His Long Journey Begins - Fixed

An innocent-looking young man wearing a dark chefs outfit stood in the distance, a blank glaze sat on his face, his eyes didn't flinch or move around with curiosity either.

'That's him.'

Ariel instantly knew that it was him, he could sense the faint bloodlust weaving off of him.

'He's still fresh, I can use this chance.', Ariel took one step towards him.

A heavy weight instantly bore down on his body, using every ounce of his power, he raised his head.


A playful smile sat in its eyes as it watched him struggle down below.

'Hohoho... I won't let you ruin the fun.'

It moved its eyes to the rest of the Testers.

"Now then everybody, I hope you enjoy playing Elegance Online!"

The white room began shifting between black and white, signifying the start of the true game.

Although everyone within the room wasn't in the mood to smile and laugh, his words brought them a sense of hope.

The same thought sat within their minds.

'Perhaps I can be free outside!'

Smiles and hope spread through the room, everyone was visibly uplifted.

The eyes laughed silently as it watched them, 'Well perhaps 'playing' was the wrong word to use.', it looked at Ariel and the innocent-looking young man.

'Maybe only those two will truly gain the rights to 'play' Elegance Online.'


Elegance Online and the Testers.

The Testers arrive exactly 1 year before Elegance Online is released, and during this year they gain a headstart to prepare for the first Ordeal.

This first Ordeal begins on the day the game Elegance Online is released.

'But that's only the basic information we are given after a month of being left clueless within Elegance Online, the truth is, there's also a Clearing Ordeal.'

'And that happens exactly 4 months before Elegance Online is released.'

He side-eyed the eyes in the sky, 'If you want to stop me from interacting with him now then fine, I'll do so in a year when not even you can stop me.'


"Now then, bye-bye!"

The world around them began shifting and drifting, everything turned hazy and they felt some sort of suction force pull on their body's.

Thwip... Crack!

A whipping sound broke through the void as all the Testers were transferred.

Only the eyes remained standing in the silent void.

A light bulb suddenly switched within its head.

"Ah... I was wondering what I forgot to tell them."

"Due to an error with that man's tutorial, a lot more time has passed than expected and their 1 year time period was halved to 6 months..."

It contemplated for a moment and decided to forget about it.

"Oh well, those 2 men should be able to survive. I doubt the rest can though."

It suddenly smirked.

'Not like the rest mattered in the first place.'


[Transferring Testers]

Light shone into his eyes, forcing him to readjust to the environment.


He looked around for a moment.

'Not at the same place as I started before.'

When he originally completed the Tutorial he ended up within a luscious forest with many birds and adorable animals, but this time...

"What sort of war occurred here for this place to be destroyed to this level?"

Many half-stripped bodies surrounded him, they were clearly ransacked by savages and passersbys.

Bending over he sifted through the dirt with his fingers, blood seeped through lightly staining his fingers.

He rubbed his fingers slightly.

"It's somehow still fresh as well."

'I don't have many memories from before the Clearing Ordeal, I barely passed through those first few months and all the information I have was collected afterwards from other people.'

Looking all around he wondered which direction he should take.

Analysing the bodies and how most were facing, he decided to head north.

'One army came from the north and one from the south, most opportunities I remember come from the north so that's the better direction to take considering that's my target.'

"But before any of that."


[Ariel Grey]

[Level 0]



Strength - 5

Agility - 5

Endurance - 5

Vitality - 5

Mana - 0


[Race - Unknown]

[Status - Unchained]


'As expected, I can see my stats now.'

He was worried that it might be another error but luckily it was fine.

Pulling out a hairband from his pocket, he struggled momentarily, tied his long hair up into a ponytail, and flicked it backwards.

"Now then-", with a handsome smile on his face-

"Shall we get going?"

His long journey had begun.


Six hours later.

Ariel was currently resting next to the trunk of a withered tree.

"I cleared the battlefield a few hours ago, but why is everything still so withered?"

He held slight suspicions but decided not to bet on them for now, 'I don't have much food and water either.' Just two energy bars and a small bottle of water in his pocket.

