
Blue and red flames continuously flew over and covered the vast sky. People who didn't know would think that someone was lighting fireworks. But it wasn't true at all. On the ground two people slowly emerged from the dust that was flying everywhere, more specifically two woman or you can say, two world class beauties. But it wasn't the time to savour their beauty because for now these two ladies were locked in a deadly battle that could shook the world but the array around kept that from happening.

The woman in black continuously threw flame daggers at the lady who was dressed in red. " Raelle Moonasterio Roseheart, do you really think today you can escape from here alive? Hmm? Never! Never! I will kill you today!! You just wait." She said loudly and smiled hideously. Her eyes contains so much hate as if it could drown the whole world in it. The lady in red just smiled and looked at her and easily evaded the incoming attacks.

The woman in black couldn't control her anger when she saw the lady in red looking at her and smiling as if mocking her. "What are you smiling about. Do you think you can kill me? Huhhh? No, you can't.Even though you can harm me but you can't kill me. You also know right? You know very well that nobody can kill me. Nobody has the courage to kill themselves then how could the kill me? I am invincible Roseheart so wile off that damn smile from your face otherwise I'll tear that apart."

Raelle just stood there calmly and called softly, "Sora."

The woman in black named Sora looked at Raelle.

"Why have you become like this. Just because of jealousy you are destroying yourself and everyone. Just why??"

Sora's expression once again became hideous as she shouted with hatred. "Why shouldn't I be jealous. Huhh? Why can't I? What right do you have? Why right do you have to get all the attention. Just because you are more beautiful than me, more talented than me everyone loves you but not me. We got admitted in the sect at the same time but why everyone loved you and not me. We both were her disciples but she favoured you more. Whyyyyyyyy??? It's all your fault. If you weren't there,everyone would have loved and favoured me and not you. It's all your fault. I will never admit that I am inferior to you."

Raelle stared at her for a few seconds and said. "You know the reasons yourself. It's not that they didn't like you or didn't favoured you. It was you who made them not like you. You always compared yourself to me and others. You spread rumours about me or any person you didn't like. There's a limit to someone's talent but you weren't reconciled with that. To surpass me you even went to practice forbidden techniques and magic and when master punished you, you didn't accept your mistake and even shouted at her with disgusting words. You despised everybody who's better than you. You tried to kill me several times just because of your pathetic jealousy. And when you were banished from the sect, you didn't repent. Instead you started to practice forbidden black magic which can destroy the stability of the world. You're pathetic Sora."

Each word stabbed Sora so much that she was shaking. Her eyes were spewing flames of hatred. "Raelle, you don't have any right to say this. I'll kill you today then no one will remember you. Everyone one will remember me, Sora. The Sora who killed The Raelle Moonsterio Roseheart. You can't kill me but I can. So what if you have the great heavenly talent that's seen once in a millennium. Even your talent can't kill me. What's the use of being the daughter of the Heavens when you can't even kill me. I worked so hard just for this one blessing Heavens gave me this blessing. You know Raelle, someone from your family gave me this blessing. You know what's that blessing right? 'That nobody could kill Sora, one had to explode their own body while chanting the Heavenly Destructive Sutra.' "Aren't I invincible. No one would want to destroy themselves just to kill me. Everyone wants to like. You too." After saying this Sora laughed hysterically.

"Yes you are right but it doesn't means that I can't." Raelle replied calmly.

Hearing this, Sora was petrified. "What do you mean?"

Raelle didn't say anything and just smiled. She started chanting Heavenly Destructive Sutra while taking Sora name in between and all the energies of heaven and earth started surrounding Raelle and Sora. Seeing this, Sora's face lost all colour.

At this time, people who were watching the battle far above from the start were stunned. Their minds went blank for a second. They never thought that Raelle would destroy her body to kill Sora. They didn't want this to happen. They hysterically tried to destroy the big array but to no avail.

Right at this moment a huge explosion Resounded.


When they looked down, they just saw flames everywhere and tiny colourful particles flying beyond the horizon.

"Raelleeeeee…" , each and every person present their shouted her name in despair. They felt like couldn't breathe. It was as if someone was stabbing knife in their hearts. They couldn't stop her from taking this stupid step . And even though she took that step, they couldn't save her. Everyone couldn't help but cry.

"Why… why. Heavenly mother, why didn't you save Ellie. You could have saved her heavenly mother.Why didn't you save her." A beautiful woman dressed in blue questioned someone. Everyone else present also wanted to know the answer.

After a while, an ethereal voice of a woman resounded from the void. "Sigh.. Why are you all weeping like someone had died. Your little sister has just gone for a vacation. You don't need to worry."

Huhhhhh?? They couldn't understand uwhat Heavenly mother was talking about.

"Sigh… how could my children be such an idiots. You all know that when Raelle first came here, she was just a soul with no body so I gave her a body but it wasn't her original body. It was just a vessel to keep her soul. After all these years, Raelle became a part of our family just like you all but one thing was missing. Raelle just went to take back that thing. To complete the last step of great godhood, one need their original body to accept the great heavenly lightning. You all have your original body because you were in you original body just like any other person here. But Raelle didn't. So you don't need to worry. She just went to get her body and the rest of her soul back and in the way she might just clear some little pests. She went to her plain, where she was born. It's name is XX800. So if you little sister needs help in anything, just help her. She's playing there anyway. Her remaining soul their had suffered a lot of grievances so if she wants to do something to vent her anger just let her be. You can also go there and play with her but only three at a time. She may stay there for few years. Well a few years is nothing much for us anyway." Slowly Heavenly mother's voice faded.

When everyone heart what their Heavenly mother has said, they became very happy. Nothing had happened to their sister and they can even go and play with her. Hahahah… .

Everyone started discussing that which three would go first.