

Katalina's phone went.

"Wha- the?"

"Whose calling me so early in the morning?" She asks herself as she rolls out of bed to pick up her phone.

Its Jiro .She presses the accept button.


"Katalina. You sound groggy, did I call at a bad time?" Jiro's voice blares from the other side.

"Nooo, Jiro. You called at the perfect time, 2:21 in the MORNING!!" She yells sarcastically.

"Okay, I see why your upset but I didn't wanna wait to tell you this. I also didn't wanna tell you on the phone." He says.

"What do you mean?" She asks while putting on her house coat.

Suddenly she hears a ring by the front gate monitor. She goes to check the front gate camera's.

"I brought donuts!" Jiro says while smiling into the camera.

Katalina gave in and pressed the button that opened the front gates to let him inside, 'Oh donuts, my only weakness when I'm feeling depressed.' she thinks to herself while smiling.


"Coffee?" She asks

"Ah! Sure!"

"So, what was so important that you couldn't wait until daylight to tell me, although I appreciate the donuts!" She says while making him a mug of coffee.

"Its Kasai, he's-

"Kasai! What did he do this time!?"

"No! No! Kasai's fine its just, he's acting different." Jiro says with an odd look on his face.

"You're gonna have to be more specific."

"Okay fine, Yesterday he actually complied!"

Katalina scoffs at him, "Are we talking about the same Kasai? Cause there is no way!"

"I'm telling you Katalina, He's gonna tell us everything, he even agreed to talk to Lucien." He said while taking his coffee.

She stands there dumbfounded. "B-but why? It makes no sense, I mean I'm glad he's finally showing respect and getting his act together, but why now?"

"I don't know, but when I was walking past his room, I heard Headmaster Lucien mention something about Adrien, and Kasai went nuts!"

They both sit there pondering for a while.

"You don't think that it could be Adrien, do you?" She asks.

"I mean, I could be wrong, but it makes sense why he's so irritable right now, why he so desperately want to comply, and why he didn't want to let her go that day."

"Why would Kasai care for her all of a sudden, he doesn't even care about what happens to anyone else, he's acting ridiculous!" She says while eating donuts angrily.

Jiro places a comforting hand on her shoulder, "Oh that reminds me! I have a message to relay, from Kasai."

"Oh yeah? What does he need this time? For me to send him bail money!?"

"Nope. Just a simple 'Sorry.'" He whispers in her ears.

"Did he actually say that?"

"I know right, shocking! He's never apologized for anything in his life."

"Could Adrien really be changing him?" Katalina thinks to herself.

"Oh and that's not all! I convinced Lucien to let you come to his interrogation!" He blurts out.

Katalina stands up and jumps for joy. "How did you even pull that off? I'm suspended, remember."

"Don't get too excited, we'll just be behind the glass, we can't ask him questions ourselves. It wasn't easy, but there was a little setback." He says while wincing.


"Since he's allowing you to come, he's allowing General Daichi to accompany us." He say's speedily.

Katalina stares at him.

"Kat? Are you okay?"

She finally moves. " You know what fine! If that's how he wants to do this, than bring it on!" She yells.

"What are you talking about?"

"Oh come on Jiro! You can't obviously think that Daichi wants to go to this interrogation because of Kasai do you?!"

"It doesn't matter why he wants to go, the point is that he was invited! We can't do anything about it."

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry for yelling at you it's just, I don't want Kasai to incriminate himself or reveal anything that Daichi could use against him."

"Hey, Kasai's smarter than that! He'll know what to say."

She sighs

"Anyways, did you find out where Adrien's staying?"

"She's staying with the Headmaster."

She chokes on her coffee.

"What! He's Going to try and look after another teenager?!"

"At least we'll know she'll be safe."

"That's true. When is Kasai's interrogation anyway?"

"Oh, it starts at six." Jiro blurts out.

Katalina drops her coffee mug and looks at her clock. "Why didn't you tell me that information first!!?"

She says as she runs to her room to get dressed.

Jiro starts to drink his coffee faster until he chokes on it, suddenly his phone starts ringing.

"Crap! It's Daichi! I have to take this!"

"Are you crazy! Hang up!" She says while trying to pull her shirt off.

"I can't, I already told him we'd meet up with him at the bullet train station!"

"YOU DID WHAT!!? Why would you do that!?"

"I don't know, it was a spur of the moment type thing!"

Jiro presses the answer button.

Daichi's voice blares from the other side of the phone.

"Hey! Junko! why'd it take you so long to answer!? I know you don't have anyone else to talk to!"

"My name is not Junko, and you know that! AND for your information I have plenty of friends!!!!" Jiro yells back

"Yeah Yeah whatever, I'm not interested in what imaginary friends you have. You and Lieutenant long legs better be there fifteen minutes early, if not i'm leaving without you two!"

Katalina looks towards the phone and blushes. "Long Legs!!?"

She immediately covers her mouth.

Daichi stops talking and pulls his phone away from his ear. "Lieutenant!? Is she with you!?"

Jiro laughs nervously. "No, NO, Your just hearing things. Don't worry we'll meet you there! BYE!" He says as he hangs up the phone.


Daichi sits in his office blushing and covering his mouth. 'Please tell me she didn't hear that!!'


Katalina and Jiro head out together and meet up with Daichi at the train station.

"See, we got here 15 minutes early. No need to worry."

They all stand there in silence, not even looking each other in the eyes.

"The Final train to Fukurodani Hospital is departing. The Final train is now departing!" A robotic voice says on the intercom.

"Ladies first!" Katalina says as she darts for the bullet train.

The Jiro and Daichi follow behind her.

"this is gonna be awkward." Jiro whispers to himself.