Awakening (2)

During the whole process in which Raelle was absorbing, her hair and eyes kept changing colours. Her shoulder length hair kept growing and reached her thighs. From pink to golden, then to silver. And her eyes also kept changing colours from pink to violet, then to golden. If anybody saw this, they would think that that they have stepped into a different world.

An insanely beautiful girl. That angelic face, silver hair which flowed from her head like a waterfall and at the end golden and pink specs could also be seen reached her thighs. Even the pajamas can't hide her perfect shaped gorgeous body. The girl was surrounded with thousands of colourful particles.She looked like an etheral fairy that has descended to the mortar world. Just her aura alone was enough to bewitch everyone.

Suddenly a tiny little rose with dark red petals appeared at her wrist. It stayed there for a few minutes and then disappeared. During this process, she has awoken the powers of Inoaden too and just in a few minutes she had mastered it completely from A to Z, even the forbidden techniques and merged it into her Roseheart powers.

Just by looking at this one could see how insane her talents were. It take other people all their life to even master half of it and even a genius would also take at least 30 to 40 years to master it completely but she mastered it fully within a few minutes. If anyone was to know this here, they would surely die from shock.

Unbeknownst to anyone, when Raelle awakened her powers, the whole Inoaden manor was surrounded with thousands of red roses which bloomed from nowhere and after a few minutes disappeared by itself.

After a few hours, every thing was absorbed into her body, veins and soul.

She slowly walked towards the full length mirror looked at it. What came into her view was an otherworldly angelic face and body. Her hair was silver which reached her thighs and at the end golden and pink colour was also visible. Silver hair and and Violet eyes were innate.It indicated that she was Raelle, only Raelle. Nobody knows what and how high her innate talents were except for the Heavens itself. She never got the chance to show her innate talents. The normal power which others have, she also have all of them. Others only have one or two or three or four.Five was the limit but she has all of them which includes Fire,water,frost,wood,earth,metal,wind,thunder and lightning,light ,darkness and space. These powers were already enough so she never had the chance to use her innate talents.Her golden hair and golden eyes indicated the power of Moonsterio and pink hair and pink eyes indicated the power of Roseheart which now also have the powers of Inoaden.

She was 15 now. In the whole Kinsort Empire or in the whole Lime continent, there hasn't been anyone who has awakened their powers before the age of 18.She was the first. It was a very small matter for her but if outsiders were to know, the whole continent would be shocked still by her talent. Awakening powers at the age of 15.It was unheard of. And if they were to know that she mastered the whole Inoaden power within minutes then they would lost all their reason to live.

Satisfied with her appearance, she went to bed. When she first woke up, it was only 6 in the evening and now it was midnight. There was still a few hours before dawn.