When they were transferred, only belongings within their clothing were brought alongside them. Due to that, any sort of backpack was left behind on Earth.

'Otherwise, I would have prepared a lot more than just a plan that I drew up.'

Patting his clothes off, he stood back up.

"Time to get moving again."


Another few hours later...

He was surrounded by a multitude of large trees covered in moss and grime, and not any normal moss, purple moss.

The sun had already set and the moon shone down rays of light in its place.

'This place is weird, I can't smell anything from them and their presence is almost non-existent.'


His eyes darted to the right.

Lowering himself, he slowly backed off.

'Something is coming.'

Raising his stance he prepared to attack, it was better to attack first if a fight was imminent.

"Growl...", a muffled breath came from behind the moss in front of him.

He squinted his eyes, 'That sounds like a Branded Wolf.'

The Branded Wolf, a wolf branded and taken as a slave by a Lich, was the lowest level of slaves owned by a Lich.

'If I remember correctly, Branded Wolves are level 5 and have low attack and defence but have high movement and attack speed, they are mainly used as scouts.'

Raising his fist he placed his feet at the ideal position to gain the highest burst of speed possible the moment the Branded Wolf appeared.

'It's the worst match up I can get right now.'

The moss was lifted upwards as the Branded Wolf nudged at it.

'But that's also why-'

A beast with its head split in half made its way to full view, its brain was also split in half but remained stuck within the skull without spilling outward.

'-I have to attack first.'


The wind rushed past his face as he dashed forwards.

"GRAAAAAA!", the Wolf staggered in surprise.

Twisting his body slightly, he put his body's force behind his punch.

A dull smack entered his ears as he felt its body vibrate through his hand.

The Branded Wolf howled in agony as it rolled sideways, blood spilling out of its head. Ariel took this opportunity to step forwards, dishing out another blow at its skull.


The sound of bones splitting split outwards as he relentlessly smashed at its head.

"Grrr...", a pained whimper left its mouth.

It lay on the ground, its brain shaking silently, threatening to spill outwards.

The brand running all over its body began to shine.

"Die.", Ariel didn't give it any time to prepare its attack.

The Branded Wolf gazed directly at his eyes, it witnessed his mouth widen slightly in satisfaction as his fist grew closer to its head.


With blood running down his arm, he pulled backwards.

He let out a deep breath, 'I'm too weak, a fight against such a low levelled opponent was enough to use up almost all my stamina.'

"But in exchange...!", a smile sat on his face.


[Level Up!]

He opened up his System again.


[Ariel Grey]

[Level 1]

[EXP - 0/20]



Strength - 5

Agility - 5

Endurance - 5

Vitality - 5

Mana - 0

Free Points = 1


[Race - Unknown]

[Status - Unchained]


'There they are, the 'Free Points'.'

Free Points.

With each level gained, you get one free status point to place into any attribute of your choice. But the problem which no one realised until later on was that your body was being forcibly infused with this power, completely ruining your potential.

'But there's one attribute you could place this Free Point into if you had prior experience.'

[Host Is Applying Free Point to Mana]

[Please Confirm]

Pressing the confirm button a small wave of Mana instantly stormed towards him.

The Mana pressed at his skin, breaking into his body through his Mana points and flooded into his Mana channels.

"Ugh.", his skin began to itch and prick at him, giving him the sensation of needles being pierced through him over and over again.

He instantly sat cross-legged on the floor, pressing his hand towards the ground, attempting to form an 'X' shape even though his left arm was missing.

'Hopefully, it still works.'

The previously wild Mana flowing through him was quickly tamed, he breathed out a sigh of relief.

You could hear the Mana flowing through his body like gentle waves approaching the shore if you listened closely.

"Phew...", Taking in deep breaths and then breathing them out at a steady rate, the Mana began swirling around him, his proficiency visibly increasing by the second.


The Mana collected into a spear-like form and broke through his head, blowing upwards.

His eyes sparked open.

"More Branded Wolves are coming."