Firearm testing

"Listen up maggots, you will each receive ten bullets for each weapon. Weapons range from assault rifles, long guns, short arms, and even shotguns. You will be ranked according to performance."

It took three days for the negotiations to be completed and the various teams to set off from the city.

Afterward, each team had been required to volunteer three of its members for special firearms evaluation. This was not a training exercise but an evaluation.

What's more, the test would be done while everyone watched, meaning that the team that performed well would gain recognition among their peers.

The guy conducting the test was a particularly salty old man who didn't seem to be impressed by anything. His loud booming voice and the permanent sneer on his face made him out to be a strict disciplinarian.

Under his command, even the guild leader could relax knowing that nothing could go wrong.

Njeru, Jamie, and Keshi had been volunteered by Chege. These three were the best shots. It was surprising how quickly Njeru had managed to improve on his shooting abilities under the tutelage of Keshi and her bow.

However, shooting a bow and shooting a firearm were two very different things. Chege was taking a risk picking on Njeru to go forth.

Others in the team felt slightly dissatisfied, but they could say much. Ruitha was particularly indignant, but he could fault anyone. Of all the members in the group, he was the worst shot.

"Do you know how to do this?" A rough man who looked every inch like a sailor asked Njeru as he went to pick up the weapon.

"No clue," Njeru replied honestly.

"Basic instructions. Hold it with two hands to control the recoil. Don't rush the trigger. Oh, and don't forget to relax the gun hand!" With a chuckle, the man gave him a practiced reply as he handed Njeru the gun.

"If you pass the test, I will teach you some more, for now, show me what you got."

"Fellas, interested in losing some money?" A big brutish man approached a group of men seated in what would be the stands of the gun competition.

"Old Fuli wants to bet again, big surprise!" One of the men replied.

"Five gold says Crimson team's Warai will take the day!"

"I say the Crimson team will make quick work of everyone present! Period!"

"Haha, the Crimson guys may be good, but have you seen the new talent from the Gilbadents? I hear he was training with firearms from a very young age!"

"How could someone like that be a dirty adventurer like you? Do you know how much it costs to buy just one firearm?"

"I hear this guy was banished from his home for having relations with a slave. Now he makes a living like the rest of us!"

"Wait, all this is true?"

"Oh please, everyone knows the Gilbadents like to exaggerate the story! Even if he is someone extraordinary, he is no match for the likes of Warai and our team!"

"Ha! Look at this, someone believes in himself too much! What about you Ruitha, do you want in on this action?"

"No thanks, I am running low on funds!" This was followed by a bout of laughter from his peers.

"I guess we now know who's coming in last! Chege all the way!"

"You should have made the bet," Kilem said with a scowl, "Losing is one thing, but not even taking a chance? We will be the laughing stocks!"

"Aren't we?" A very dissatisfied Ruitha muttered as he walked away. He did not want to be a party to what came afterward.

Elsewhere, as the testing was about to get started, Jamie and Keshi were busy taking Njeru through the specifics of each firearm. While they knew the theory, they didn't know much about firing these weapons.

Firearms were by nature too expensive and too risky to own unless one had sufficient clout. Even black market inventors of these firearms would not do so easily.

Guns were considered taboo in general, and severe action was taken on anyone found with a gun.

This was not a decision made on a whim, as centuries ago, guns had almost ended the budding civilizations. Their destructive power made it such that they were a clear and present threat to the rise of humanity.

Therefore, owning guns was limited to a few powerful entities that oversaw everyone else. A better way of putting it was that it's okay to own a gun as long as you had the power to back it up when trouble came calling, as it always did.

Therefore, the guild that was in charge had to have considerable clout to be able to own guns and not face persecution for it. This was a clear indication that some bigwig was involved in one way or another.