind him. " Is this the intruder? A highschooler!?"

"Nanaji? Who is that?" Adrien asks still sitting in her bed.

"This is the man who's even worse than the dogs he orders around!"

The man walks closer to them and smirks sinisterly at them.

"General Daichi."